What’s up, Mortal Shell fans? GamersDecide is checking in just to make sure that you know about weapon upgrades. To get the most out of your weapons and access all of their special abilities, you’ll need to find these items and head to an anvil to insert them in the right weapon.
To save you some time, here’s our list of the 3 best upgrades in the game, and info on how to get them!
The Molten Spike (for The Hallowed Sword)
It’s like branding cattle… But a lot more pointy and painful… And instead of cattle, it’s for bad guys and monsters…
In-Game Text: “This molten spike fits perfectly inside the Hallowed Sword.
In an age long past, the Servants of Vatra used these spikes in stone-birth rituals. The goddess's ill-bred offspring could not hatch without their aid.”
Why It’s Worth It
This excellent upgrade adds special attacks to the Hallowed Swordthat inflict the burn status!
Attacks with this spike have good reach and give you invincibility frames!
Where To Get It
Go into the zone called The Mist. You will see a valley, with a large campsite in it.
Head to the campsite and open a Frog Chest there. The Molten Spike will be inside.
Fextralife Wiki Page
Video Guide by The Outerhaven
The Foundry Stone (for The Smoldering Mace)
Just looking at that mace makes me sweaty and nervous!
In-Game Text: “This Foundry Stone was once meant to alight in the Smoldering Mace.
Before it was repurposed, the Shrine of Ash served as a foundry where great weapons were forged by the Metallurgists. They sought rare ores and precious gems, attuning them with the essence of fire.”
Why It’s Worth It
Basically, you need this item for the Smoldering Mace to live up to its name and full potential as a weapon. This item lights the mace on fire, burning enemies.
Where To Get It
Travel to the Temple Grounds. Go through the second room.
The first tomb that you see after going through the second room of the Temple Grounds will hold the Foundry Stone.
Fextralife Wiki Page
Video Guide by RPG Division
Petrified Winterglass (for The Martyr’s Blade)
This upgrade is pretty darn ‘cool!’
In-Game Text: “This shard of winterglass fits inside of the Martyr's Blade.
Though long petrified, this winterglass twinkles with a faint resonance. These gems are prized by the Martyrs for preserving the dead and the dying. Their frozen bodies become relics, broken apart and shared with the most pious of their order."
Why It’s Worth It
This winterglass upgrades the Martyr’s Blade so that attacks with that weapon freeze enemies.
Freezing can be helpful against either powerful individual enemies or when trying to do crowd-control for multiple enemies.
Where To Get It
You’ll find this item at the Abandoned Chamber.
Go to the third room in this area, where you will see a hole to your right.
Crawl through this hole to find a tomb on the other side. On top of the tomb is the Petrified Winterglass.
Fextralife Wiki Page
Video Guide by RPG Division
Now you have plenty of ways to take out your foes, based on your weapon and play-style of choice.
Do you want to turn your enemies into easy-to-shatter ice statues? Check. We’ve got you covered.
How about poking them with a fiery spike? Check. That’s an option.
Or maybe you’d prefer smashing bad guys with your burning mace? That’s here, too! It’s time to get creative!