1O. Gol D. Roger
Imagine being the richest man on earth. Imagine that you are Jeff Bezos. Well, in the world of One Piece, this guy is Jeff Bezos.
The Pirate King Himself, Gol D. Roger! The man who revolutionized the “Great Age of Pirates” The man who has the highest bounty ever in pirate history! Do you want to know his bounty? A whopping 5, 564,800,000 berries! Who can top that?
Roger’s abilities and powers are remarkable. First, he has the Conqueror’s Haki. Second, he also possesses the Voices of All Things. He understands the language of the Sea Kings. He can also hear the voice of the legendary elephant island, Zunisha. Finally, Roger can get toe to toe with infamous pirates such as Rocks D. Xebec, Edward Newgate, Lion King Shiki, and Monkey D. Garp.
He also has one of the most powerful crews during his time. The Roger Pirates is the only crew who ever stepped foot in the final island, “Laugh Tale”. They were the only ones who learned about the true history of the Void Century. The crew also learned about the Ancient Weapons and the meaning behind the Will of D. He is also the one who founded the long-lost treasure of the mysterious persona, Joy Boy. All of these mysteries are yet to be revealed in the future of the series.
What can I still add? He knew everything and conquered the greatest treasure, the One Piece. He is the GOAT!
9. Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard)
Possessing a devil fruit is already a threat and terrifying power to have. But, imagine having two devil fruits at your hands. Not only that, those two devil fruits have the capacity to destroy the entire world! Literally!
Being one of the Yonkou, Blackbeard’s name alone is already a threat to the entire World Government. His crew is composed almost entirely of Level 6 Impel Down prisoners. Among them, Avalo Pizarro, San Juan Wolf, Catarina Devon, Vasco Shot and Shiryu.
He possesses the Yami Yami No Mi, a devil fruit that gives the user the ability to control darkness. It can also control gravity. Just this devil fruit alone can decide the fate of the whole world.
At some point, Blackbeard learned how to steal other’s devil fruit. Because of this, he was able to kill and steal the power of the “Strongest Man in the World”, Edward Newgate. Now, Blackbeard also possesses the Gura Gura No Mi, the devil fruit that can shake the entire world! Just imagine that!
There is literally no place here on earth that is safe should Blackbeard decide to end the world! How crazy is that!
8. Kuzan (Aokiji)
One weakness that Devil fruit users have is that they are basically unable to swim on the sea. And guess what One Piece is? Pirates and Navy! What an irony! But surprisingly, that weakness doesn’t work on Kuzan!
A former Admiral, Kuzan is one to never mess with. His devil fruit grants him the power to control ice. Basically, he can just freeze the water and his weakness is deemed null. He can even fall into the sea and just create ice and float again.
He even easily defeated the Strawhats in one fell swoop. He stopped the Tsunamis created by Whitebeard by turning it into a mountain of ice. He even froze the entire sea just so that people can walk and cross over on it.
At one point, he was even considered for the position of Fleet Admiral. And Fleet Admirals is a position higher than an Admiral! It means you’re among the best of the best! How amazing is that!
7. Dracule Mihawk
Dracule Mihawk can easily be included among the top 10 Best Characters due to his prevalent presence in One Piece. He is regarded as the “Strongest Swordsman in the World,” after all. Plus, who can ever miss his hawk-like eyes throughout the series anyway? [A picture containing sitting, table, woman, bed Description automatically generated]
Remember his first appearance in the series? He easily destroyed a fleet of ships and cut Don Krieg’s ship in half. He defeated Zoro with just a small blade. The extent of his strength is yet to be revealed in the series.
He was also one of the Shichibukai, pirates who were contracted and protected by the World Government. However, now that the Shichibukai System is demolished, Mihawk is free to challenge the World Government once again.
Although we haven’t seen his true strength, we already had a glimpse of it during the Marineford Summit War. He easily cut a mountain of ice in one slash. He also unleashed an air slash that is considered to be the “Strongest slash in the World.”
Overall, I don’t think I have to explain any further how Mihawk can easily be included on this list. He is just too cool and amazing!
6. “Red-Haired” Shanks
Have you ever wondered if you were to become the youngest richest person? Well this person is the youngest of the Yonkou! His total bounty is 4,048,900,000 berries. Not bad for the youngest Yonkou alive.
Aside from being the youngest Yonkou, Shanks is the only Yonkou known to never have eaten a devil fruit. Could you imagine that? How much stronger can he get if he was to eat one. Even me, I wanted to see that in the future.
Moreover, he was once a pirate apprentice in the ship of the Pirate King himself. He can also go on par with the “Strongest Swordsman in the World”, Dracule Mihawk. The Five Elders even testified that Shanks is among the only few who can beat Blackbeard.
His mere presence alone at the Marineford Summit War brought an end to the war itself! How amazing is that? He also effortlessly stopped Akainu’s attack with his sword. The whole army of Marines is even afraid to take on his crew.
His crew is on another level as well. Ben Beckmann, Lucky Roo, and Yasopp are among the infamous ones. Admirals like Kizaru even hesitated when he was confronted by Beckmann.
Their crew is just insanely strong, and we have yet to see it.
5. Edward Newgate “Whitebeard”
The “Strongest Man in the World” himself, Edward Newgate. I’m sure Arnold Schwarzenegger would be jealous.
Even in his old age, Whitebeard is feared throughout the world. His bounty is second only to the Pirate King which tops at 5,046,000,000 berries! He also gained the title of the “Man closest to One Piece.” In reality, White beard can easily find One Piece and be the Pirate King, he just chose not to.
He was the former user of the Gura Gura No Mi, the power to shake the whole world. His powers can cause earthquakes and tsunamis with a single blow of his hands. He can even change the terrain of his surroundings and shift the balance of the entire world if he wanted. Man, he even destroyed Marineford alone that is considered to be impenetrable. Let me repeat that. He destroyed Marineford ALONE!
I don’t know about you but I’m sure I never wanted to be on his wrong side. His crew or what he considers his family are also powerful. Marco the Phoenix, Diamond Jozu, the late Portgas D. Ace, and even Blackbeard used to be part of his crew.
4. Monkey D. Dragon
Being considered and branded by the government as the “World’s Worst Criminal” and yet remain uncaught and elusive is without a doubt an amazing feat.
The leader of the Revolutionary Army and the father of Monkey D. Luffy, Monkey D. Dragon, is surely a force to be reckoned with. His father is also no other than the “Hero of the Marines”, Monkey D. Garp. His powers and abilities are still unknown but just being the leader of the Revolutionary Army already says enough. Some speculate that his powers are tied to the weather just as the incident in Logue Town when he made his debut appearance.
The people under him are also a terrifying force. You have Sabo who is the one who inherited Portgas D. Ace abilities and second in command of the Revolutionary Army. You also have the Queen of Kamabakka Kingdom, Emporio Ivankov. And of course, the commanders of the north, south, east, and west regions.
The Revolutionary Army has yet to show their full strength and so does Monkey D. Dragon. But, can you already imagine it?
3. Monkey D. Garp
Being considered as a hero is already a big accomplishment. But, being considered as the “Hero of the Marines” is another. That’s right! Garp is called the “Hero of the Marines”.
Throughout his lifetime, Garp made extraordinary feats that no other marine has dared to do. He battled against the Pirate King many times. He was one of the few who can rival the Pirate King. How cool is that!
He was recommended to become a Navy Admiral numerous times. Just to be clear, being recommended as an admiral is like you are one of the Strongest Marine ever! He even fought alongside Gol D. Roger against the Rocks Pirates and won! This is the time where he earned his fame and became the “Hero of the Marines” as we know him today.
Another feat that no one may notice is that Garp is one and maybe the only one in the Navy powerhouse that has no devil fruit power. This speaks alone for him itself. This feat is because all of the previous and current Admirals almost always rely on their devil fruits to gain ranks. On the other hand, Garp has no devil fruit and yet whose strength is on par with that of an admiral.
His family is freakish in nature as well. His son, Monkey D. Garp, is the “World’s Worst Criminal.” His grandson, Monkey D. Luffy, is hailed as the fifth Yonkou. What a crazy family, right?
2. Roronoa Zoro
How can we ever forget the right-hand man of the future Pirate King? Roronoa Zoro is well-known because of being the only one to use the three swords style. He is one of the most highly regarded characters in One Piece anyway.
Among the Strawhats, Zoro is the only who is shown to be always training may it be hot or cold. He has also been shown to have the most improvement besides Luffy in their two-year hiatus. There are even speculations that Zoro is actually stronger than Luffy at times.
Zoro is a character that always goes above and beyond. With his dream to become the greatest swordsman in the world, no one can stop him and no one will. Not even death himself.
He was also willing to swallow his pride and train under the tutelage of Dracule Mihawk himself to become stronger.
To show his progress, Zoro defeats his opponents with little to no effort after the time skip, unlike Luffy who seems to be always exhausted and challenged by his opponents. He cut down a Pacifista with ease. He easily beat Hyozou, considered to be the strongest swordsman on Fish-Man Island. He easily overcame Pica clad with Busoshoku Haki from head to toe. The list goes on.
We have yet to witness Zoro’s true strength during the Wano Arc. Are you also excited to see the conclusion of this arc? Me too!
1. Monkey D. Luffy
Without a doubt, this list will be incomplete without mentioning the future Pirate King and the main focus of the series, Monkey D. Luffy.
Luffy is basically the face of One Piece. The series will never be the same without him in it. He broke through every challenge thrown at his way. We are all witnesses to his greatness!
First of all, he also has the Voice of All Things like Roger. He can hear the language of the Sea Kings. He can also hear Zunisha, the Elephant Island.
Second, he mastered the three Haki and most especially the Conqueror’s Haki which is only bestowed to a select few. He has used the Conqueror’s Haki which renders all of his opponents unconscious.
Moreover, Luffy has shown to have an unshakable will and dream that no one can stop. Whenever he experiences defeat, Luffy always stands and fights again. His determination is always an inspiration to everyone even among One Piece fans. He also possesses the terrifying power that Mihawk witness at Marineford – the power to turn the people around him into allies
Lastly, Monkey D. Luffy carries the Will of D like his father, Dragon, which whoever carries it is known to be the natural enemies of the gods. Up to this date, the true meaning of the Will of D remains a mystery.
In its entirety, Luffy is a character so profound that his greatness is unimaginable. He is even considered now as the fifth yonko (unofficially) which makes him a bigger threat to the entire World Government.