Coins are a very important part of Plants vs. Zombies. Keep reading to find out how you can get your hands on some of it!
Coins are an essential factor in the Plants vs. Zombies gameplay. This entire franchise incorporates coins that can be used for different benefits. Coins are obtained in different ways in different games, but they are quite important if you want the upper hand in the ultimate battle! Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 seems to have gained immense popularity. With these coins, you are able to purchase sticker packs at the Sticker Shop. As you know, these stickers enable you to purchase new characters. This is very important for your gameplay because new characters unlock new abilities that will put you above your opponents. You can also purchase customizations and consumables with coins. It is safe to say that you are doomed without coins. So let me tell you how to get your hands and these shiny little guys!
5. Keep your cards close to your CHEST
This method is quite handy for beginners as it does not require much skill. These chests offer an easy way for you to gain a lot of coins. The number of coins in these chests differs but the average amount is about 20000 coins. That is one hell of a lot of coins for doing next to nothing! This method works as follows:
- Chests are unlocked by stars. You can obtain stars by completing quests found at the Quest Board at the center of your base.
- Basic chests require three stars to be opened, but some will require more. The chests that require more stars will reward you with more coins.
- After you have completed your quest, you should locate chests and you will be able to open them and enjoy your reward.
This method is extremely easy and the amount of coins you are rewarded with is insane. Easy money if you ask me.
4. Teamwork makes the dream work
Multiplayer quests are a great way to obtain coins fast. These quests will reward you with coins. Standard quests pay out around 5000 coins, while an epic quest will give you a whopping 25000 coins! The fun thing about this method is that you will earn 45000 coins if you complete all of the quests. This method is also fairly simple to complete:
- You can go to the Quest Board at the center of your base.
- Here you will either find five standard quests that will add up to 25000 coins in total, or you will find four standard quests and one epic quest that you will be rewarded 45000 for completing.
- Once you have completed a quest, you will earn hella coins.
The only downside to this method is the fact that multiplayer quests are only made available every 48 hours. It is also not guaranteed that you will receive an epic quest every time. Nevertheless, this is an excellent method to earn thousands of coins with little effort.
3. OPS. Just OPS.
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 offers Garden OPS and Graveyard OPS. These gameplays allow you to earn coins in a quick and easy manner. These gameplays are extremely rewarding and it works as follows:
- Choose either Graveyard OPS or Garden OPS. Most sources claim that Graveyard OPS is more fun!
- The next step is very important and is the key to collecting many coins. Set the difficulty of the gameplay to HARD or CRRRRRAAAZY!. The HARD setting will multiply your coins by 1.5 and the CRRRRRAAAZY setting will multiply your coins by 2.
This method is extremely rewarding and it allows you to collect coins in no time. Money, money, money!
2. Honey, I got a PROMOTION!
It is very important to keep promoting and upgrading your characters. The great thing about this method is that each character can be promoted five times and that each variant can be promoted too. This means that all types of Chompers or Peashooters can be promoted individually. What does this have to do with coins, you ask? Let me tell you:
- When you play as a character and you reach level ten, you are able to promote this character.
- When a character gets promoted, you are awarded a whopping 20000 coins!
Promotions are not only beneficial when considering coins, but they also allow you to have stronger characters that will be extremely beneficial to your gameplay. I guess promotions really are as good as they sound.
1. What a story!
Avid players of Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 are familiar with the Story Quests that are incorporated in the game. These quests’ rewards averagely range around 2500 coins, but they can be redone! This means that you can do a story quest as many times as you please and the coins will just keep rolling in. Tell me more, you say? It will be my pleasure:
- To do a Story Quest, you have to go to the Quest Board in the center of your base.
- There you will see Story Quests to accept and complete.
This method can become quite tedious as you can do these quests over and over, but hey, coins are coins!