Each has its own quirks and play style. Which will you seek glory with first? They are all available after a bit of play. This guide will lay out which will be the best in terms of beginning in the world of Gwent.
5. Northern Realms
Unity in numbers, everyone has a role in the Northern Realms.
Master of the game plan, you and your units will need to strategize, victory is in the details. For those seeking the long round domination with its unit abilities.
What’s good about this deck:
- Its engines can do quite the number on enemy units.
- Many of your starting cards will mix well, the strategy planning stage will be a must.
- Dealing damage will be satisfying as well as watching your numbers rise.
- Tactical Advantage
- Geralt of Rivia
- Nenneke
- Prince Stennis
- Thunderbolt
- Dorregaray of Vole
- Anna Strenger
- Ronvid the Incessant
- Blue Stripes Commando x2
- Siege Tower x2
- Reinforced Trebuchet x2
- Temerian Drummer x2
- Lyrian Arbalest x2
- Tridam Infantry x2
- Ballista x2
- Siege Support x2
- Field Medic x2
4. Nilfgaard
Spying and strengthening their ranks, as well as disarming the enemy.
Flexible deck with the ability to lock more threatening units. Nilfgaard is about its viable and multipurpose soldiers. And having access to damaging units as well as spies strengthens your side.
What’s good about this deck:
- Has the ability to keep opponents guessing.
- Many units in the deck have abilities that work together.
- Strengthening units and locking opponents can come in clutch.
- Tactical Advantage
- Geralt of Rivia
- Sweers
- Treason
- Auckes
- Serrit
- Elder Bear x2
- Impera Brigade x2
- Alzur’s Thunder x2
- Nilfgaardian Knight x2
- Nauzicaa Sergeant x2
- Alba Pikeman x2
- Alba Armored Cavalry x2
- Slave Infantry x2
- Alba Spearman x2
- Emissary x2
3. Scoia’Tael
Humans will feel the wrath of these unique races.
Your nonhuman folk have quite the track record of harmonizing and out doin’ human units. Maneuvering the battlefield to your advantage this starter can definitely grow its units.
What’s good about this deck:
- It’s got fewer complex pieces then the first two.
- But it has all the nonhuman humanoids in it, they also have very good jointed and interlocking skills.
- And these units can buff each other, through skill like Harmony.
- Tactical Advantage
- Geralt of Rivia
- Milaen
- Sheldon Skaggs
- Pavko Gale
- Ida Emean aep Sivney
- Dorregaray of Vole
- Elder Bear
- Incinerating Trap x2
- Vrihedd Dragoon x2
- Mahakam Defender x2
- Mahakam Volunteers x2
- Mahakam Marauder x2
- Vrihedd Officer x2
- Elven Wardancer x2
- Dwarven Agitator x2
- Dwarven Skirmisher x2
2. Skellige
The Giant Boar can fill the power gap in seconds.
Vicious group of marauders and battlers on the high sea at your command. You’ll be dealing damage and possibly hold an ace in your hand, Giant Boar.
What’s good about this deck:
- Fewer strategies to consider.
- And damage is the primary win condition.
- Units work best in dealing and taking damage.
- Tactical Advantage
- Geralt of Rivia
- Svanrige Tuirseach
- Donar an Hindar
- Dorregaray of Vole
- Giant Boar
- Lacerate
- Udalryk an Brokvar
- Freya’s Blessing x2
- Elder Bear x2
- Dimun Light Longship x2
- An Craite Longship x2
- Brokvar Archer x2
- Heymaey Herbalist x2
- Gutting Slash x2
- Heymaey Spearmaiden x2
- Dimun Pirate Captain x2
1. Monsters
Consume your dead and bolster your ranks.
The creatures you may never wish to cross even on a good day. Best thing is they come recommended for newcomers. Easy to handle and where powerful units shine.
What’s good about this deck
- It can units on the field quickly, swarming in other words.
- Units can build power very quickly.
- And death is only the beginning of the fight.
- Tactical Advantage
- Old Speartip: Asleep
- Geralt of Rivia
- Ozzrel
- Thunderbolt
- Lacerate
- Alpha Werewolf
- Abaya
- Ice Giant x2
- Ghoul x2
- Alzur’s Thunder x2
- Celaeno Harpy x2
- Wild Hunt Rider x2
- Harpy Egg x2
- Wild Hunt Navigator x2
- Archespore x2
- Nekker x2
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