Whether this gen or last, Playstation has never offered such an incredible array of high quality action games that immerse players in worlds of endless fun, adventure, heart and even some funnies. Choosing only 15 was no easy feat, but in case you don’t know where to start, may this list guide you well.
15. Kena: Bridge of Spirits (PS4, PS5, PC)
Kena: Bridge of Spirits - State of Play Trailer | PS5, PS4
Who thought such a quaint and peaceful backdrop like Bridge of Spirits could offer such high-octane action? Kena is on a quest to help deceased spirits move on to the afterlife and save a forest village from impending doom.
Apart from the Pixar-esque animation and spiritual warmth, Bridge of Spirits offers a variety of cool weapons from staff and bow and injects them with magical might. Controls lends itself nicely from beating baddies with balls of light along with a good balance of fun puzzles in between. And this is an indie game?! Imagine what they could do with a full-blown budget?!
14. Deathloop (PS5, PC)
Deathloop - Launch Trailer | PS5
In case you ever had the sick fantasy of living through Groundhog Day like Bill Murray but with a warzone in place of suburbia then Deathloop has you covered. You play as Colt, an assassin stuck in a time loop who has to kill eight different targets in one day lest he be stuck in said loop forever.
Deathloop grants you a hefty arsenal of experimental gadgets and weapons for your day’s delight. The game thrusts you into a playground of activity where you are expected to find your own way of getting the job done that will leave you feeling like one badass assassin when you finally do.
13. Hitman 3 (PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Nintendo Switch, PC)
HITMAN 3 - Announcement Trailer | PS5
While not all that revolutionary in its gameplay design, Hitman 3 knows its formula well and has mastered its craft. Agent 47 is back to conclude what was started since the original Hitman, where players venture to take out several assigned targets.
The level design has never been better, the most visually stunning and atmospheric the franchise has seen to date. It’s never been more fun to plan out your kills in both funny and dastardly ways and your personal ending is one you’ll certainly never forget.
12. Borderlands 3 (PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS5)
Borderlands 3 - E3 2019 Trailer | PS4
Fast paced, fun and with a ton of replay value, Borderlands 3 cares not to reinvent the wheel and honestly, it doesn’t need to. You play as one of four Vault Hunters to stop an insane cult on reaping the powers of lost, alien tech.
Here you can venture off Pandora to awe striking worlds across the galaxy. The controls are as slick and refined as ever and whether co-op or single player, the game never grows stale and is an absolute blast, both literally and figuratively.
11. Mortal Kombat 11 (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5)
Mortal Kombat 11 - Official Launch Trailer | PS4
NetherRealm Studios certainly knows what the fans love from the 29 years MK has bloodied our screens, and they do not disappoint. All of your favorite characters are back in this latest installment, and though it's been over 2 years since its initial release, modern gen consoles will have no problem in sporting this battle gem.
Brutalities, fatalities and all the fun gore you expect from the franchise deliver like they always have and if it hasn’t gotten old for you by this point, then this franchise must be doing something right.
10. Grand Theft Auto V (PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One, PS5)
Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online - PlayStation Showcase 2021 Trailer | PS5
Crossing three generations of consoles, GTA V knows how to have a good time whether you’re playing as Michael, Trevor, Franklin or yourself in the nearly limitless, GTA Online. Our three heroes are doing their best to survive in the degenerate alcoves of Los Santos and their exploits have never been more scandalous.
Whether it’s hurling off thousands of feet from the air, robbing banks, ripping through the city via street races or blowing up crooks and gangsters who try to swindle you, GTA V offers the most cathartic and savory rush of action for generations to come.
9. Far Cry 6 (PC, Xbox One, PS4, PS5)
Far Cry 6 - Launch Accolades Trailer | PS5, PS4
It’s time for revolution! In case you’re not always one for playing the bad guy, here’s your chance to uproot a charmingly contemptible tyrant as a righteous vindicator. Cuba-inspired, Yara, is under siege and you plow through the land, guns blazing, in the name of justice.
Six games in and the series has finally smoothed out its kinky controls that now offers a much more fluid experience in this playground of zany arsenal of guns, knives, flamethrowers and basukas. Join your rebel brothers and sisters and bring to Giancarlo Esposito for all the bad he’s done in this story and beyond.
8. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PC, Xbox One, PS4, PS5)
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order | E3 2019 Official Trailer | PS4
Who doesn’t want to be a Jedi? Finally, a game that lets you do just that. Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan, is being hunted by the Galactic Empire, and you’re off to stop them before they can tarnish the Jedi’s return to glory.
Fallen Order knows how to borrow from other games and blend them into a satisfying, action experience. In this perfectly balanced brew of platform, puzzles and combat, becoming a Jedi has never been more accessible and players can only grow excited for what the series has in store next.
7. God of War (2018) (PS4, PC, PS5)
God of War - Be A Warrior: PS4 Gameplay Trailer | E3 2017
Who knew after revamping the formula that this new generation of GOW could still blow our minds? Kratos is back after a long hiatus, and now he has a son who fights alongside him in this perilous journey to the peak of Jotunheim.
Taking the concept of Thor’s hammer and injecting it into an icy battle ax was a stroke of genius. God of War has great mechanics and a variety of movesets. The blending of ice and fire is a nice touch as well in this Norse backdrop and you’re sure to feel a true sense of accomplishment after powning those psychotic Valkyries.
6. Spider-Man Miles Morales
Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Launch Trailer I PS5, PS4
In case you’re worried that this game will be a rehash of its predecessor both narratively and gameplay wise, don’t. Pete’s vacationing in Europe and now Miles has to prove himself as protector of New York, and the story definitely does young Miles justice in establishing his own identity as Spider-Man.
While Miles Morales sticks mostly to the game mechanics of Insomniac’s smash hit, there are some cool new additions to Spidey’s repertoire. There’s the Venom Punch and Camouflage that far surpasses Pete’s moveset and offers a refreshing twist on a tried and tested formula. And swinging even as an awkward Miles still trying to find his groove never gets old.
5. Devil May Cry 5
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition - Launch Trailer | PS5
Definitely one of the most gratifying hack and slack/shooters out there, Devil May Cry 5 is one hell of an adrenaline rush. You play as three characters, old and new, on a journey to save humanity from the world shattering, Urizen.
What’s great about Devil May Cry is the free range you have in how you take down a baddie. Each battle is like a unique dance with destiny that can differ from player to player and offers kills, using swords, guns and so much more. Definitely one of the best combat systems around.
4. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy - PlayStation Showcase 2021 Trailer | PS5, PS4
There is so much about this game that is hella entertaining. Here you play mostly as Peter Quill with his ragtag band of misfits to sail across the galaxy and face off against the Universal Church of Truth.
While not revolutionary in game design, GOTG injects so much heart and humor into its action set pieces that you’ll have a blast on all levels of entertainment. Firing dual guns while listening to Hooked on a Feeling or Holding Out for a Hero is an experience you won’t find anywhere else.
3. Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection – Launch Trailer | PS5
Yes! It’s finally here! The Uncharted series has been an absolute classic since the PS3 days and the debut of both A Thief’s End and Lost Legacy on the PS5 is everything fans could have hoped for. Take the reigns of Nathan and Chloe as they scour the ancient ruins of Libertalia and the Hoysala Ruins respectively.
Epic action set pieces, gorgeous landscapes, riveting gun fights, witty dialogue and dashing escapes is what makes the Uncharted series so much fun and these two installments don’t disappoint. Naughty Dog knows best how to cap off one of their best IP’s resulting in one a hell of a ride.
2. Spider-Man
Marvel’s Spider-Man – Gameplay Launch Trailer | PS4
It’s safe to say Insomniac delivered exactly what was hoped for and expected with their take on the famous web-slinger. You play as a veteran Spider-Man on duty to protect his city from Mr. Negative and the Sinister Six with new challenges and allies along the way.
It can’t be said enough that of all the Spider-Man games that have existed, this one definitely perfected every last ounce of the formula. Web swinging is smooth and addictive, combat is slick and thrilling and the overall experience of taking on Pete’s overwhelming responsibilities is somehow both exhilarating and inspiring. An instant classic.
1. Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut - Launch Trailer | PS5, PS4
It’s about time we walked the path of the samurai, and Ghost of Tsushima allows you to do just that. Players pick up the sword of Jin Sakai, a samurai on a quest to protect the island of Tsushima from the Mongal invasion.
Like the old classics of acclaimed Japanese film director, Akira Kurosawa, Ghost of Tsushima has you traversing the lush fields of the elements, surrounded by winds, fires and oceans of immaculate artistry. But here you also slice and dice with grace as you take on hordes of Mongal enemies where every cut makes you feel that much more like a samurai master.