A lot of times, a good skill is what you need to have an advantage over someone in just about anything in life. Having something that can one-up you can help you do things like getting promoted easily, make things done quicker, and survive in a zombie apocalypse?
Ok, maybe the last part isn’t applicable in real life (as of now), but for the sandbox survival nature of project zomboid, it’s a bonus that will help you be better at something that can get you an edge vs the undead. With a few professions that you can choose, it can be quite a help towards the best possible setup for your needs, with choices of being a policeman, repairman, burger flipper, or even the benefits of being jobless in the game, which is not too bad considering the latter is certain doom in real life. With that said, you’ll be knowing the niches and nuances of each profession, for you to know how you can be part of a successful side of zombie survival.
For this list, the list is made at the time of the games’ latest version (ver. 41.73 Steam) and is based on my experience in a friend-hosted multiplayer server, and the items listed are from the vanilla version of the game, meaning no mod items are included. The occupations shown have been tested in either single-player or multiplayer campaigns and mostly recorded from the player’s personal experience. This is a subjective list and the order is in no particular order.
10. Repairman
Why is Repairman Great?
This occupation has been my personal favorite since I started playing, offering a good solid foundation for any non-combat-oriented run in Project Zomboid. Being the end times handyman is, well, handy in the sense that you get to do the nifty tricks of repair, alongside the usual benefits of these things below.
- Prolongs tool durability – Squeezes a bit more out of your tools life
- Added carpentry and maintenance skills – Taking this occupation naturally increases these two skills
- Short Blunt weapon increase – Adds an increase in short blunt weapon effectiveness
With all the junk and general need to fix up a lot of things in the world, being a Repairman offers good incentives in the regards to your effectiveness in tidying up broken/crafting skills. For being the resident Repairman, you’ll have a point in the Carpentry skill, while also having 2 points in Maintenance, allowing you to have the aforementioned prolonged usage for your weapon. The Maintenance skill is what determines if your weapon will be damaged when use, and having 2 points off a maximum of 10 is grating you to do more for less wear and tear.
Should you be interrupted by someone’s previously living neighbor, you can rely on your effectiveness in Short Blunt weapons, as that skill tree also has a point boosted up, allowing you to get up close, but not too personal with the thing that may be your demise.
Repairman Details:
- Description – Makes your tools last longer in use
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – -4
- Bonus Stats Gained – +1 Carpentry, +2 Maintenance, +1 Short Blunt
9. Fire Officer
Why is Fire Officer Great?
Arguably the most beginner-friendly occupation available in Project Zomboid, the Fire Officer provides decent stat bonuses whilst having no drawbacks right from the start. Speaking from personal experience, this occupation does wonders with bonuses in fitness, strength, and sprinting; carrying loads of loot won’t be an issue, and not to mention a bonus in the axe skill means you’re no slouch when it comes to combat either.
- Even stat distribution – Strength, Fitness, and Sprinting bonuses ensure a safe early game.
- Divine intervention – Selecting Rosewood as your spawn point with this occupation gives you a chance to spawn in the Fire Station.
- Beginner friendly – Starting with 0 trait points enables your imagination to run wild with balancing out traits.
Playing as the Fire Officer, you’re going to be carrying the bulk of heavy lifting once you all group together in the early game as this is the only occupation that provides bonuses in both Strength and Fitness with almost little to no drawbacks. Given as those two are identified as the hardest skills to level up, that in itself already gives you an incentive to pick this occupation.
Dealing with the living dead wandering about aimlessly on the streets shouldn’t be a total issue as well; with an axe in your hands, that plus one on your Axe skill has your back and if you need to retreat; that plus one on Sprinting makes sure you can get out of there fast.
Fire Officer Details:
- Description – Can carry more items and runs faster for longer periods.
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – 0
- Bonus Stats Gained – +1 Fitness, +1 Strength, +1 Sprinting, +1 Axe.
8. Farmer
Why is Farmer Great?
Once the world has met its season finale food will be scarce as time passes by, picking this occupation not only minimizes your risk of constantly having to loot towns just to fill your belly; but also ensures that your group can keep themselves healthy with a fresh supply of crops, as getting sick because you ate something bad is one of the last things you want to worry about in the end times.
- Fresh food galore – Picking this occupation makes you worry less about running out of food in the long run.
- Keeps pests away – With a jumpstart on your farming skills, you’re able to craft Mildew and Insecticide right off the bat.
- Free points – Starting with 2 trait points for spending allows you to have one extra trait.
Picking this profession might sound unconventional for most players but Farming is one of those crucial skills not just in real life but in Project Zomboid as well; getting a head start on an endgame skill is always an upside, saving precious time to leveling it up whilst also providing beneficial resources. Making produce is a godsend for any player in Project Zomboid, making use of the variable weather to make all sorts of tasty plantable for everyone to enjoy. If you were to ask me about what to get, I’d probably take Cabbages if you have critical injuries, the immense health boost from overfeeding on these can put you back up to full strength, making any backyard in your base a must-have for these sorts of players.
Like how it is stated in the top paragraph, being able to safely produce food for your group lowers the chance of turning yourself into fodder for the gluttonous living corpses who now rule the world. Thank a Farmer for the harvest, and please don’t be fertilizer when you roam for supplies.
Farmer Details:
- Description – Makes farming easier and enables crafting crop medicines.
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – 2
- Bonus Stats Gained – +3 Farming.
7. Police Officer
Why is Police Officer Great?
As this profession heavily emphasizes combat, this is the go-to class for those who want to satisfy their itchy trigger finger right off the bat. Starting as the enforcer of your survival group ensures that your group will survive once you all spawn in under your protection; granted you do not get too confident with the early bonuses in combat.
- Efficient with firearms – Provides a decent level of both aiming and reloading from the start.
- Good spawn points – Starting in either Rosewood or West Point with this occupation gives you a chance to spawn in the police station.
- Combat ready – A bonus in nimble ensures that you’re ready for war once you spawn.
Just because the world has gone down in flames and the streets are now filled with the living dead doesn’t mean that peace and order are completely off the window; being a police officer means to protect and serve, where you have to be in the front lines blasting off those pesky zeds whilst ensuring the safety of your fellow survivors. Spawning in with 3 levels in aiming, 2 in reloading and 1 in nimble works wonders in the early game as these skills are tedious to level up.
Whether the fight’s in close quarters or long range against the citizens you once swore to protect; the police officer gets the job done and with efficiency.
Police Officer Details:
- Description – Effective in combat situations
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – -4
- Bonus Stats Gained – +1 Nimble, +2 Reloading, +3 Aiming
6. Veteran
Why is Veteran Great?
Despite what the occupation’s name implies you do not have to be a veteran to pick this trait but a good understanding of how the game works is needed. This profession starts with -8 points to spend which is the highest cost in the game but trades that off with bonuses for both aiming and reloading as well as a unique trait Desensitized.
- Desensitized – This trait unique to the Veteran keeps them from reaching states of panic.
- Combat tested – A jumpstart on aiming and reloading ensures you’re ready to jump into the fray.
- Limit testing – This occupation tests your feel for the game.
Panic should never be overlooked in this game, especially in the early levels; as your character’s panic grows, your damage, critical hits, and accuracy lower and lower. Playing as the Veteran, you don’t have to worry about because of the Desensitize trait; being unable to panic + your bonus on firearms means you are a force to be reckoned with, making you the reliable undead killing machine in your group. Picking this would likely make you the carry for all the other panicky survivors with you in a trip, but that’s a flex underneath the super costly penalty to everything else in your traits tree, but hey, you’ve survived worse (probably).
With the sad reality that war never changes, this is a role where you stand your ground and be strong. You pick up that shotgun soldier and get ready to face that horde salivating over the idea of eating you alive.
Veteran Details:
- Description – Efficient in clearing hordes of zombies.
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – -8
- Bonus Stats Gained – Desensitized (trait), +2 Aiming, +2 Reloading.
5. Park Ranger
Why is Park Ranger Great?
Whether playing solo or in multiplayer, the Park Ranger thrives. The bonuses this profession receives shouldn’t be slept on; having early skills in both foraging and trapping expands available resources the Park Ranger can provide, add that you also get a point in the carpentry and axe skill encourages jack-of-all-trades gameplay.
- One with nature – Park Rangers have a boost in movement through trees.
- Resourceful – Foraging is easier once you pick this occupation.
- Boost bonanza – Having 4 skills with XP boosts works wonders.
Foraging and Trapping are those tedious tasks to do, playing as the Park Ranger increases your chances of finding better loot like small animal meat and identifying the vegetation you find in the wild like berries and mushrooms, which could help out a lot more than people think, and if things don’t go well for you whilst foraging in the forest; escaping through the trees is a lot easier as they do not slow you down as much when playing this profession. Add in a bonus in carpentry this occupation can do it all.
As stated earlier; either with a group or going solo, the Park Ranger can make do and survive. Take that wilderness and make it your backyard… a zombie-infested yard that is.
Park Ranger Details:
- Description – Allows much faster movement through forests and woodland.
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – -4
- Bonus Stats Gained – +2 Foraging, +2 Trapping, +1 Carpentry, +1 Axe.
4. Burger Flipper
Why is Burger Flipper Great?
Now, yes, there is a Chef occupation in Project Zomboid, but why choose Burger Flipper over Chef? Well for starters, the only difference between both professions is that the Chef has one point higher in cooking over the Burger Flipper, other than that both of them have the same bonuses but where the Burger Flipper shines is that it provides 2 points ready to spend compared to the Chef’s -4, making the Burger Flipper a lot more beginner friendly pick and opens you to more combinations.
- Easy to play – Those 2 points this occupation provides make it less punishing.
- Ready to cook – The Burger Flipper already has access to recipes in the kitchen.
- Knife connoisseur – Points in Short Blade and Maintenance make knives more efficient in your hands.
Being able to whip out different dishes from the start makes you a valuable asset in your base, as the designated cook your best friends would most likely be the Farmers and the Park Rangers of your group. Scratch that, as you are the general of your settlement’s kitchen you’re everyone’s best friend. Now, why would you hate someone that will cook burgers for you? Surely you don’t, especially when the whole city is going to the land of the dead. You’re likely to thank your chef in the making would be to supply him/her with products to facilitate both their and your stomachs, as surviving is indeed hungry work.
And just because you spend more time behind the grill doesn’t mean you’re useless in combat, a boost in maintenance and short blades maximizes both the damage and longevity of any knife you wield. Good food, good life, good chances of survival.
Now that is a combo meal if I’d ever seen one.
Burger Flipper Details:
- Description – Allows you to cook certain recipes off the bat.
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – 2
- Bonus Stats Gained – +2 Cooking, +1 Maintenance, +1 Short Blade.
3. Burglar
Why is Burglar Great?
While being one of the most straightforward occupations to get, this does feel like a single-purpose choice for a multiplayer setting. Being the one to have the Burglar perk means you’re one slippery man to be grabbed on by zombies, making you get the following benefits of being a sneaky crook.
- Lightning thief – Doesn’t require a specific skill level to hotwire cars
- Movement increase – Sneaking, Nimble, and Lightfootedness are improved naturally
- Car care – Smashing a car window to get in isn’t going to be your only way in as a Burglar with pick locking being a thing
With a buffet of movement-related buffs, being a Burglar in broad, dead daylight is a benefit, as you’ll be naturally faster, be more reactive to turns, and generally more likely to avoid the clutches of the poli… I mean, zombies when you do get through. That would make kiting super effective for you, but that would depend if the counter traits you take will not hinder you to a certain degree.
What is not a hindrance to you, in this case, would be the windows of a car. Once you get a good glance over at the vehicle you want and have the gas to put it to use, you’ll normally face the unlucky chance of the vehicle being locked, not having the key or both. Being a Burglar eliminates such need as the way in is via lock picking. Instead of being exposed, you can safely get in when you do get lucky, and the same goes for hotwiring, where you only need a screwdriver to get that baby to run, assuming everything is good, meaning you bypass the need to have Electrical and Mechanics skills being leveled to make it happen.
If you want to take and run cars for you or your fellow survivors in multiplayer, consider being the end times crook of the year, and make your bad guy resume into something for the greater good.
Burglar Details:
- Description – Allows to hotwire any car with just a screwdriver.
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – -6.
- Bonus Stats Gained – +2 Lightfooted, +2 Nimble, +2 Sneaking
2. Electrician
Why is Electrician Great?
Electrical is one of those skills often looked down upon by players, but make no mistake taking the Electrician occupation is worth it. Your bonus in Electrical works wonders when disassembling anything electronics related, leaving no resource wasted; add in your expertise when it comes to generators, and it saves time for your group when you have a generator yet none of you have the magazine on how to operate it.
- Synergy – Goes well with a player playing as an Engineer.
- Components Savvy – Dismantling appliances becomes easier.
- Generator handler – Being able to maintain and use generators from the start.
A good way to maximize your playthrough with friends as an Electrician requires cooperation with the Engineer; the Engineer makes the contraptions your settlement needs and you, as the Electrician will be the one to provide those elusive materials needed for said devices. Think of it as a harmonious handshake between like-minded people wanting to blow the undead’s remaining senses off the world. These contraptions make up for the possibilities of life and death in the later parts of the game, making each possible noise a way out, or an unfortunate way to troll zombies as you raid almost half the building.
What you can do being an Electrician, can, for example, make more Pipe Bombs, Noise Generators, Smoke Bombs, Flame Traps, etc. The world has these tools for you, and you better use your inner mad scientist to make it happen (or just the materials, really). This is exceptional for places like Louisville, where possible hundreds of zombies can roam around the block, with escaping next to impossible without these.
Electrician Details:
- Description – Allows the use and maintenance of generators by default.
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – -4.
- Bonus Stats Gained – +3 Electrical.
1. Unemployed
Why is Unemployed Great?
While the title above is awkward as hell if put in another context, for Project Zomboid, being unemployed is actually a good thing. While being a naturally neutral character is detrimental to many games, Project Zomboid is an exception to this rule being good all-around for the following reasons.
- Offers the most skill points – Having no natural skills means you get to add them yourself
- Flexible in leveling – Allows you to level whatever skill you want to prioritize
- Doesn’t tie you to a specific task – In multiplayer gameplay, you’re flexible in terms of looting, cooking, etc.
Like the unemployment woes of real life, when you’re working on being something, you start with a clean slate. You’re going to be starting from a literal nothing, with no boost to skills in all aspects. This is a skill that offers you the chance to grind to your desired role, given that choosing said occupation (or lack of) gives a massive boost of points, that being exactly 8 points for the vanilla game. Using those points will get you some benefits from traits, where you can create your own boosts, with an example trait being an amateur mechanic. Though, in a more likely scenario, you’ll be better off getting all the perks that can facilitate your movement and general ease of execution rather than skills.
Sure, that would mean that you’re not the best at anything, but that’s the point of unemployment in the game; you can be whatever you want to be. Want to be a fast driver that can repair vehicles because of the perks you take? Go ahead. Want to be a medic to the whole squad when they fail a risky raid? Patch them up. Point is, the fact that you have so many points at your disposal ironically makes you one of the most flexible for the job and helps you be more prepared for a zombie apocalypse.
Case in point, this is an amazing occupation to get when you can’t decide on anything, or just want to be flexible in your approach to the game. Just be sure you stock up on some skill books because the grind will be far more than normal, but it will be all good as being unemployed is one of the best occupations to have (the last sentence isn’t career advice by the way).
Unemployed Details:
- Description – N/A
- Skill Points Available (before traits) – 8
- Bonus Stats Gained – N/A