If personal opinions can't narrow down your favorite outfits from all those tailor shops for you, let this list help you.
In addition to participating in the ultimate cowboy fantasy, one of the main reasons for playing Red Dead Online is to try on all those outfits. All kidding aside, there is a wide variety of outfits to choose from in Rockstar's best open-world game to date. So, here are our top male outfits.
10. The Hettinger
Men gazing upon these pages will be drawn to the way this magnificent outfit adheres to all of the eternal laws of costume. The Worsted Coat, Paisley Vest, Everyday Shirt, Straw Boater Hat, Tuxedo Pants, and Shoes are perfectly matched. One of the most dapper outfits on offer, it is to be worn by a gentleman fond of literature and painting.
Price: $225
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
9. The Clayton
It is our absolute honor to present to you a top-of-the-line offering in our new range. One of our clothiers drew inspiration for this outfit from a man he met out west, near the border with Mexico, who exclaimed he had solved life’s keen puzzle of living on the fringes of financial and moral turpitude. From the Cromwell Hat to the Austin Boots, French Dress Shirt, Shaffer Chaps and Durham Coat, the items in this ensemble are sure to surround you in an atmosphere of fawning adulation.
Price: $545
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
8. The Schefield
Please, dear reader, take a pause for a moment and cast your gaze over the splendor of this bespoke outfit. The Classic Frock Coat, Paisley Vest, Everyday Shirt, Preacher’s Pride Boots, and Drifter Hat perfectly complement one another. An outfit for the delights of evening entertainment, it is surely an ensemble that will arouse the curiosity of the wearer as he walks into a tavern.
Price: $150
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
7. The Grizzlies Outlaw
Our outfit honors the outlaw spirit of The Grizzlies and is suitable for traversing wild gorges, cascades, boulder-strewn bluffs, crevasses, avalanches, and fighting frostbite. Complete with Whitfield Pants, French Dress Shirt, Legion Vest, Plated Relentless Boots, Vaquero Riding Spurs, and Montana Coat, it is finished with a Grizzlies Gun Belt and Hat. Only upon acquiring this noble outfit, and fighting alone through Mother Nature’s daily attempt to snuff out your light, will true happiness set in.
Price: $265
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
6. The Ajaccio
Should any other proof be required that we are the mercantile heart of America, gaze upon this splendid and unique outfit? The Feathered Flop Hat sets just the tone and perfectly accents the crocodile skin Hunter Jacket and Townsend Gloves, Everyday Overshirt, fur-covered Rutledge Vest, snug Bandito Pants and Strickland Boots. Is today not the day that you cease to induce indifference and contempt in passers-by mortified at your fashion failures?
Price: $519.50
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
5. The Zacateca
It has come to our attention that so many clothe themselves in garments that are, in truth, ill-adapted for any purpose other than loutishly doting about, nerves in ribbons, obsequious and anemic, like a banker or someone from Britain. Why live on the fragments of society when you can don the apparel of those who have already solved life’s mysteries? We present to you The Zacateca with luxurious Chuparosa Poncho, Everyday Shirt, Gibbston Pants, Riding Gloves, and Blackburn Boots.
Price: $450
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
4. The Mercer
We call your attention to this stylish outfit, for here are the fittings suitable for a dapper nomad who earns respect. The Double-Breasted Lapelled Vest, Cuffed Town Pants, Side Collar Shirt, and Sportsman’s Boots are completed with a Western Homburg Hat. It is an ensemble at home entertaining in parlors or on the wilds of the prairie. We have had great success with this outfit.
Price: $290
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
3. The Déchaux
The demand for the past two seasons for this outfit has been profound. The Shotgun Coat and Opulent Vest stand out. The French Dress Shirt wears comfortably. The Tuxedo Pants do not pinch. The Riding Gloves perfectly match the Preacher’s Boots, and it all comes together with the Puff Tie and Short Stovepipe Top Hat. You would no more switch out any of these items than you would observe a cat playing the harpsichord. It simply would never transpire.
Price: 19 gold
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
2. The Garwood
The Bounty Hunter role is arguably the most sought-after role in RDO. Though this outfit is not the priciest in the category, it is the best-looking one. To get started as a Bounty Hunter you must obtain the Bounty Hunter License in Rhodes, or from any Bounty Board if you did not obtain one in the introductory cinematic. The standard cost is 15 Gold Bars.
Price: 1 role token + $446.75
Unlock level: Bounty Hunter 10
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
1. The Wilkesboro
This is in my opinion the best dinner outfit in the game. It’s almost impossible to beat this look and it shows that you’re among the top businessmen in the Wild West! You’ll need to be a Moonshiner to get this outfit. To be one you must meet Maggie Fike at Emerald Ranch, where she will give you the opportunity to buy a moonshining shack for 25 Gold bars.
Price: 3 role tokens + $545
Unlock level: Moonshiner 15
How to get it
Buy it from a tailor after unlocking it.
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