What separates a veteran hunter from the best hunter? Time. Specifically, hunting time.
Within the Monster Hunter community exists a few elite hunters that play the game in a different way than we average players do. Speedrunners.
Speedrunners hunt monsters in the fastest time possible, meaning they have to be perfect in every form. To be a speedrunner, you have to be flawless. There must be no wasted action and most of all, your chosen weapon must be perfectly optimized.
Unfortunately, not all weapons are created equal. Some are definitely better than others, but luckily for you this is a list of the ten best weapons for speedruns!
10. Insect Glaive
One thing that makes this weapon so unique is its ability to stay in the air as though the floor were lava. It is also why it’s so difficult to master.
The insect glaive is fast and possesses a long reach, this is true even when you are on the ground.
This weapon may not be at the top of the list, but the Insect Glaive is definitely a force to be reckoned with.
What makes the Insect Glaive best for speedruns:
- Long-range for a melee weapon.
- Fast attacks.
- Excellent mobility.
9. Dual Blades
Out of all the weapons in Monster Hunter, the dual blades push the fastest pace of action. With this weapon you will constantly be right in the monster's face, giving them a load of pain.
The dual blades also have access to archdemon mode with the press of a button. Archdemon mode allows dual-blade users to attack faster and deal more damage in exchange for steady stamina depletion.
In terms of difficulty, the dual blades are definitely one of the easiest weapons to get in the speedrunning scene with.
What makes the Dual Blades best for speedruns:
- Fast attack speed.
- Good mobility.
- High DPS.
8. Charge Blade
Versatility is one of the charged blade’s greatest strengths.
With this weapon, you will have the ability to switch between quick and decisive cuts, with the sword and shield mode, to inflicting pure destruction with the axe mode. This is all while having the ability to completely negate damage with guard points.
With such versatility, there is no question why the charge blade lands a spot on this list.
What makes the Charge Blade best for speedruns:
- Excellent versatility.
- Excellent defense with guard points.
7. Sword and Shield
Often the sword and shield is recommended to those starting for its ability to do quick and effective attacks. It is also the only weapon that allows for the hunter to use items while their weapon is drawn.
The sword and shield also provide great utility, being that it is capable of doing both slashing and blunt damage. This means you can both cut monster parts with your sword and stun them with shield bashes.
Of course, having a shield means you can block incoming attacks. In Monster Hunter Rise, the sword and shield has gained the ability to use guard points.
If you find other weapons too sluggish and you want the ability to cut and stun, give this weapon a try.
What makes the Sword and Shield best for speedruns:
- Beginner-friendly.
- Mix of cutting and blunt damage.
- Quick attacks.
6. Switch Axe
The concept of a weapon that switches between two modes might sound too complicated, but in truth switching between axe and sword can all be accomplished with a single press of a button.
Another reason why you should start with the switch axe is its animations. Everything about this weapon is fast, and beginners can even get away with mashing buttons. Fast animations mean dodging monster attacks is easier.
An important thing to remember is the axe is fast, whilst the sword is slower.
What makes the Switch Axe best for speedruns:
- Powerful attacks
- Long-range for a melee weapon.
- Fast animations.
5. Great Sword
The concept of a weapon that switches between two modes might sound too complicated, but in truth switching between axe and sword can all be accomplished with a single press of a button.
Another reason why you should use the switch axe is its animations. Everything about this weapon is fast, and beginners can even get away with mashing buttons. Fast animations mean dodging monster attacks is easier.
An important thing to remember is the axe is fast, whilst the sword is slower.
What makes the Switch Axe best for speedruns:
- Powerful attacks.
- Long-range for a melee weapon.
- Fast animations.
4. Longsword
How easy is it though? Fairly easy. Some mechanics make this weapon stand out and hard to master, but the very basics of the long sword are pretty simple to comprehend.
Hitting a monster with the long sword will grant you charges to what is called the ‘spirit gauge.’ You can use spirit gauge charges to perform a combo that will increase your ‘spirit level.’ There are three spirit levels and each level increases the overall damage you do.
The long sword possesses excellent reach and the ability to reposition itself in a bind. More advanced users of this weapon also can counter monster attacks and instantly gain a spirit level.
If you still aren’t convinced, just search the internet for a montage of longsword counters.
What makes the Long Sword best for speedruns:
- Long reach.
- Good mobility.
- Counters.
3. Heavy Bowgun
The easiest way to kill a monster is to hit it. No duh, but with such complex monster AI in this game, hitting a monster isn’t always the easiest thing. Which is why in speedrun tierlists, long range weapons completely own.
The slowest among the speedrunning long ranged weapons is, unironically, the heavy bowgun.
The heavy bowgun deals the most raw damage among the long ranged weapons, unfortunately it is very immobile and sluggish. It does have a lot of good aspects to it, but raw power just isn’t enough.
What makes the Heavy Bowgun best for speedruns:
- Long ranged.
- High raw damage.
- Easy to use.
2. Light Bowgun
You can also use a variety of ammo types which provide an insane amount of utility to this weapon. Need to cut a tail? Switch to slicing ammo. Want to break off a horn? Sticky ammo has got you covered. Need I say more?
What makes the Light Bowgun best for speedruns:
- High mobility.
- Ammo type variation.
- Long ranged.
1. Bow
Bows in Monster Hunter come in three types: Pierce bows, Spread bows, and Rapid bows.
Pierce type bows allow a hunter to stay as far as possible from the monster, using range as their ally.
Spread type bows are the ‘shotgun’ of the bow family. The closer you are, the more damage your arrows will do. This will generally deal the most damage, but be careful not to miss.
Rapid type bows are a safe middle between the two. Rapid bows are also the fastest firing type of bows.
Whichever type of bow you choose to go with, know that there is no mistake choosing this weapon.
What makes the Bow best for speedruns:
- Farthest range in the game.
- High mobility.
- Fast animations.