The best thing about Hitman 3 is that, as the last installment of the World of Assassination trilogy, it’s a culmination of the two games before it. Not only that, Hitman 3 can also be seen as a culmination of every Hitman game ever released, taking the best parts from each game in the 20+ year-long franchise and creating something truly unique. And what would a Hitman game be without a sniper rifle?
Sniper rifles are staples when it comes to Hitman. They’re almost just as iconic as Agent 47 himself, because there’s nothing stealthier than taking a backseat approach and taking out your target from miles away. Almost every one of these rifles makes it a breeze to climb atop a radio tower and shoot your target and not spawn any suspicion. Emphasis on “almost,” as although Hitman has a great selection of sniper rifles, some of them are simply better than others.
So, climb up to your favorite vantage point and look down your scopes, because we’re about to inspect the best sniper rifles in Hitman 3. Maybe even enjoy the quiet tune of Ave Maria, if that rifle’s more your speed.
21. Bartoli Woodsman Hunting Rifle
While all of the sniper rifles on this list could be called “hunting” rifles, none of them quite match that description like the Bartoli Woodsman Hunting Rifle does. The Bartoli is just that, a hunting rifle, but since it was made for hunting animals in the woods, it has none of the fancy perks a master assassin would need for the job. It has a good rate of fire, but with no zoom, suppression, and with little damage, it’s not worth all the effort to unlock.
- Good rate of fire
- No special perks
- Not worth the effort to unlock
Perks: None
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 20 in Dartmoor.
20. Druzhina 34 DTI

The Druzhina 34 DTI - when complexity fails
The Druzhina 34 DTI is an all-around decent weapon. A common theme you’ll find with all of these lower-rated weapons is that none of them are bad. Each weapon on this list serves a purpose, but saying that doesn’t make it any easier to find the purpose of the Druzhina 34 DTI.
The DTI has great pierce, but that is the only good thing to say about this weapon. It has a slow fire rate and is very loud, meaning the only purpose this gun serves is being another random unlockable you might never use.
- Great pierce
- Slow fire rate
- Very loud
- Piercing
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 15 in Mumbai.
19. Jaeger 7

The Jaeger 7 is kind of a blank canvas. There’s nothing wrong with it, but as the basis of so many other great sniper rifles, there isn’t much of a reason to stick with this one. It’s a great sniper to start out and learn the basics with, especially since it’s one of the easiest to unlock. It has the scout perk, meaning it’s easy to aim with, and it has a faster than average rate of fire, but since it’s also kind of weak, it doesn’t hold its own when compared to the other guns on this list.
- Good weapon to learn with
- Fast rate of fire
- Weak damage
- Scout
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 5 in Paris.
18. Druzhina 34

The Druzhina 34 is a big step up, but there's still a long stairwell to climb
The Druzhina 34 is another weapon that is not bad by any means and is a great step up from its sibling weapon, the aforementioned DTI. The Druzhina 34 has great pierce, being able to kill two NPCs with one shot, an extended magazine and a great scope. Why is it so low on the list, then?
The Druzhina 34 has terrible recoil, meaning it can be annoying to use at times. Along with its slow rate of fire and how loud it is, this gun isn’t all that worth it to use, especially with how difficult it is to unlock. At least it’s better than its brother.
- Great pierce
- Difficult to unlock
- Very loud
- Extended Magazine
- Piercing
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 20 in Mumbai.
17. Jaeger 7 “Tiger”

The Jaeger 7 "Tiger." My favorite thing about this weapon is the design, which doesn't go very far
The Jaeger 7 “Tiger” is a variant of the Jaeger 7, and although it’s better than the standard Jaeger, it’s not by a lot. There’s a lot of good to be said about the “Tiger,” like its extended magazine and how it has one of the highest rates of fire out of any sniper rifle in the game, but there’s some bad, too. It’s loud, so if you’re shooting from the wrong spot the whole map could be after you. Not to mention that its terrible recoil makes it annoying to use at times. However, I like the tiger skin pattern.
- High rate of fire
- Interesting gun skin
- Terrible recoil
- Extended Magazine
- Rate of Fire
Unlocked by completing level 15 Mastery in Bangkok
16. Jaeger 7 Lancer

The Jaeger 7 Lancer. You can't go wrong with this one
Coming in with another variant of the Jaeger 7, the Jaeger 7 Lancer is a combination of the best parts of the standard version and the “Tiger.” Well, it doesn’t have the cool tiger pattern, but I digress. The Lancer is the first in what I call the “medium” category of guns that all have the blueprints of the greater weapons but just fall short for simple reasons. The Lancer can be a little difficult to unlock, but I would say this is the first gun on the list that is worth the effort.
The Lancer has good piercing, a great scope with various levels of zoom, and marksman. Like I said – blueprints. But here’s the simple reason why it falls short: the Lancer is loud. It has a standard rate of fire, but again, it lacks the silencer perks that make the latter weapons so great.
- Great scope
- Standard rate of fire
- Loud
- Piercing
- Marksman
- Variable Scope
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 20 in Sapienza.
15. Sieger 300 Viper

The Sieger 300 Viper is one in a set of twins
The Sieger 300 Viper is a variant of the Sieger 300, a sniper we will mention in a minute. It is basically the same gun as its sibling weapon, with only minor differences. It’s a silenced rifle with a great scope that you can rely on to always pull through, but every gun ahead of it has those same qualities and more. The only reason the Viper is below its sibling is because it’s harder to unlock, and since it’s the same as the Sieger 300, which is easier to unlock, it just makes it less useful.
- Great scope
- Reliable
- Silenced
- Versatile Scope
- Suppressor
- Marksman
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 20 in Mendoza.
14. Sieger 300

The Sieger 300 is the Viper's identical half
The Sieger 300 is like the Jaeger 7 in that it serves as the basis for many different weapons; but if the Jaeger 7 is a blank canvas, the Sieger 300 is painting that’s halfway finished. There’s still work to be done, but this weapon already has its own set of perks that make it worthwhile. Along with a variable scope, the Sieger 300 has a suppressor that silences each shot. The only reason that this weapon sits where it does is because it still falls short of the rest of the weapons on this list.
- Silenced
- Great base weapon
- Great scope
- Versatile Scope
- Suppressor
- Marksman
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 15 in Colorado.
13. Sieger 300 Tactical

The Sieger 300 Tactical is one member of a pretty amazing family
The Sieger 300 Tactical is a variant of the Sieger 300 and is only a tiny bit better than its predecessor. The two guns are very similar, having the same perks and uses, but the Tactical has advanced accuracy. Not to mention it’s also a little bit easier to unlock. Though, at the end of the day, determining which gun is better than which is up to preference, as both serve exactly the same purpose.
- Easy to unlock
- Silenced
- Good accuracy
- Versatile Scope
- Suppressor
- Marksman
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 10 in Isle of Sgáil.
12. The Golden Dragon

The Golden Dragon is such a pretty and interesting weapon
The Golden Dragon is one of the most interesting looking weapons on this list. Its description says it’s a custom Bartoli Woodsman Hunting Rifle, meaning it has the best qualities of the standard Bartoli but with its own Chinese-inspired style, complete with a golden dragon on the barrel. But looks aren’t everything when it comes to a sniper rifle
The Golden Dragon is quiet, with a great scope, and a beautiful design. However, it doesn’t have very good pierce, despite having the piercing perk. Although there is a lot of good to be said about this gun, it’s still just not as great as the others.
- Beautiful design
- Great scope
- Silenced
- Piercing
- Variable Scope
- Marksman
- Suppressor
Unlocked by completing all escalation levels of the Lee Hong Derivation.
11. The Majestic

The Majestic is another beautiful weapon I just adore
The Majestic is another original looking gun, like The Golden Dragon. However, that is not the only similarity. The Majestic and The Golden Dragon are practically the same gun in use, with both of them having Bartoli bases and having the same scope and suppression perks. That makes The Majestic a great gun, because its fraternal twin is a great gun, but if they’re the same, there’s the argument to be made of why this one is better. Honestly, it’s a matter of personal preference, but because I prefer the silver peacock detailing, The Majestic gets its spot at #11.
- Better design
- Silenced
- Great scope
- Piercing
- Variable Scope
- Marksman
- Suppressor
Unlocked by completing the Pride Profusion escalation.
10. Jaeger 7 Tuatara

The Jaeger 7 Tuatara is a sleek weapon with with no faults
The Jaeger 7 Tuatara is another variant of the Jaeger 7. It’s another solid sniper rifle capable of doing almost anything you would want it to do. It’s silenced but still packs a punch with the piercing perk. The scope is great, so this is one of the best Jaeger 7s you can use. The Tuarata is a very trustworthy weapon.
- Trustworthy
- Silenced
- Great scope
- Piercing
- Marksman
- Suppressor
- Versatile Scope
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 20 in Haven Island.
9. Druzhina 34 ICA Arctic

The Druzhina 34 Arctic is another weapon with a design I just love
The Druzhina 34 ICA Arctic is a variant of the Druzhina 34. It’s an arctic variant, hints the name, with a white design which looks like it has been exposed to wind and snow. The gun is a huge step forward for the Druzhina 34 line, which lacked in every aspect, and stands firmly as a solid weapon with a great scope and pierce. It’s basically the same as the Jaeger 7 Tuatara, with the same perks and uses. However, when it comes to preference, the Druzhina Arctic has a more appealing look.
- Appealing design
- Great scope
- Trustworthy
- Piercing
- Marksman
- Suppressor
- Versatile Scope
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 20 in Siberia.
8. ICA Woodsman Hunting Rifle Covert

The ICA Woodsman Hunting Rifle Covert is a huge step up from its varient weapon
Now this is a real hunting rifle. The ICA Woodsman Hunting Rifle Covert is a pretty long name for a gun that doesn’t need that big of an introduction. The Bartoli Covert is a variant of the Bartoli Woodsman Hunting Rifle, a simple hunting rifle unlocked in Dartmoor. The newer version, the Covert, is everything that gun could have been and so much more.
The Bartoli Covert is a great weapon. It’s silenced, with great piercing, and a much better scope than its predecessor. It has a fast rate of fire too, so really, there are only good things to say about this gun. This is a hunting rifle a hitman would use, but then again, what Agent 47 does requires more than just a hunting rifle.
- Silenced
- Great scope
- Huge improvement from its counterpart
- Piercing
- Suppressor
- Marksman
- Variable Scope
Unlocked by completing 17 Sniper Assassin challenges.
7. Jaeger 7 Green Eye

The Jaeger 7 Green Eye is the representation of envy, so it may be okay to be a little jealous of this one
The Jaeger 7 Green Eye is another variant of the Jaeger 7 and one of the best there is. It has some of the best perks out of all the Jaeger 7s, and I really like the green accents. It feels a little weird complimenting the looks of a gun that is supposed to represent envy, but here we are.
The Green Eye has an amazing scope with various levels of zoom, along with being silenced and with good pierce. There isn’t much more to say about the Green Eye. It’s an all-around great weapon that stands tall with the elites of this list.
- Amazing scope
- All-around great weapon
- Interesting green accents
- Piercing
- Marksman
- Suppressor
- Versatile Scope
Unlocked by completing The Envy Convention in the 7 Deadly Sins DLC.
6. Jaeger 7 Covert

The Jaeger 7 Covert is another sleek weapon you can't go wrong with
The Jaeger 7 Covert is another variant of the Jaeger 7 and is a great step in the right direction for the Jaeger 7. The Covert is a trustworthy weapon and has one of the best perks in the game, subsonic. That, coupled with the suppressor perk, makes this weapon practically silent. It also has a fast fire rate and good recoil, so the Jaeger 7 Covert is a solid option for when choosing a sniper rifle. Not to mention that it’s very easy to unlock.
- Solid weapon
- Practically silent
- Fast rate of fire
- Subsonic
- Suppressor
- Scout
Unlocked by completing the “Who’s Sniping Who?” challenge in Berlin.
5. Sieger 300 Advanced

Now were truly stepping into greatness with the Sieger 300 Advanced
The Sieger 300 Advanced is one of the best variants of the Sieger 300. This gun may not be as good as the last few on this list, but there’s one thing about this weapon that sets it apart from the rest: an interesting detail and callback that makes this gun fun to use.
The Sieger 300 Advanced has a good scope and silencer, but my favorite thing about it is that, when looking down the scope, it plays the tune of “Ave Maria,” a callback to the earlier Hitman games. It’s such a fun easter egg that fuels most players with nostalgia. Though nostalgia isn’t enough to make this gun number 1.
- Good scope
- Plays “Ave Maria” when looking down scope
- Drives nostalgia
- Suppressor
- Marksman
- Variable Scope
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 20 in Hokkaido.
4. White Sieger 300

The White Sieger 300 may not be too different from the next few guns, but it has some amazing qualities
Now, you might notice a common theme with three of these next four weapons. The White Sieger 300 is an arctic variant of the Sieger 300, but what makes it so good is that it’s a reskin of its sibling gun, the Sieger 300 Ghost. No spoilers, but you might see where this is going.
The White Sieger 300 is an amazing weapon. It has an amazing scope and, with the subsonic and suppressor perks, it’s practically silent. It can do everything you want it to do. And the arctic look of this gun is interesting and fits in with the level it can be unlocked in. The only reason this gun isn’t higher is because it’s more difficult to unlock than its sibling.
- Amazing scope
- Practically silent
- Interesting arctic theme
- Extended Scope
- Suppressor
- Subsonic
- Marksman
Unlocked by completing the Proloff Parable escalation in the Carpathian Mountains.
3. The White Ruby Rude 300 Sniper Rifle

The White Ruby Rude 300 Sniper Rifle is one of my absolute favorite weapons in Hitman 3
Man, and I thought the Bartoli Covert had a long name. The White Ruby Rude 300 Sniper Rifle is a variant of the Sieger 300 and is basically the same as the White Sieger 300 and the Sieger 300 Ghost, which is why it is placed so high. I don’t think I need to go into so much detail into why it’s so good.
The Rudy Rude is my go-to weapon. Not because it’s better than the last two on this list, but because I like the interesting colors and design. It’s perfectly paired with a certain jumpsuit that Agent 47 can wear as well. The Ruby Rude is an outstanding weapon, but it can’t beat the original.
- Great design
- Amazing scope
- Practically silent
- Extended Scope
- Suppressor
- Subsonic
- Marksman
Unlocked by completing either The Faux Pas, The Entrepreneurs, or the Clichés missions in the Elusive Target Arcade.
2. Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert

The Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert is one of the best guns in Hitman
Now, for our runner up we have the Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert, an amazing gun that really deserves its spot at number 2. The Leviathan just looks like an amazing gun, and is the sniper rifle with the most amount of perks in the game. There’s nothing it can’t do.
The Leviathan has a whopping 5 perks. It has an amazing scope, great piercing, and is practically silent with the subsonic and suppressor perks. It’s all around an amazing weapon. The only reason the Leviathan isn’t in first place is because it’s slower than the gun in the number one spot. It’s still one of the best weapons in the game, but I think most people know what’s coming next.
- Amazing scope
- Great Pierce
- Practically silent
- Subsonic
- Suppressor
- Extended Scope
- Piercing
- Marksman
Unlocked by completing Mastery level 20 in Chongqing.
1. Sieger 300 Ghost

Lastly, the Sieger 300 Ghost is a gun that is well-known for being the best sniper in the game
And to no one’s surprise, the Sieger 300 Ghost takes its spot as the best sniper rifle in Hitman 3. The Ghost is the best variant of the Sieger 300, and deserves its great reputation. I’ve mentioned the Ghost in earlier entries, as the Arctic and Rude Ruby are basically the same, but you can never beat the original.
The Ghost takes everything good about the guns before it and strips the bad, leaving nothing but it an amazing weapon. It has an amazing scope, great Pierce, and is silenced. Also, it shoots faster than the Leviathan, which is honestly the only reason why it’s above it. You can’t go wrong with the Ghost.
- Amazing scope
- Silenced
- A great culmination of all the rifles before it
- Suppressor
- Subsonic
- Marksman
- Extended Scope
Unlocked by completing the Cheyevo Calibration Marrakesh.
Sniper rifles have been a staple of the Hitman series since the introduction of Hitman: Codename 47. So, it makes sense that the last game in the series would have so many of these iconic weapons. And though not all of them are equal in greatness, I hope this list can show you which ones are truly worth the time and effort..