[Top 5] PoE Best Armor Sets for Raider That Are Powerful
Raider, the queen of QoL, and one of the most enjoyable Ascendancies to play, can shine in almost any situations and with several archetypes. And here are a few of the best ones.
5 – Fire Elemental Hit
Once one of the strongest skills in the game, Ele Hit still packs a punch when properly geared. Though it suffers from single target, even with solid items, it’s one of the most satisfying bow skills to use, and a personal favourite.
You’ll want a Helmet with a lot of RME, to fit all your auras, as well as a bunch of Spell Suppression, Life and resistances. Getting a Phys Taken as Fire craft will go a long way toward making you feel tankier too.
Body Armor
One of the biggest issues Elemental Hit suffers from is Crit chance and we solve this using elevated Power Charge on Crit Crusader, and then Awakener’s Orb to merge with Elevated Crit Chance to Attacks from Hunter Influence. With some clever crafting, you can also guarantee +1 Curse, if you have a free Prefix.
Since we’re a Raider that scales a lot from stacking as many Frenzy Charges as possible, getting a solid pair of Hands of the High Templar is crucial. You’ll want +1 Frenzy, Ele Weakness and, if possible, either +2 Aura, +1 All or even Attack crits.
For even more speed, you’ll want a pair of Tailwind + Elusive boots. Beyond that, Life, Movement Speed, resistances.
Because of how Elemental Hit scales, you’ll want a +3 Bow with as much attack speed, crit chance, crit multi as possible. The more gem levels you have, the stronger it is. Also, it’s crucial both for clearing and damage, to get at least +1 Arrow. +2 if you’re rich.
A lot of Attack Speed, Bows fire +1 Proj, Crit Multi, Life, Resistances, Attributes. Whatever mix you can get. Only the Life and +1 Proj a mandatory.
Xoph’s Blood is a great item for Fire only builds, because it not only grants easy access to Ash, which makes enemies take 20% Increased Fire Damage, but also 10% Fire Pen and a lot of life/Strength, as well as Avatar of Fire, which then converts 50% of the Cold and Lightning damage that you wouldn’t deal otherwise into fire.
You have a lot of options here. If you didn’t get Elemental Weakness from your gloves, you can go for a Hunter Ring. Otherwise, Kalandra Jewelry is a great pickup. A simple, but very very strong unique is The Taming, and with good rolls and properly catalysed, it can grant you over 100% Increased Damage in a single slot!
You can either go for a Headhunter, for massive clearing and tankiness, or Mageblood, of course. But a solid Stygian Vise will work well enough. Look for a lot of Life, Resistance, WED and whatever attributes you’re lacking.
Build Details: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/krokam132/Krokammm?time-machine=week-3&i=6&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DRaider%26skill%3D!Lightning-Strike%2C!Flicker-Strike%26sort%3Ddps
4 – Lightning Spectral Shield Throw
This is the Doryani’s Prototype league, because of the Kalandra Jewelry, so it makes sense that the most QoL ascendancy would pick it up and make use of this marvellously strong item.
You’ll want as much RME as possible, Life, Spell suppression. Getting Reduced Mana Cost for attacks is a great idea, but what you definitely want is +3 Shard Projectiles Enchant for Spectral Shield Throw. It’s what makes the build clear well and feel good to use.
Body Armor
Doryani’s Prototype. The core of the build and what everything revolves around, mostly.
You’ll want gloves with at least 50% Phys to Lightning Conversion since we need to convert all our shield’s damage into Lightning to take full advantage of Doryani’s Prototype. Besides that, grab as much Life, Resistance and Attack Speed as possible, and, if you can, some Spell Suppression too.
This is where you’ll pick up a lot of Ailment Avoidance. With clever crafting and making good use of Fractured items, you can spam Essences of Loathing to guarantee 32%+ Ailment Avoid, and this, combined with at least 23% Avoid from the Eldritch implicits, puts you over 55% and with the rest of the passive tree, you’ll be 100% Ailment Immune! Besides all that, grab Spell Suppression (fracture mod!), Life, Movement Speed, and anything else you can get.
Since we’re a Shield build, our weapons are mostly a stat stick. It’s a great place to pick up a lot of Block from a Sai, as well as a lot of damage from Crusader daggers, granting up to 20% extra Phys as Lightning. You’ll also want a lot of Crit Multi, Lightning Damage, Double Damage, Accuracy.
Emperor’s Vigilance. It’s a great shield that grants a ton of Armor and Energy Shield, which is what this build needs to deal damage, as well as a bunch of block chance and a massive chunk of Spell Block, which then doubles from the Glancing Blows affix that shield also have.
Ashes of the Stars makes Phantasmal Spectral Shield Throw shine, as it gives up to 50% Crit Multi per 100 ES from your shield. And when you have 400 ES from the shield, that means you’re getting 200% Crit Multi, just like that!
As we’re a Doryani’s build, you’ll definitely need a Kalandra ring with as much Negative Lightning Resistance as possible. At least over -110%, but you can make do with less. Besides that, lots of Life, Attributes, WED, and Resistances, including Chaos Res.
Mageblood is how we can scale a ton of Armor, Evasion, and damage. It’s the best belt in the game for a reason, and perhaps worth the insane price it has, especially this league.
Build Details: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/zoo5/zoo_kal?time-machine=week-3&i=5&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DRaider%26skill%3D!Lightning-Strike%2C!Flicker-Strike%26sort%3Ddps
3 – Vaal Lightning Strike
As usual, being such a strong contester is one of the strongest builds of the meta, and it seems that it hasn’t been nerfed at all in 3.19, meaning it’s as strong as ever and will demolish monsters just like it used to. The three best ascendancies for VLS are Champion, Berserker and Raider, with Raider being the fastest, the Berserker the strongest, and the Champion being the tankiest. And here are the reasons for such!
Blizzard Crown, with as much Attributes as possible, since we are an Omni build. Try to get as much Life as you can, and the LS enchant is crucial for gameplay!
Body Armor
Our main source of Power Charges and a way to always have uptime on our Frenzy charges, since those are crucial for our speed and damage. Farrul’s Fur also grants us a Free Cat Aspect, which gives a lot of crit chance, on a pendulum mechanic, as well as some attack and movement speed.
Here you’ll want to go big on your budget, as you want a +1 Frenzy Charges and +2 Strike Skills, since this is how you double your damage against single target. Try to get as much Attack Speed as possible, since that’s your primary multiplier to your damage. Also, you’ll want to craft Aspect of the Cat either on your helmet or gloves, since you want to link it to Less Duration Support, in order to cycle between Cat’s Stealth and Speed.
You’ll want a Darkray Vectors here, as it’s the best pair you can get for what it brings, with its +1 to Frenzy as well as so much movement speed per Frenzy. At 12 constant Frenzy Charges, this boot alone grants you over 60% Movement Speed!
Basic claw, triple Elemental if you can, as much crit and attack speed as possible, and Elemental Pen or Dex is gravy.
Here is where you’ll get a bunch of Spell Suppression as well as Ailment Avoid, which combined with Raider, will top you off-handedly with only a couple of passive wheels which are already fantastic to take anyways!
Crystalized Omniscience grants us blanket resistance and damage, making it extremely easy to cap out on Res, and will provide the single greatest amount of damage possible.
Mageblood, a fantastic item as always, the strongest unique in the game by far.
Here you’ll want as much Attribute or Added Cold Per Frenzy (remember, we stack those) so getting as much flat cold damage is crucial to your overall damage. Also, if you can, go for +1 Maximum Frenzy Charges too!
2 – Doryani’s Prototype HoWA Accuracy Stacker Flicker Strike
Now that’s a mouthful! Though you might feel intimidated by the long-winded description of this build, it’s rather simple and very synergistic.
Since we’re an Int stacker, you’ll want a Hubris Circlet (Int stackers get a lot of % ES, but not much flat ES) Hunter Influenced, with as much Int as possible, as well as % Intelligence. Get as much Flat ES as possible and Resists (But avoid Lightning Resistance on gear!!!
Body Armor
Here’s Doryani’s Prototype, so there’s no getting around it. Get one with as much Armor and ES as possible. This is the reason why you don’t want any Lightning Res on gear since that’s how you’ll scale your own damage. It does mean you need to take care of Lightning Dots, since there’s no escaping that.
This is the reason this build even works. Shaper’s Touch takes all your Int and makes it into Evasion (which then becomes Armor, since we convert it with Iron Reflexes) as well as +4 Accuracy per 2 Int, and since we have over 1300 Int, that’s more than 2600 Accuracy from a single item slot!
This is the second part of our damage. With all this extra Accuracy, we get a lot of damage from Ritual-exclusive boots, called Stormrider Boots, which take our Accuracy and grant 1 to 6 Lightning Damage per 200 Accuracy. Even though this build isn’t going full-on Accuracy, it still means you’re getting a heavy chunk of damage from it!
Hand of Wisdom and Action, the famous HoWA is a claw that grants a lot of damage based on the amount of Int that you have, as well as some attack speed based on your Dex. It grants 1 to 10 Lightning Damage per 10 Int, and since we’re over 1,300, that’s more than 1300 Flat Lightning damage! Of course, there’s a ton of variance, but since we don’t crit (Precise Technique), we can use the Lucky Lightning Hits Mastery, guaranteeing as much damage as possible!
Aegis Aurora, that, though often used to help reach 90% All Res, this time is just to provide insane ES recovery on Block, which we are fully capped out, but since we’re forced into building a bunch of armour, and we’re hitting almost 100k Armor, each time we block, either spell or attack, we get almost 2,000 ES back, instantly!
This is more of a luxury item and could honestly be replaced by many things. It’s entirely up to you, but having yet another source of Negative Lightning Res is great, and will make you cap out on the negative 200% Lightening Res. Uul Netol’s Vow will grant you a lot of damage, but it’s a hefty price tag, and likely the most expensive item in the build.
The rest of the jewellery will be mostly the same. Lots of Fire and Cold Res, as much Int and ES as possible, with hopefully % Intelligence Synth implicits.
Same as the belt.
1 – Hopeshredder Frenzy
A fantastic mapper, and a massive money sink, this build can do all content, while also being outside the meta. It just requires some insanely expensive gear to function, but it’s very worth it.
You’ll want a Helmet with the Frenzy Enchant, to start things. With 10 Frenzy Charges, this means the enchant alone gives 90% increased damage to Frenzy. Besides that, getting a helmet with an Abyssal Socket is a great way of increasing your damage, since Abyssal jewels have the most Added Flat of all jewels. And you can also get a bunch of Crit Multi that way and Life. Besides that, go for a lot of Life, resistances, and you’ll definitely want at least a single source of Pierce in the build.
Body Armor
A solid Crit Attacks Hunter body armour, with as much Life as possible is a great way of getting a lot of damage. You can also go for some Spell Suppression, though it would be hard to cap out without rare gloves and boots.
Hands of the High Templar, with +1 Frenzy Charge as well as even more Crit Chance for attacks.
Darkray Vectors for +1 Frenzy Charge. Getting corruptions for a lot of life Regen is a great idea, since these boots are very cheap and can be mass corrupted for that.
Hopeshredder, the core tenet of the build. It’s a fantastically strong bow, with a strong drawback, but that is circumvented with some clever mechanics. It’s also how you can scale a lot of your damage just by having tons of Frenzy Charges. And since they’re cheap, corrupting them for +1 Arrows isn’t impossibly expensive, but it can be.
Getting a Synth Quiver with +1 Arrow, and then crafting it to get a second +1 Arrow is amazing and definitely something you’ll want to do. It allows you to not need even LMP for your clearing skill, Lightning Arrow.
As we are 99% a Cold build, using a Pandemonius is an obvious choice, with 24% Cold Pen built in, as well as free Blind and 30% guaranteed Chill.
A Circle of Fear with +1 Frenzy Charge is definitely a must, and getting a Precursor’s Emblem with both Flat Cold Damage per Frenzy and Life Regen per Frenzy are things you need for both damage and to negate the drawbacks from Hopeshredder.
You could wear a Headhunter or even a Mageblood, and you’d be insanely tankier with both, as well as deal a lot more damage, but a strong Stygian does the job just fine. Go for a Hunter Stygian with as much Life as possible, including % Maximum Life. And if you can, craft Crit Chance is Lucky, as it would help guarantee you’re getting 100% Crit Chance.
Build Details: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/30Creptus/ShroomsInMySandwich?time-machine=week-3&i=4&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DRaider%26skill%3D!Lightning-Strike%2C!Flicker-Strike%26sort%3Ddps
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