When you start Mortal Shell, you play as a pale, translucent, and thin figure who is transported into the world of the game. You can barely hold a sword and it only takes one hit to kill you. Yikes!
In an effort to fix that and give yourself a better shot at survival, you possess fallen warriors, using them as ‘mortal shells.’ But they aren’t just random meat-shields. Every shell is an individual with a unique story and distinct talents. So… who should you choose?
Have no fear, because GamersDecide is here! See our guide to learn more about each shell’s advantages and disadvantages, and you’ll find the perfect shell for your play-style!
0. Harros The Vassal (The Starter Shell)
A jack-of-all-trades, perfectly balanced in all three areas of durability, stamina, and resolve.
In-Game Text: “The brigands pointed us toward the temple. Shunned by the Devout, their allegiances lie with those who offer Tar or spirits. They entertain themselves with drunken antics or violent cruelties. They know better than to attack us, but they followed us at a distance, hoping for scraps.”
Fextralife Wiki Page
Why He’s Actually Pretty Good
Since he’s so well-balanced, you can give him any of the weapons in the game and he’ll do fine with them.
This guy’s good for your first play-through because he’s versatile. If you run out of resolve for special attacks, switch to a regular attack using stamina. If your attack misses and the enemy hits you, you’ll have a bit of extra health to absorb the damage.
Solomon The Scholar (The ‘Mage’)

This is Mortal Shell’s version of a mage, with plenty of resolve for special moves.
In-Game Text: “Existence is a curious matter. The greatest triumph in the universe, gifted and squandered. I shan't make the same mistakes as my brother. When the moment comes, I’ll exercise restraint.”
Fextralife Wiki Page
Video Guide by RPG Division
Why He’s Great
With so much resolve, you can parry and riposte to your heart’s content!
Using his resolve on ripostes will also heal you, so it’s worth it to take that chance and ‘git gud’ at parrying!
Where To Get Him
Solomon hangs out in Fallgrim, near the Fallgrim Tower. If you go inside the cave where you fight the Grisha mini-boss, you’ll find a tunnel and a short path behind him.
At the end of this path, you’ll find a Nocteserper Ghoul, an enemy that will try to pounce and bite your neck. Beat the ghoul - which is easier to do with a fast weapon - and then you can claim Solomon’s shell.
Tiel The Acolyte (Fast and Agile)

For the Dexterity lovers in Dark Souls, here’s your quick boy.
In-Game Text: “They foretold a truth more terrifying than any other. Those who glimpse it behold no monster other than an utter lack of meaning. The visage of a razor-thin line between existence and non-existence and nothing in between.”
Why He’s Great
Tiel is actually so fast that he doesn’t just use a regular dodge - he teleports a short distance. So, y’know, he can be pretty hard to actually hit!
He makes up for not having much health with all of that stamina and speed. You can dodge through a lot, and then you can launch a powerful attack, even with a heavy weapon, using the ample stamina that you have left.
Where To Get Him
Tiel is in the Fallgrim Outskirts, outside of the Abandoned Chamber. He’s near the tunnel that you crawl through to fight Ven Noctivagu in his cave.
Fextralife Wiki Page
Video Guide by RPG Division
Eredrim The Venerable (The Tank)

This tank-y fellow can both take and dish out a lot of hits.
In-Game Text: “The Ovate made promises of an end to war and human suffering. Promises all were desperate to hear. Myself not least, for I'd seen my share of tragedy. I scratched my name in their book, swearing myself to the deathless doctrine. My armor clattered on the ice as I knelt before them and asked myself if I would ever be worthy.”
Why He’s Great
Eredrim has a ridiculous amount of health! Sure, he doesn’t have much stamina or resolve, but with all that health, he could take a ton of hits before dying.
As long as you manage his stamina, Eredrim can bull-doze anything, from standard enemies to bosses, without breaking a sweat.
Where To Get Him
You’ll see Eredrim outside of the Eternal Narthex.
Fextralife Wiki Page
Video Guide by Gamers Heroes
See? There’s a shell for every play-style! So… who did you choose?