In Path of Exile, where you farm is as important as the strategy itself, and as such, knowing which is the best map to farm is crucial for your goals, and you always have to consider it when you’re picking a strategy to amass some currency. So here are the best 5 maps to farm in!
5 – Underground Sea
With the changes to Eldritch Altars, a new type of strategy was formed in this league, using Eater of Worlds influence to increase the Quantity and Rarity of drops per zone, being able to reach over 300% Quant, boosting the number of map drops, as well as Ichors.
This focuses on the fact that most choices given for currency drops aren’t worth picking up, so you choose the Quantity/Rarity choice, thus magnifying your total drops over a long period of time.
It is susceptible to draughts of loot in low sample sizes, but since you’re over-sustaining on maps anyways, it’s a moot point, especially since you don’t need any scarabs if you don’t want those. Of course, you should still use them if you wish to and are going for something crucial, but as a whole, it’s a simple strategy to follow that will reward you eventually with pure divine drops, as well as a ton of maps, ichors, and chaos orbs per map.
All things that are easy and quick to convert into Divines. It’s also an excellent map for Legion and Delirium, and if you know the layout, boss rushing is an intelligent strategy to remove most of the lousy altar rewards for bosses.
What makes Underground Sea Great for Farming:
- Good and dense layout.
- Great divination cards, including the new Divine card from the boss, Divine Beauty.
- Perfect for Deli Orbing strats.
- Easy to get a bunch of altars because of the density, magnifying your drops exponentially.
- As it’s also a Natural T16, it’s super easy to sustain with Horizon Orbs.
4 – Graveyard
One of the new strats created surrounding the new league mechanic, The Forbidden Sanctum, is to run Graveyard maps on a loop. It works because whenever you open a Graveyard map, the entrance to the Sanctum is often near the cathedral in the center of the map (where you start), and as such, all you need to do is make a circle around the cathedral to find the Sanctum.
You can either run the Graveyards white or alc it and go, or even invest, but this will be the quickest way of getting a lot of Sanctums for you to farm your rogue-lite experience in Path of Exile!
What makes Graveyard Great for Farming:
- Cheap and easy to make.
- The quickest way of farming Sanctums
- Can Horizon Orb any of the extra unwanted maps into Graveyards, because it’s a natural T16 (you want T16 for the extra reward at the end of the Sanctum)
- Great layout for Sanctum farming.
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNzKzahiwWo&t=374s
3 – Promenade
This is the best map currently on the Atlas for a specific strategy: Delirium Mirror. And combined with some luck and special items, it can also double as a Headhunter farming place.
Promenade works so well for Delirium because Deli likes to have long layouts that stretch as far away as possible from the starting point in a straight line. The longer your path is, the more you can stay inside the Delirium Fog, and as such, the more rewards you can fill up, and the more rewards you fill up, the more loot you get.
And not only that, but it’s also where it drops The Patient card, one of the 512 cards you need (8 The Patients for 1 The Nurse, which then you need 8 of those for 1 The Doctor, then you need 8 The Doctors) for a Headhunter.
What makes Promenade Great for Farming:
- Best layout possible for Delirium Mirror Farming.
- Drops the Patient card, which is a way of farming Headhunters deterministically
- Has two bosses, which makes it great for possible loot explosions with long chains of quantity.
- Not a lot of popularity in this league, so they’re relatively cheap.
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2cYmdc_qh8&ab_channel=TeemoPanda
2 – Crimson Temple
Tried and true, the best map to farm Apothecary Divination cards for the most powerful unique item in the game, Mageblood. It also has other really good divination cards, and boasts one of the best layouts in the game for certain popular builds, like RF.
People can use several different strats to farm Apothecaries, often involved with Strongboxes and/or adding Delirium to the map. All it depends on is what your preference is and how much investment you make.
What makes Crimson Temple Great for Farming:
- Fantastic layout for farming quickly and efficiently.
- Drops Apothecary cards, The Enlightened, Seven Years Bad Luck and The Dragon’s Heart.
- Good map for doing Expedition, with some open regions for dig sites.
- Linear and straightforward to guide yourself to the boss room.
- High demand, so if you over sustain (which is easy), you can sell them for profit.
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzQwNnIS-2M&ab_channel=Osc
1 – Dunes
The best and simplest money strategy that’s been established last league and only got better this league with the introduction of new notables on the Atlas Passive tree, which doubles the number of basic currency rewards from Legion chests.
For this, you’ll want to spec into the most amount of rare mobs and legion passives possible, with a few caveats, but what you definitely need, besides a great Legion clearing build, is to have a massively open layout map.
This means that Dunes is the perfect map to do this in, especially as it’s easy to find and kill the boss, and Delirium works rather well on top of this mechanic, but you should also be doing Expedition on top for maximum use of the ample space we get from this map.
What makes Dunes Great for Farming:
- Perfect open layout for Legion Monolith farming
- Works well with Expedition
- Straightforward without any backtracking if you know what you’re doing
- Great resale value.
- Insane density.
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jmzmuv0t2M&ab_channel=Grimro
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