If you’re a fan of Mortal Kombat then you know about the signature moves opponents can use to obliterate their opponents. Throughout years of gameplay these moves have varied from friendly gestures such as, “friendships” to more gory themed interactions like, “fatalities”.
In this article I will be talking about none other than brutalities, which were brought back in Mortal Kombat X and have been given a juicy update in the latest installment “Mortal Kombat 11”. Brutalities are instant kills to an opponent and another option to a fatality. These kills can vary between extended combos, to explosive, bone shattering cut scenes. So without further ado, here are the top 15 brutalities (no order) in Mortal Kombat 11 and what makes them so awesome!
#15. Demons Blood- Scorpion
This brutality really hits home for Scorpion fans. In this brutality Scorpion wraps his the spear around the opponent's head and pulls it out with the spine attached! Not to mention the players has u have to perform a,do a “mercy” and the Wrath Kombo attack to trigger it.
Above: Raiden God of Thunder using Jo Push special move to execute his, “Pushing Through” brutality
#14. Pushing Through- Raiden
What’s not to love about this brutality? A player must perform a three hit combo that must end in Raidens Jo Push special move and it splits the opponent right in half! It even shows the extremities in a few frames as the corpse hits the ground.
Above: Another Raiden brutality, “Zap Zap” with amazing visuals
#13. Zap Zap- Raiden
Another amazing brutality in Raiden’s arsenal. This must come from a forward throw as a last hit and once activated rapidly tapping front and back punch during throw. Raiden then shocks the player completely obliterating them as they explode into thousands of pieces!
#12. Insert Koin- Lui Kang
A nostalgic- type brutality! This brutality causes a classic Mortal Kombat arcade cabinet (Shaolin Monks) to fall on top of the opponent completely destroying them. Nice!
Above: Classic “Shaolin Monks” Mortal Kombat arcade cabinet
#11. Fly By- Lui Kang
In order to do this brutality move a player must perform 10 flying kicks throughout the match and the final blow must also be from a flying kick. It might seem a little tedious but, the payoff is worth it when Lui flies right through the opponent!
Above: Mortal Kombat champion Lui Kang graphic character image
#10. Not Holding Back- Kung Lao
Well this is exactly what Mortal Kombat is all about. In this brutality, Kung Lao pumbles the opponent repeatedly with no remorse which then leads to a broken neck and a huge hospital bill.
Above: Kung Lao standing victorious after performing his, “Not Holding Backing” brutality.
#9. Bad Buzz- Kung Lao
For this brutality the first hit must come from a forward throw and you cannot lose a round. The player must also hold forward during the hit. What’s the reward? Oh, nothing, just using Kung Lao’s ridiculously sharp hat to cut the other player clean in half.
Above: A list of Kung Lao brutalities and an hd graphic of one of Kung Lao Kombat skin variants
#8. Look What I Found- Kano
Above: Blood splattering after Kano’s, “Look What I Found” brutality, while holding the opponents exoskeleton. Sweet!
Here’s another amazing brutality where Kano jumps on the opponent with a devastating elbow drop and ends off the gory finisher by ripping the players exoskeleton right out of their back!
Above: One of Johnny Cage's many Kombat skin variants along with a list of his brutalities
#7. Say Uncle- Johnny Cage
Another extended combo finisher you just wouldn’t want to miss. The opponent’s face gets beaten to a pulp and then Cage rips off the players head. What more could one want?
Above: HD image of Jax Briggs as he prepares for Kombat
#6. Pounded- Jax Briggs
Can’t forget about Jax when talking brutal. This brutality lets Jax smash his opponents face in and then, he smashes the player’s head between his hands like it was an orange.
Above: Jade seen performing overkill with her, “What Would Mileena Do?” brutality
#5. What Would Mileena Do?- Jade
One of my personal favorites and probably the most graphic extended combo finishers in MK 11. Jade leaps on the opponent's shoulders and starts, what seems to be an endless hack and slash at the players face. Ending with a slice to the neck and Jade actually removing a piece of the opponents face with the final stab. Epic!!
Above: Heavy Hitting new character to Mortal Kombat Geras, preparing for Kombat
#4. Stick It Out- Geras
This brutality is nothing shy of sheer awesomeness. Using his time abilities Geras throws an opponent's player into the air and slams them to the grown so hard the players top half disintegrates and the opponent’s arms get blown off in an amazing animation.
Above: Centrion shown completely smashing her opponent in this wicked brutality
#3. Falling Sky- Centrion
This brutality is just painful to watch. Caused by the Earthquake special move this brutality trips the opponent thus, triggering a giant boulder to fall from the sky and split the opponent right in half. The best part is after the animation when the top half of the player starts to crawl away.*shivers*.
Above: Daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade, Cassie Cage is shown joint the fight in MK 11
#2. Got Yo Ass Beat- Cassie Cage
Beside the name alone this brutality is just as good as it sounds. Another amazing brutality which, like jade’s, is an extended combo where Cassie repeatedly hits the opponent and then even stops once blood is gushing everywhere, looks for a second, then continues the bloody onslaught. (Easter Egg: in the alternate finish she shoots the opponent’s player’s head off)
#1. Cut Up- Baraka
Lastly but definitely not least,a fan favorite makes a return with an amazing brutality. This can be done after an amplified chop chop combo move and by pressing down during the hit. If you have a weak stomach you’re in for a treat because this brutality completely shreds the opponent as Baraka chaotically slices the player over and over and over and.. you get the point.
Above: Amazing visual of Baraka victorious, covered in blood from battle standing over the battered corpse