Players have a choice on their hands in Red Dead Online when they try to decide between working with Gus MacMillan and Harriet Davenport. Harriet is the more peaceful of the two and her maps are helpful to naturalists and hunters alike. But Gus has all of the trinkets and that's a host of upgrades too good to pass up.
5. Snowy Egret Trinket
Cost: $800
- Permanently decreases the speed that horse Health and Stamina Cores drain by 10%
This trinket decreases horse stamina and health core drain by 10%. It's not a 10% increase in stamina and health. If it were, this might be the best trinket in the game without any doubt. Even so, this will help your horse regenerate quicker, which can translate to a 10% increase over time.
Even if the boost is slight, think of how many times you run out of juice right before the finish line or ride into cover. If you play often enough, this is an issue and this trinket alleviates the problem well.
- 3 x Snowy Egret Plume
- 1x Braxton Amethyst Necklace
How to get it
Purchase from Gus MacMillan
4. Ram Horn Trinket
Cost: $550
- Picking Creeping Thyme, Oregano, and Wild Mint yields 2x more herbs
For some players, this could easily be their favourite trinket. These three herbs are the ones that combine with meat to increase your core values. If you're constantly running out of this, go ahead and move this to your top spot.
The issue with it is that most players are going to be plucking herbs as they come across them which is more than enough to stay maxed out. With your bags constantly overflowing with these, you're usually waiting on meat and not herbs, rendering this trinket effectively useless.
- 1 x Bighorn Horn
- 1 x Aubrey Onyx Ring
How to get it
Purchase from Gus MacMillan
3. Javelina Tusk Trinket
Cost: $500
- Permanently increases the player’s horse bonding rate by 10%
Unless you're buying horses like it's nobody's business, this trinket is probably just a pleasant surprise at best. Players that make a slight effort can max out their companionship in a single gaming session. Experts who cheese the game can do it in a few minutes.
Still, it's nice to have and it's helpful for those unfortunate situations where you have lost a horse and need to get another one off and running.
- 1 x Javelina Tusk
- 1 x Elliston Carved Bracelet
How to get it
Purchase from Gus MacMillan
2. Buck Antler Trinket
Cost: $775
- Player has a higher chance of receiving better quality pelts and skins from animals in perfect condition
The tooltip doesn't list the exact percentage, but the community has done some trial and error and found that the odds are about 10%. This is a moneymaker in the long run and can even save you real-life dollars by boosting your in-game monetary supply.
You should probably only be shooting at perfect animals anyhow, so a boost beyond perfect will have a chance to activate on most hunted animals. The extra money goes the extra distance in any line of work, especially for traders and naturalists.
- 1 x Buck Antlers
- 1 x Dane Topaz Necklace
How to get it
Purchase from Gus MacMillan
1. Beaver Tooth Trinket
Cost: $795
- Permanently slows degradation for all weapons by 10%
Less weapon degradation means more shooting and more money saved. You won't need to make as many trips to the gunsmith just to keep the guns you have in tip-top shape. This does the job of a wrap without needing to spend the money.
What's more, pistols and revolvers that can't be wrapped will still benefit from this trinket, making it a unique buff to their longevity in the field. A penny saved is a penny earned and this will save quite a few pennies of yours.
- 2 x Beaver Tooth
- 1 x Calumet Turquoise Earrings
How to get it
Purchase from Gus MacMillan
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