In Pathfinder Kingmaker you get to rule the Stolen Lands. This is done through the kingdom management system which divides your kingdom into 10 different stats. While all significant decisions need to go through you, your advisors explain daily tasks and the pros and cons of those decisions. Throughout the game you will find many candidates, your companions can fill some positions, others by NPCs, and all of them will have a different vision of developing your kingdom, disagreeing with them too much will make them quit. This can be a daunting task but not to worry this article will advise all future kings/queens on the best possible candidates for each position.
1. Regent: Valerie
Looks dependable even in her portrait
Valerie is one of the first companions you can get. She’s loyal and reliable not only as a tank but also as a regent. As this position is all about the community and dealing with banditry, she is as good as it gets. The events for this position are determined by charisma.
What Valerie Excels In
- She comes very early into the game and at little to no cost compared to the other options ( Octavia comes a bit later, and picking Lander comes at an opportunity cost of the two better advisors you can get at the beginning of the game).
- Decent Charisma stat for this position; she has slightly higher charisma than Octavia, and just forget about Lander who is a waste of space.
Pick Valerie If
- She has a very lawful, traditional approach. Anyone wanting a more stable feudal society with structure and support of local nobility Valerie is your girl.
- She is harsh against the bandit threat unlike Octavia who is very squeamish or Lander who is a lunatic.
Valerie Details
Valerie Build
2. Councilor: Shandra Mervey
She is exactly what she seems to be
Shandra is a veteran diplomat from Brevoy. Well-groomed with an ice-cold personality she will always remind you of your status with Brevoy. Despite that, she does her job as a Councilor very well. The important attribute of this position is wisdom.
What Shandra Excels In
- She gives the kingdom project Trade Agreement with Surtova.
- Gives good advice due to her experience leading to a better ending slide.
- Can be acquired early game.
Pick Shandra If
- You want to prefer the nobility and merchants over the common man ( they eventually rebel if you favor them instead).
- If you want some stability in this position ( Tsanna is Chaotic Evil, can be a useful successor but is easy to miss and Tristan has a bleeding heart and doesn’t stay with you midgame).
Shandra Details
Shandra Recruitment
3. General: Regongar
A surprise fit considering his demeanour in game
Regongar is a companion you can recruit early on in the game. He comes as a package deal with Octavia (they can be used separately after being recruited). A ruthless warrior with an affinity for magic he makes an excellent choice as a general. The important stat for generals is strength
What Regongar Excels In
- Highest strength score potential among the potential advisors.
- Results over ethics approach when it comes to warfare.
Pick Regongar If
- If you want a magically capable army pick him otherwise the other two options are also good for a traditional army.
Regongar Details
Regongar Build
4. Treasurer: Jubilost Narthropple
Unlike the previous entry Jubilost's position is almost expected
Jubilost is a renowned author, adventurer, and alchemist that joins as a companion at the start of the second act. A very capable advisor who is everyone’s first choice to run the economy. The important stat for this position is intelligence
What Jubilost Excels In
- High intelligence comes packaged with his build and has the highest potential among your companions.
- Extremely competent at his job; the only serious competition is Kanerah.
- First Treasurer you get (the rest are locked behind further into the game or difficult quests).
Pick Jubilost If
- The main dilemma here is how much does the state interfere with the economy? Jubilost prefers minimal interference in most cases so if your views align pick him.
- The ending you get leaves the treasury empty but people are very satisfied. If you want the alternative ending that too is possible with Jubilost just pick high taxes options in the first few decisions. It leaves your coffers full with the occasional corruption scandals.
- If you are going for a good playthrough otherwise Kanerah is your pick for an evil playthrough.
Jubilost Details
Jubilost Build
5. High Priest: Jhod Kavken
Simple and boring, exactly what you need
A cleric of Erastil, an NPC you can pick up in the early game from a mandatory quest. He acts as your main vendor for cleric scrolls and can also become your high priest. The stat for this position is wisdom.
What Jhod Excels In
- Very easy to get, just proceed through the main storyline.
Pick Jhod If
- The other two options are far worse ( Harrim doesn’t care about anything and Tsanna is a cultist); they are fine with demon-worshipping cults and are open to all religions. This results in fanatics from every faith feuding with one another. Jhod is a severe traditionalist and only promotes the commonly accepted faiths. This leads to a far more stable outcome.
Jhod Details
Jhod Recruitment
6. Grand Diplomat: Linzi
You should have expected the bard to be the diplomat
Linzi is the lovable/annoying bard you recruit early into the game. She has a very naive and romanticized outlook on this world. The important stat here is charisma.
What Linzi Excels In
- Very easy to get. You get Linzi in the prologue and she is with you till the end of the game.
- Highest possible charisma out of all the options available.
Pick Linzi If
- The main dichotomy here is isolationism vs globalism; in this game, the globalist approach of interacting with everyone leads to a better ending slide. Linzi while having a naive viewpoint always wants to open diplomatic channels with every nation. In contrast, Valerie leans towards isolationist policies.
- If you prefer low maintenance; you will probably assign Valerie as a regent and she doesn’t even have good stats for this job. Bartholomew is harder to get as an advisor and picking him comes with the extra baggage of his twisted science experiments. Also, his stats are lower than Linzi
Linzi Details
Linzi Build
7. Magister: Octavia
A young wizard as your magister what could go wrong?
A chaotic good wizard/rogue, she joins you with Regongar. She doesn’t like any regulations on magic as long as it is ethical (e.g. she dislikes necromancy). The Important stat is Intelligence.
What Octavia Excels In
- Highest possible intelligence stat among your options here.
- You can pick her up very early ( Vordakai is very easy to miss, Storyteller is similar to her )
Pick Octavia If
- If you prefer a middle ground between no regulations (Vordakai) and lots of rules (Storyteller) Octavia is your girl.
- The least amount of investment required; both Vordakai and the Storyteller require you to invest in projects to improve their skills which is still less than hers (plus Vordakai has a steep price to even get).
Octavia Details
Octavia Build
8. Warden: Kesten Garess
Plain old Kesten is a nice palate clenser to all the eccentricities brought on by the rest of the advisors
Another early recruit, Kesten is an NPC that can be chosen as the Warden. Previously served as the captain of the guards for Jmondi Aldori, Kesten has experience policing matters. The important stat here is constitution
What Kesten Excels In
- Kesten can only serve this role while Ekundayo and Regongar can serve better in other positions.
- Naturally, Ekundayo’s and Regongar’s build won’t focus on constitution, usually leaving Kesten with better stats here.
Pick Kesten If
- Kesten’s solution is building up your guard forces, increasing patrols, etc. The others believe in a police state so automatically Kesten looks like the better option ( you can still get that if you want but you will have to be careful not to displease Kesten too much or he will quit).
- If you have picked the others in different positions your only option is Kesten.
Kesten Details
Kesten Recruitment
9. Curator: Jaethal
The signature look of superiority found even in undead elves
Jaethal is an undead elf companion recruited very early on. Ruthless and pragmatic she knows what a state needs to do. The important stat for this role is charisma.
What Jaethal Excels In
- Making your government look better through funding their artists and backing this up with her experience in running a state agency.
Pick Jaethal If
- If you want to attract and support artists for the explicit purpose of increasing the influence of your kingdom, especially from its citizenry (Linzi supports artists too but naively thinks this will produce the best art while the Storyteller takes a complete hands-off approach resulting in you building up your talent only for them to leave your kingdom for greener pastures).
Jaethal Details
Jaethal Build
10. Minister: Ekundayo
Doesn't look menacing at all making him the perfect candidate for a spymaster
A stoic ranger that’s recruited later on in the game when you face off against trolls. While he is lawful good he is still very pragmatic with his approach, yet still has some ethics, making the best possible spymaster. For this role dexterity is key.
What Ekundayo Excels In
- Highest possible stat bonus for this role.
- A very reasonable approach for such a potentially dangerous role.
Pick Ekundayo If
- If you want an effective yet ethical spymaster you won’t find someone better than him; Jaethal prefers fear tactics and Jubilost is best reserved as the Treasurer.
Ekundayo Details
Ekundayo Build
Further Resources
So that’s my list of the best advisors. Comment down below and tell me what were your picks and why.
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