Planet Coaster Best DLCs (Ranked Worst To Best)
11. Back to the Future DLC
This is a themed DLC. It has the car from the movie for scenery and a speed sign. It's a real small DLC pack. There isn’t much else to this.
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10. The Munsters DLC
This DLC is also another themed pack. It has some scenery from the show. But other than that, it's lacking anything beneficial.
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9. Knight Rider DLC
As fun as this DLC is, it doesn't really have much. it's mostly just a theme DLC. It has a ride with Kitt the car, as well as some scenery decorations. Also if you don't know what Knight Rider is this DLC may not interest you.
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8. World’s Fair DLC
Planet Coaster is all about reaching the sky and building the best park. This DLC adds different themes and buildings from around the world. It does come with new food stores and vending machines. However, it is lacking in the floral and foliage department. This DLC is mostly for building walls and stalls.
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7. Vintage DLC
This DLC had some cool new rides, stalls, and animatronics. However, some of the animatronics just sit there and don't really add to the scenery. This DLC really only works if your park is a strictly vintage theme. Some of the new scenes are not universal or fit in with other scenes.
DLC details: https://console.planetcoaster.com/en-GB/dlc/xbox/xbox-one/vintage-worlds-fair-bundle
6. Classic Rides DLC
This DLC is inspired by the most iconic and classic rides from around the world. There are 9 new rides. However, they are mostly for the adults in the game, not many carnivals or junior rides for the kids or family visitors that come to your park.
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5. Ghostbusters DLC
Who are you gonna call for a ghostly DLC? This Ghostbusters DLC has a fully voiced campaign scenario. There is also authentic scenery and building pieces from the original movie. However, if you're not a fan of the movie you may not be a fan of this DLC.
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4. Magnificent Rides DLC
As the name suggests, this DLC has only rides. But it was the 1st DLC in the collection to have only rides and fans were thrilled about it. It comes with 9 new rides and coasters. It does not have any scenery whatsoever, but with the range of rides, it makes up for it. Plus every ride is customizable.
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3. Spooky DLC
Let's get spooky with this DLC. It has 2 new spooky track rides for making a haunted house. Plus there are over 300 spooky scenery pieces as well as some cool moving parts.
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2. Studio DLC
Become the director in this DLC. Lots and lots of scenery parts and pieces to use to make your very own movie scene. Plus new track rides. These rides use an elevator mechanic as your guest watches a scene unfold on each level.
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1. Adventure DLC
This DLC has all an adventurer could ever need. From 3 new rides, over 300 scenery pieces, and 70 building pieces including gold pieces, and temple blocks. There are also some awesome special effects and animated parts. It even has some moving animal animatronics. This DLC has it all.
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