Like real life, wherever you may be, you’ll always need to take a breather to drink, no matter where you may be, and in the zombie apocalypse survival game that is Project Zomboid, that is no exception. No matter where you are, or where on the map you may be, your character will eventually be thirsty, leading you to complications in your progress and eventually death. While water is a necessity for your survival, you can’t just scoop it in a bag and have it ready whenever, which is why you need containers for your liquids.
While there are plenty of items you can use to be able to have water around, some just offer more or even weigh you down less. Each item has different use cases in terms of carrying weight and capacity, making stockpiling a delicate balance depending on your character, which you’ll learn in this list.
For this list, the list is made at the time of the games’ latest version (ver. 41.78 Steam) and is based on my experience in a friend-hosted multiplayer server, and the items listed are from the vanilla version of the game, meaning no mod items are included. Criteria are based on overall useability. Water containers in this list are for drinking water only and exclude water containers for other uses.
5. Mug
Why is the Mug Great?
While it’s not the most optimal thing to carry around the world as you’ll quickly run out, this small container can do what very few containers do, which we’ll elaborate on in the list below.
- Can boil – Self-explanatory but you can boil water
- Lightness – Super light to carry around
Simple things like it being able to be boiled when placing water in it is a good thing when you have electricity but have no access to safe drinking water. Things like rainwater can be collected in the world, but naturally, rainwater is tainted and unsafe to drink once you collect it. Having a mug in hand, allows you to be able to boil the water you store in an oven or microwave to turn that tainted water into water your character can straight-up drink. There are far better ways to collect said tainted water, which will be a whole separate topic, but as far as drinking water is concerned, this is the simplest to get to be able to drink out of.
Mug Details:
- Water amount (in cups): 1
- Carry weight (full): 0.8
How to Get the Mug:
- House kitchen
- Shelves
4. Water Bottle (White Wine Bottle)
Why is the White Wine Bottle Great?
While it may be a glass bottle filled with bubbly, emptying it will also allow you to be able to get a larger refreshment source for your travels. On paper, you may not think of this bottle as something special compared to the others but the things below say otherwise.
- Larger capacity - Naturally taller bottles give a higher capacity
- Decent stock - If you ever roam a supermarket or gas station grocery store, it should be present
When you have used up the white wine, you’ll be left with a plentiful water resource that is decent for its weight. While the process of actively finding white wine or the bottle is more involved, it’s not impossible given the randomness of the game. You may be able to spawn nearer to the places to find it or maybe in walking distance to it while the same can be said on the polar opposite with luck, or lack of to find even a single, solitary bottle.
Once you do have one or two, it should be good enough to keep, because any more isn’t an ideal thing due to the carry weight being piled on to your character but depending on your character’s status, you can get away with it, or be forced to keep it nearby via a bag or a vehicle due to the sheer weight of having a lot of these. Either way, capacity will still keep you fine should you feel thirsty, and that also means living for a lot longer
White Wine Bottle Details:
- Water amount (in cups): 12.5
- Carry weight (full): 1.0
How to Get White Wine Bottle:
- Gas station convenience stores
- Supermarkets
- House kitchens
3. Water Bottle (Soda/Water Bottle)
Why is the Soda/Water Bottle Great?
The plain and simple water bottle is what all of us are familiar with as it’s the most likely water container we can find around the world. There are two different variations of the water bottle we are mentioning here, with one being the regular, plain Water Bottle and the other being the Orange Soda Bottle. Both have the same capacity and weight either way which also makes it perfect to show they both have the same benefits below.
- Ease of stockpiling - Water bottles like these are everywhere, making for easy stockpiling of drinking water
- Low empty and carry weight - It’s light both full and empty making you have options as to how many you can bring
It’s an absolute must to bring these bottles for any looting or traveling expedition as the sheer amount you can collect is perfect for distribution to your friends if they run out. On a solo run, these are lifesavers in that you can carry as many as you want while likely getting more elsewhere, for as long as it doesn’t hinder you badly. A nice, safe option as far as water containers are concerned so you should be able to keep yourself hydrated and not worry about thirst unless you run out.
Soda/Water Bottle Details:
- Water amount (in cups): 10
- Carry weight (full): 0.8
How to Get Soda/Water Bottle:
- House kitchens
- Vending machines
- Gas station convenience stores
- Supermarkets
2. Bleach Bottle with Water
Why is the Bleach Bottle with Water Great?
As goofy as it sounds, this is a good way to get around the world without needing to pit a lot for water. It is important to note that you need to clear out any contents of the Bleach before filling it with water, but when you do get it to run empty, a plentiful water supply will await, with the given benefits of the following.
- High capacity – 20 cups of drinks will go plenty on a single container
- Ok weight capacity – 1.6 is heavy for your character but the context of the amount of water given.
Water capacity outweighs the weight of the canister but makes sure you know the limits of your character. Adding weight debuffs to your character traits makes you less likely to run farther, carry less, etc. and the Bleach Bottle with Water will only make it worse. You should be able to go so far on a single bottle anyways, so you’ll still be able to make it to a town with plenty of water to spare. Next time you are done with the laundry in your world, save that bottle and drink that bleach bottle with water, and with no cleaning needed.
Bleach Bottle with Water Details:
- Water amount (in cups): 10
- Carry weight (full): 1.6
How to Get Bleach Bottle with Water:
- Houses
- Laundromats
- Supermarkets
1. Water Bottle (Whiskey Bottle)
Why is the Whisky Bottle Great?
In the same way, how the White Wine Bottle acts, the Whiskey bottle is also a step up in the sense that it’s everything the White Wine bottle does, but at a better rate. It may not be the capacity that makes it any better, but still better in regards to the following.
- Larger capacity - This is a wider bottle that still gives a much better water capacity relative to weight
- Lower carry weight - When full, it’s lighter than the aforementioned White Wine bottle
While this may be a large water container still, the weight is much better being 0.3 units lower per bottle while still retaining a decent water weight of 12. That being said this is still no substitute for the regular water bottles in terms of efficiency but when you are in a bar, using up bourbon to keep your happy hour going, you can use the bottles you had to keep you hydrated way after your supposed hangover is over.
Whiskey Bottle Details:
- Water amount (in cups): 12
- Carry weight (full): 0.8
How to Get Whiskey Bottle:
- Bars
- Supermarkets
- Houses