[Top 5] Mechwarrior 5 Best Banshees

22 Jan 2024

[Top 5] Mechwarrior 5 Best Banshees

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The Banshee is a gorilla of a ‘Mech.

You know, guys, it really does make one happy when a universe like Battletech can survive this long and still come out with games like Mechwarrior 5: Mercs since these games offer newcomers the chance to know more about the universe, lore and of course, the many battlemechs of Battletech.  

Take the Banshee, for instance.  Being one of the oldest battlemech designs, the Banshee has quite a storied past.  Unlike the Atlas, it was designed as a close range assault unit in a time when ‘Mechs were still new to the battlefield.  Sporting a large engine and tons of armor, the Banshee was relatively fast & sturdy for a ‘Mech its size.  Sadly, that engine & all that armor left little room for weapons, resulting in the Banshee becoming notoriously outgunned even by lighter ‘Mechs like the Rifleman.  

After a long while, the subpar Banshee became a full fledged assault ‘Mech when House Davion a.k.a. The Federated Suns vastly improved on the original Banshee’s design.  That is why the Banshee in Mechwarrior 5 is a juggernaut that’s bristling with weapons and is a pain to take down. It’s perfect for missions that require players to destroy everything and anything.  

As with other battlemechs in Mechwarrior 5: Mercs, the Banshee has spawned several variants, all with differing loadouts and equipment.  So in the interest of big stompy robot gaming, here’s a short list of the 5 best Banshee models in Mechwarrior 5.


5.  Banshee BNC-2P

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As if its fists weren’t enough, the 2P also has a katana.


  • Weight:  95 tons
  • Armor:  480/598
  • Structure:  299
  • Free Tonnage:  18.82 tons
  • Speed:  64.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout: 1 Assault Katana (Right Arm), 1 PPC (Right Torso), 1 Small Laser (Head), 3 Medium Lasers (Left Torso)

It’s impossible to ignore a hulking Banshee armed with an assault katana charging straight at you.  Make no mistake, this thing will destroy anything in melee range.  And on the off chance enemies try to stay away, the 2P still has its ranged weapons to fall back on.


  • The 2P’s weapon loadout doesn’t need ammo, making it ideal for prolonged engagements.
  • Its huge assault katana can take down most enemies with just a few swings.
  • Has enough ranged weaponry to hold its own against faster, more mobile opponents.

Recommended Playstyle:

The 2P is designed to finish off enemies at close range after softening them up with its lasers.  The PPC is great for kiting hostile units at long range.  Drop the small laser for more armor and try to get within melee range as soon as possible.  That’s where this Banshee will do most damage.  

The katana-wielding 2P is only available through the Call to Arms DLC.  Players have a higher chance of buying it at Periphery industrial hubs as a rare ‘Mech when they reach the year 3026.  Save.  Reload if a different rare ‘Mech shows up.


4. Banshee BNC-3P

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The 3P is the laser boat Banshee.


  • Weight:  95 tons
  • Armor:  464/598
  • Structure:  299
  • Free Tonnage:  18.82 tons
  • Speed:  64.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout: 1 Large Chem Laser (Right Torso), 1 Medium Chem Laser & 1 Medium Laser (Right Torso), 1 Small Laser (Head), 2 Medium Chem Lasers & 1 Medium Laser (Left Torso)

This Banshee variant has an all energy-based loadout.  Out of the box, its chem lasers don’t generate as much heat with only a slight drop in damage compared to standard lasers.  That said, the 3P is a decent mid range brawler that’s also capable of short bursts of speed.  


  • All of its weapons are located in the torso, ensuring the 3P can continue the fight even when both its arms and a leg are gone.
  • Equipped with a supercharger that can temporarily increase its speed.  
  • Has 6 laser slots that can mount energy weapons that don’t require ammo, significantly increasing usefulness in the field.

Recommended Playstyle:

While chem lasers have an increased rate of fire, they require ammo.  It’s better to swap those out for a set of 1 PPC and 5 medium short burst lasers.  Use the extra space from the removed chem ammo for double heat sinks.  A lot of them since having an all energy-based loadout will make this ‘Mech run hot.

Players can buy this Banshee very early in the game (around 3015) if they have the Heroes of the Inner Sphere DLC.  Depending on RNG, industrial hubs in the Periphery systems will sell this as a rare ‘Mech.  It can also be taken as salvage when players take contracts against Independents or Outlaws like pirates.  


3. Banshee BNC-3S

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That right torso is packed with weapons.


  • Weight:  95 tons
  • Armor:  480/598
  • Structure:  299
  • Free Tonnage:  44.32 tons
  • Speed:  48.6 km/h
  • Standard Loadout: 1 PPC & 4 Medium Lasers (Right Torso), 1 SRM 6 (Right Torso), 1 Small Laser (Head), 1 Small Laser (Center Torso), 1 AC/10 (Left Torso), 1 PPC (Left Arm)

The BNC-3S is without a doubt, the best non hero Banshee model.  It might be slow, but it has staggering firepower that makes the 3S deadly at any range.  This Banshee variant is perfect for missions that prioritize destruction over speed.  


  • Armed with 2 PPCs, the 3S is able to inflict significant damage at long range.
  • Most of its weapons are located in the torso, making the 3S a pretty good zombie ‘Mech that can fight despite losing both arms & a leg.
  • Has a medium ballistic slot that can use an LBX/10 autocannon that can shred an enemy’s armor quickly if paired with the 3S’s SRM 6.

Recommended Playstyle:

The 3S has weapons to deal with enemies from all ranges.  Use its PPCs to soften up hostile ‘Mechs from a distance.  Its other weapons can be fired in sequence until the opponent is dead.  Drop the small laser and add armor instead.  With an LBX/10 and dual PPCs, those 4 medium lasers may already seem like overkill.  Players can choose to swap them out for double heat sinks if they find themselves overheating often.

The Banshee 3S will start showing up for sale more often in Lyran industrial hubs when players reach 3026.  Look for systems in hubs that have the rare ‘Mech icon.  Scum save before heading out to one & reload when required.


2. La Malinche BNC-LM

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Unlike other variants, the LM’s right torso isn’t full of guns.


  • Weight:  95 tons
  • Armor:  560/598
  • Structure:  299 Endosteel
  • Free Tonnage:  43.82 tons
  • Speed:  64.8 km/h XL
  • Standard Loadout: 1 Large Pulse Laser (Right Arm), 1 LRM 15 (Right Torso), Small Pulse Laser (Head), 1 AC/10 & 1 Medium Pulse Laser (Left Torso), 1 PPC (Left Arm)

La Malinche is the only Banshee that comes with pulse lasers out of the box.  And unlike the other hero Banshee, LM unlocks much sooner.  It can also deal more damage than its other non hero brothers and can be used in most missions that require an assault ‘Mech to fulfill more than one role on the field.


  • Pulse Lasers deal better damage than standard lasers, increasing the LM’s DPS output.
  • 6 double heat sinks that vent excess heat quickly.
  • Has the thickest armor out of all the Banshee variants.

Recommended Playstyle:

With heavy armor and pulse lasers, La Malinche is a great frontline assault ‘Mech.  Trade the small laser & AC/10 for more armor and an LBX/10.  LM is a pretty straightforward ‘Mech. Get within medium distance & unload your weapons on the enemy.  Keep an eye on incoming damage to your arms, too.  Losing both arms significantly decreases your DPS since its best weapons are located there.

La Malinche can be bought in industrial hubs when players reach the year 3019.  The hubs near Terra are where I got this big boy but since its spawn rate is entirely dependent on RNG, it can appear anywhere.  Your best bet is saving before going to a hub system with a hero ‘Mech icon then reloading if a different hero appears on sale.


1. Siren BNC-SR

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Siren is the only Banshee with jump jets.


  • Weight:  95 tons
  • Armor:  480/598
  • Structure:  299
  • Free Tonnage:  39.32 tons
  • Speed:  64.8 km/h XL
  • Standard Loadout: 1 SRM 4 (Right Arm), 1 ER PPC (Right Torso), 1 LBX/10-CLU (Left Torso), 1 ER PPC & 2 Medium Lasers (Left Arm)

The best Banshee variant hands down due to the fact that it comes with advanced weapons by default.  Siren’s weapon loadout is optimized to take out hostile units from any range.  And since this ‘Mech doesn’t require any DLC to get, it’s only a matter of time before players obtain this monster in the game.


  • Has 4 double heat sinks to cool the ‘Mech faster.
  • 4 jump jets & a top speed of 64.8 km/h makes Siren an agile assault ‘Mech.
  • Dual ER PPCs enable Siren to deal heavy damage from a significantly long range.

Recommended Playstyle:

Siren is best used as a long to mid range brawler.  Its 2 ER PPCs can be used to snipe enemies from afar while the LBX/10 is a shotgun that can be used at closer ranges to quickly deplete an enemy’s armor.  Aim at a hostile ‘Mech’s head & chances are, it will go down in a few shots, especially if equipped with a solid slug LBX/10.  The SRM 4 is optional and can be replaced with more double heat sinks.

The BNC-SR has a higher chance of appearing in Lyran controlled space.  Travel to their industrial hubs when the year hits 3047 and save before going to a hub system with the skull icon above it.  Reload if a different rare ‘Mech shows up.


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The Atlas is arguably the most famous assault ‘Mech.  

The Banshee may not be as imposing and famous as the Atlas, but it definitely can get the job done regardless.  Unlike the Atlas, the Banshee is 5 tons lighter, faster and has enough weapons to hold its own against most opponents.  Players, both newbies and veterans, will find the Banshee to be a fun ‘Mech to pilot.  


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