This article will go over the houses available in Hogwarts Legacy and the benefits of each house. As you may know, there are four houses in Harry Potter: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. These houses represent a trait, and it will determine your companion as well as the colors you will be representing during your time at Hogwarts. There will be no chances to swap afterwards, so you need to make sure you’re happy with what you pick. Without further ado, let’s jump right in!
4. Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw represents intelligence, wit, and wisdom. It’s the house that values knowledge and logic; if you like puzzles (and there are a ton of those in Hogwarts), then maybe this is the house for you!
The house commons room is essentially an aesthetically pleasing area where you and other students can relax—it’s essentially the place where you are supposed to do homework, sleep, and other out of class activities. It doesn’t have any practical use, and they all serve the same function, so it’s essentially only for aesthetics.
Reasons for picking Ravenclaw:
- If you are a fan of the Ravenclaw colors – which features elegant Blue and bronze then this is your house! House colors are exclusive to each house, so you won’t be able to wear a yellow, green, or red Hogwarts outfit. Keep in mind that there are standard outfits with different colors that you will still encounter by playing any of the houses, so if the alternative non-Hogwarts outfits are more your style, then you won’t need to be too concerned about the house colors.
- You get access to the unique quest "Ollivander’s Heirloom," where you head to the Wand shop in Hogsmeade. You will then head to the Owlery, which isn’t an exciting place to be because it’s just the tower that houses owls. The major difference between each house lies in the unique quest that it offers, and this one is the least exciting out of the four houses.
- The door to the commons room features an eagle that moves when you get close—it looks pretty but... is not as magical as the other entrances. Disappointing would be going too far, but it definitely did leave me wanting for more.
3. Slytherin
Slytherin represents ambition, pride, and determination. It’s the house that’s depicted as evil—doing whatever it takes to get it done, even if it means crossing lines like meddling with dark magic.
The house commons room features cooler colors and colder lighting, as if portraying something sinister lurking in the shadows. The room is filled with stone pillars, and the room is actually underwater. In the Harry Potter series, Slytherin is the evil house—the one always up to no good. Essentially, it’s still the same here in Hogwarts’s Legacy as the only way to learn the curses; the dark magic is from Sebastian Sallow, the companion character from Slytherin.
Reasons for picking Slytherin:
- You are a fan of the Slytherin colors, which feature green and silver. House colors are exclusive to each house, so you won’t be able to wear a yellow, red, or blue Hogwarts outfit. Keep in mind that there are alternative non-Hogwarts outfits (and they are plenty fine), so you won’t need to be too concerned about the house colors.
- You will get access to the unique quest "Scrope’s Last Hope"; it’s a quest that has you setting out to find a ring, but it doesn’t build on any plotline very well and doesn’t really add to the experience. It does offer some combat, so there’s some fun to be had with this one.
- The door to the Slytherin common room is the best one (in my opinion). It features a snake slithering and revealing an invisible door, which is absolutely magical and fits Hogwarts very well.
2. Gryffindor
Gryffindor represents bravery, chivalry, courage, and determination. It’s the house that the main characters of Harry Potter are in, so if you’re looking to role-play or get hands-on experience as one of the main characters from the franchise, this is the house for you.
The house features nicely lit rooms and warm-looking colors. It’s the house of the main characters from the Harry Potter series, so it’s the good guys' house. This house is for those who are righteous and welcoming—no bullies here!
Reasons for picking Gryffindor:
- If you are a fan of the Gryffindor colors—more specifically, red with yellow highlights—then this is the house for you. House colors are exclusive to each house, so you won’t be able to wear a yellow, green, or blue Hogwarts outfit. Keep in mind that there are other outfits found in the wild, and they’re pretty jazzy too, so there’s no reason to pick a house just for the house colors!
- Gryffindor has a unique quest called "The Hunt for the Missing Pages"—it’s a spooky adventure where you venture into a graveyard to uncover secrets, and there are a few homages to the location and events from the Harry Potter books. This unique quest is pretty fun, and if it hasn’t been clear, the unique quest determines the best house to pick!
- The entrance to the Gryffindor door is a moving portrait; if that sounds cool to you, then maybe this is the house for you (maybe?)
1. Hufflepuff
Hufflepuff represents loyalty, justice, modesty, and friendship. It’s the house that’s welcoming and friendly—you can tell if someone comes from Hufflepuff!
The house features rustic, earthy colors; it’s a very nature-centric common room. With plants and wooden furniture everywhere, it’s a very relaxing environment. For those that love animals and nature and want to represent, this is the house for you!
Reasons for picking Hufflepuff:
- If you are a fan of the Hufflepuff colors, which are yellow and black, then this is the house for you. House colors are exclusive to each house, so you won’t be able to wear a red, green, or blue Hogwarts outfit. There are other outfits available though, so you’ll never be lacking something to dress for the opportunity!
- Hufflepuff’s unique quest is "Prisoner of Love," and it is arguably the best unique quest in Hogwarts Legacy. You go on a detective adventure to uncover the mysteries of a murder – the quest eventually brings you to the prison of Azkaban because it lets you visit a completely new area which no other house gets to visit!
- The entrance to the Hufflepuff is a beer keg in a cellar—I think that’s all that needs to be said; it’s pretty awesome.
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