Click on each image to see a youtube video of that cutscene.
15. Night View Of Hogwarts (Early Gameplay)
Werewolf Moon Over Hogwarts
You and Professor Fig are arriving late to Hogwarts. The full moon lighting creates an impressive first view of Hogwarts and shows you how detailed this game is really going to be. It’s your first view of how big the castle is and makes you excited to get started on your adventure.
From an aerial view, you are leaving the forest and nearing the lake. You fly through the opening in the trees and approach the castle. It’s dark and many of the castle lights are on.
When you leave the forest you travel through clouds and as you get closer to Hogwarts the clouds suddenly disappear. It’s as if the castle is encased by a dome of clouds.
Night View Of Hogwarts: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxCpQ5klhaP6tkSs5JrJSUmdVqPTF32uJT
14. Daytime View Of The Castle Grounds (Early Gameplay)
Quidditch Dreams
This is your first time leaving the castle since you arrived at Hogwarts. The view of the courtyard and surrounding mountainside gives you your first view demonstrating that Hogwarts is so much more than just a castle. It makes you believe that the possibilities are endless.
You are headed to Hogsmeade and must first pass through the courtyard. Sadly Quidditch is canceled but you can still go on the field and dare to dream.
Someone should start an email campaign to turn Hogwarts Legacy into a MMORPG like World of Warcraft. Quidditch would make an excellent monthly tournament. It would also be an awesome esport.
Daytime View Of Castle Grounds: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx8CjllddYRp5EKjc4JYFXQyalONGv5ZbH
13. Map Chamber (Mid Gameplay)
Hogwarts In Pointillism
You were able to activate the map chamber. The use of pointillism (use of tiny dots to make a picture) to create the map is striking. It has a luminescent effect. A very unique map.
The ancient magic lights up a stand which indicates you should put the book on it. Magic swirls around the book and spreads out in front of you. The swirls turn into tiny points of light. Those points come together to form a map of Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the surrounding area.
One of the best gifts to give a Hogwarts fan would be a replica of this map. It could be in the shape of a book and when you open it there would be a blank screen. The blank screen would replicate what happened on the floor of the Map Chamber. Too bad they haven’t created it yet.
Map Chamber: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxaabHuP5EIf_OmgxNVCytMrK-v6xVRGGj
12. Drought To Rain (Early Gameplay)
It's A Miracle
The wizards and witch come across a small town nearly destroyed by a drought. This scene shows you how wizard kind can make a real impact on the world around them. For better or for worse, who’s to say.
You get a panoramic view of a small town ravaged by drought. A close up on a father and two small children trying to get water out of a dry well decides the matter. The wizard casts a spell towards the sky and the rain starts to fall. Flowers start to bloom and the grass begins to grow. Within a minute the once dry and barren land is now fertile.
Wizards ending every drought isn’t necessarily a good thing. Some plants and animals need the drier climate to thrive. Desert animals in particular.
Drought To Rain: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxIRC9FzHSGYL1dDFLTma4GiqwfYVNsNP5
11. Troll Attack (Early Gameplay)
Bye Bye Troll
This is your first fight against a troll. The troll is well designed graphically and if you have the game on the hardest setting then you won’t be disappointed by the fight.
Some loud noises from behind the buildings draws your attention away from your conversation. A large troll comes out and the grownups lead it away from the village. Then another troll smashes right through the building in front of you. With careful dodging and your ancient magic, you manage to destroy the troll.
If you can master the dodge then this troll shouldn’t give you too much trouble even on the hardest setting. It’s a great “practice monster”.
Troll Attack: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxPB3Rl5KZCBkBkc_IRCalPhmwu6jnU4jA
10. Rescue Highwing The Hippogryph (Mid Gameplay)
Escaping Avada Kedavra
You want to free Highwing the Hippogryph. You will see a beautiful light show from the attacking wizards and Natsai being dropped onto another hippogryph is perfectly timed.
You and Natsai try to rush through the closing doors but you are unable to make it. You find another way up to the rooftop, climb onto Highwing, and Natsai performs alohamora to unlock the shackles. Natsai freezes and is unable to climb on a hippogryph so Highwing grabs her in his talons. A few seconds into the escape, Highwing drops Natsai onto the other hippogryph and you both escape.
An escape reminiscent of Harry, Ron, and Hermione escaping Gringotts on the back of a dragon.
Rescue Highwing the Hippogryph: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxvc3doA_yd4gAt_xccGcmd7J1fHmJbqq4
9. Return The Dragon Egg (Mid Gameplay)
Mama Is Coming Up Behind You
You must return the dragon’s egg. The quest is noble and you get up close with a dragon. Everyone’s greatest dream come true, right?
You have discovered where the dragon is hiding. You put the egg down not knowing that the dragon is coming up behind you. She lands almost on top of you and roars a great warning. She sniffs you and decides that you are ok. Your friend is a couple of inches away from petting a dragon! At the last second the dragon pulls away and grabs her egg. Then she flies away over the snow capped mountains.
The dragon egg is blue. I wonder if that is a reference to Saphira’s blue egg in the Eragon books.
Return The Dragon Egg: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxWpdZUGXw49P9FiPInaSIldMAhZeX04m7
8. Battle With Rookwood (Late Gameplay)
Avada Kedavra
This is your long awaited battle with Rookwood. Victory is sweet and Victor Rookwood is no more.
You and Rookwood are alone in Hogsmeade outside of Ollivander’s Wand Shop. Someone sneaks up behind you and forces you to apparate to an isolated mountain ruin. Rookwood attacks you with Avada Kedavra a few times but eventually you prevail.
This is yet another reference to Harry Potter. The fight between you and Rookwood is very similar to the fight between Harry Potter and Voldemort in the old graveyard.
Battle With Rookwood: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxkyQSq0P-96R_xrjl2JbnlhJOdWBuF5zD
7. Thestrals Appear (Early Gameplay)
Escaping The Dragon With A Key
You see the ancient magic for the first time and you discover that some animals only appear visible if you have seen death. Thestrals appear after George is dead. It’s nice to see this piece of Wizarding World lore in action. An unsettling visual. The dragon almost eats you too.
Professor Fig’s wife, Miriam, gave George a puzzle box. You are able to see swirls of magic on the box and it opens for you. Inside you find a key. Then the dragon attacks your carriage. George dies and the thestrals appear. You are told to jump from the carriage just before the dragon attacks again. The puzzle box is falling and the key slips out of it. Professor Fig tells you to grab his hand and then he uses Accio on the key. The key is a portkey and takes you away just before the dragon eats you.
If you didn’t know about thestrals before this scene then you might not realize the significance of them appearing. This is a fun reference for us true Wizarding World fans.
Thestrals Appear: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx8AXnLOazwYREHJOTO-cFAS8hxmnXGIOh
6. Final View Of Hogwarts (Late Gameplay)
My Dream Home
The adventure is over. You can see the whomping willow and the greenhouses. An excellent final scene. Very nostalgic.
A panoramic areal view starting with the whomping willow and continuing towards the castle. You can see the lake, the greenhouses, and the courtyard. There are blue skies and birds flying among the clouds.
A very scenic and nostalgic way to end the adventure. Makes me wish Hogwarts was real. How about you? I do wonder what that beehive-like item hanging from the tree is.
Final View Of Hogwarts: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxUIEL1V6GC9Uv6wgQnks8Xb0QXF8qYgRX
5. Free The Dragon (Mid Gameplay)
Are We Friends Now?
You are freeing the dragon from the fighting ring. The dragon not eating you shows that dragons don’t kill everything and it shows that they understand more than we think they do. The bad guys that enslave the “animals” getting what they deserve is a big win.
The executioners are about to attack you when the dragon finishes breaking free of her chains. She eats one and then sets fire to the rest. You burn a hole in the ceiling with incendio to allow the dragon a way out.
At the time you thought that that was the closest you would ever get to a dragon. You were wrong.
Free The Dragon: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxY2ANFKCQdIpfhKP3T0B5kKba-q_8rNmQ
4. Ranrok Dragon (Late Gameplay)
Ranrok No More
This is your final fight. The special effects are epic and a fitting way to end your fighting. A dragon worthy of being the final boss.
You begin your final fight with Ranrok the Dragon. Using all the spells and dodging you have learned and practiced, you can defeat Ranrok.
A great battle that you are almost sorry to win because that means the adventure is over. I recommend playing on the hardest level for a real challenge.
Ranrok Dragon: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxYoMcQterd-nce20idYxUVpsNuPiULC1A
3. Centaurs (Late Gameplay)
Friend Or Foe? That Is The Question.
You go into the forest to seek the help of the centaurs. The perfect blend of being mean and being friendly. Well done on the blending of human and horse.
The centaurs are not happy you are in their forest. They think you are there just to be able to tell your friends you talked to centaurs and they talked back. The centaurs point their arrows at you and take aim. Dorran, the centaur, says it is not their way to harm the young. He knows we didn’t hurt anyone and says we can leave the forest unharmed.
Of all the creatures in the wizarding world, centaurs are on my top 5 list of creatures I would want to meet. Although, I don’t think they would appreciate being referred to as creatures.
Centaurs: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxe_ualvf6TLNmWAccCSKFiXD3fjP2iCWA
2. Professor Fig Dies (Late Gameplay)
May He Rest With Miriam Now
Professor Fig is dying. The tug on the emotional heartstrings is strong here. To have a main character die at the end is a bit shocking.
It’s over. You find Professor Fig lying on the ground gasping painfully. You give Professor Fig the wand that belonged to his wife Miriam. Professor Fig says that Miriam would have loved you. Then as he takes his last few breaths, Professor Fig says the wizarding world could not be in better hands. Professor Fig has exhaled for the last time. Your friend and mentor is dead.
The surprise of Professor Fig’s death reminds me of how surprised I was when Sirius Black was killed. There have been a few surprising deaths in the wizarding world including the two mentioned above, Dumbledore, and the fact that both Lupin and Tongs were killed. I thought for sure one of them would survive.
Professor Fig Dies: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxwSAxofOiQSWak5iiH3CFSahZOjGIcrvd
1. Ranrok’s Transformation (Late Gameplay)
Goblin Into Dragon
Ranrok the Goblin transforms into a dragon. I didn’t see that one coming. I thought maybe he would be controlling a dragon. A surprise in the end game was nice.
Ranrok tells you that if Miriam had just handed over the container this (all the trouble) could have been avoided. Ranrok insults Miriam and Professor Fig attacks him. Ranrok easily deflects the spell and shoots a spell of his own right past you into a mysterious ball. Ranrok then transforms into a dragon.
I learned a few things from this cutscene. The biggest being goblins have a better command of magic than I realized.
Ranrok's Transformation: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxDMHluwRoqThQSBO_jg42jFz5-coFV0Cc
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