Learn how to maximize your Ability Cards and Loodouts with our Build Guide.
Red Dead Online may not be a Role-Playing Game in the traditional sense, but there are many RPG elements tucked away within its many layers of game mechanics. The most overt RPG mechanic in the game is the use of Ability Cards, which alter your character in significant ways. You can boost your health, damage output, and a range of other stats using these different Ability Cards. There are a lot of different Cards to choose from, so it can be difficult to settle on a setup.
That’s why I’ve put together this guide of the Top 5 Best Builds for Red Dead Online. Read on to learn how to maximize your Ability Card setup to match your preferred playstyle.
5. The Speedster
Outta my way, partner!
What's Awesome About The Speedster
- Highly mobile and resistant to damage
- Based on your Stamina, which is the easiest stat to level in the game
- You’ll be able to run circles around your enemies and move in for up-close kills
Speedster Details
- Active Ability: Slippery Bastard
- 1st Passive: Peak Condition
- 2nd Passive: Iron Lung
- 3rd Passive: Fool Me Once
- Loadout: Shotguns and Pistols for close quarters combat
4. The Sniper
One shot, one kill.
What’s Awesome About The Sniper
- Engage enemies at a safe distance
- Very resistant to being countersniped
- Rewards skilled players with one-shot kills
Sniper Details
- Active Ability: Focus Fire
- 1st Passive: Sharpshooter
- 2nd Passive: Hunker Down
- 3rd Passive: Never Without One
- Loadout: Carcano Rifle
3. The Death Rider
Behold, I saw a pale horse, and it's rider was Death.
What’s Awesome About The Death Rider
- Buffs both you and your horse
- Increases damage and survivability
- 9 times out of 10, you’re on your horse when attacked in the wilderness, so why not improve your odds?
Death Rider Details
- Active Ability: Paint it Black
- 1st Passive: Horseman
- 2nd Passive: Friends for Life
- 3rd Passive: Ride Like the Wind
- Loadout: Works for any weapon loadout as long as you are on your horse
2. The Slasher
His name was Arthur!
What’s Awesome About The Slasher
- Play like a horror villain
- No one expects to be rushed for melee
- Avoid/shrug off damage while closing in on enemies
Slasher Details
- Active Ability: Slippery Bastard
- 1st Passive: Of Single Purpose
- 2nd Passive: Fool Me Once
- 3rd Passive: Cold-Blooded
- Loadout: Melee weapon of choice, or your bare fists!
1. The Gunslinger
Time for a double-dose of hot lead.
What’s Awesome About The Gunslinger
- Drop hordes of enemies very quickly
- Good for being in the middle of the action
- Best build for dual-wielding
Gunslinger Details
- Active Ability: Paint it Black
- 1st Passive: Kick in the Butt
- 2nd Passive: The Unblinking Eye
- 3rd Passive: Gunslinger’s Choice
- Loadout: Dual-wielded Lemat Revolvers for the most Paint It Black shots and damage boost from Gunslinger’s Choice
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