[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Political Advisors

The best advisors to use in the game to give yourself a leg up over the opponent
21 May 2023

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at the various political advisors that you can appoint and which ones are the best of the best. Likewise, we’ll dive into what makes this advisor great in their respective fields and do a quick analysis of their capabilities. We won’t be diving into unique political advisors as they are locked to certain nations and paths, though we will include certain political advisors as long as they are available to a good number of playable nations.


Silent Workhorse

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Why this Advisor is Great:

  • There is a huge benefit in stockpiling political power.
  • The 15% bonus is adaptive and can be increased depending on your focus.
  • Is a great starting point as you try to fill every possible position before getting rid of this advisor.

This advisor has only one bonus, but it’s a bonus worth going for in the early game, though not so much in the late game. The +15 percent bonus in political power is vital for generating more PP in order to fill out every possible designer, political advisor, law, and high command slot. So far, this advisor is the only one who can provide a 15% bonus to PP, which makes them a good grab as a first advisor pick.


Popular Figurehead

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Why this Advisor is Great:

  • Boosts stability by 15%.
  • Its stability boost will still work in wars, which lead to higher stability than others.
  • A high degree of stability can impact other areas such as division organization, political power, and factory output.

Much like the silent workhorse advisor type, the Popular Figurehead has only a single bonus, which is +15 percent to stability. Now, this advisor is great to have during wars and if you’re dealing with low stability (due to events in the game or due to your starting position). Late-game, this can probably be replaced, as you should have enough stability and political power accumulated to continuously take the increase stability decision.


Prince of Terror

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Why this Advisor is Great:

  • Reduces damages to garrisons by 25%
  • Affects enemy subversive action efficiency by 30%
  • Provides +2% in non-core manpower

While the name of the political advisor is quite grim, they provide quite a number of benefits to your nation. To start off, the reduction in damage to garrisons helps keep your garrisons well equipped and supplied, which lowers their demand for new equipment. Secondly, the subversive action modifier will do well for you as enemy actions will work less effectively and should result in less damage on your end. Finally, the +2% in non-core manpower is not a lot, but if you control a large chunk of Russia or China, then this modifier would come into effect.


War Industrialist

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Why this Advisor is Great:

  • Boosts military factory, naval dockyard, and fuel silo construction by 10%.
  • It works well in the early and midgame as you look to build more factories.
  • Is a great partner to any other technology and focuses on providing a construction boost.

The War Industrialist, a political advisor, has only a single goal: build as many military factories and naval dockyards as quickly as possible. Their 10% bonus is a small boost, but when combined with other bonuses gained from national focus and construction technology, it can make quite a difference in the speed of construction.


Captain of Industry

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Why this Advisor is Great:

  • Provides bonus construction speed to civilian factories, infrastructure, railways, and synthetic refineries by 10%.
  • It’s great when your focus is building up a civilian economy and maximizing your resources.
  • Bonuses can stack up with other bonuses from focuses, decisions, and leaders.

Building up a strong economy is vital to every nation, as you need to ensure that you’re able to get the resources you need either through imports or by maximizing the infrastructure in your provinces. That’s why this advisor is great to have when your focus has been directed to the civilian industry, as the bonus in speed is underrated but not unappreciated.


Armaments Organizer

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Why this Advisor is Great:

  • Provides a bonus of 20% in transitioning civilian factories to military factories.
  • Increases supply hub construction speed by 10%
  • Great when building supply areas or transitioning from a civilian economy to a war economy

With this advisor, you’re looking at two things: building supply hubs faster and converting civilian factories into military factories at a faster pace. With the former, it’s fairly simple: the more supply hubs you have placed at strategic areas, the better supplied your armies will be, and that will ensure that no debuffs will be placed on your army. For the latter, you’re getting a faster speed in converting, as converting civilian factories is a lot faster to do than building new military factories. If you have a large civilian economy (thanks to your early game builds or your economy laws), this method is better for ramping up your war economy.


Party Fanatic

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Why this Advisor is Great:

  • Provides daily support for said party by 0.10
  • The additional party popularity will increase stability.
  • Great when trying to force a coup or make another party the ruling party as soon as possible.

With this advisor, I like to think of them as both for practical and role-playing purposes. Practical because the increase in party popularity directly affects both stability and political power gain, so having a high party popularity will only be beneficial for you. Role-playing, because if you wish to switch the ruling party immediately without encountering any devastating civil wars.


Ideological Crusader

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Why this Advisor is Great:

  • Provides a boost with nations having the same ideology.
  • Gives an additional 10% of party popularity stability.
  • Good for maintaining diplomacy and stability.

While the increase in opinion among countries with similar ideologies is welcome, the jewel of this advisor is the party's popularity and stability. Having more stability is never a bad thing, though ultimately, this advisor is pretty much outclassed by other, better advisors.


Illusive Gentleman

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Why this Advisor is Great:

  • Provides an additional operator slot.
  • Decreases agency upgrade time by 15%
  • It’s great to have when doing an espionage-heavy game

Now the reason why this political advisor is low is because not everyone wants to play an espionage game. But in the event you do so, the Illusive Gentleman is a must have as the additional operator slots allow for you to do more operations, and the agency upgrade time reduction will allow for you to max out your agency as soon as possible.


Quartermaster General

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Why this Design is Great:

  • 15% increase in construction speed for air bases, naval bases, radar stations, rocket sites, and nuclear reactors
  • It’s actually great to have in the late game as the nuclear reactor speed boost is key.
  • Very useful in certain scenarios, like when you’re preparing to dominate the seas by having bombers everywhere or when you’ve just landed on enemy shores without any docks taken.

The last political advisor we’re getting is the quartermaster general. As mentioned above, this pick is not too shabby in the late game, but in the early game, you’d be better off focusing on your factories in order to build a strong economy. Still, certain scenarios can easily justify this political advisor making it into the top five, so to speak. It’s just highly dependent on the needs of the scenario.

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