Let's take you through some of our favorite builds.
I must preface this by saying that there is no ‘best’ build or loadout of weapons for everything. You should change your cards and guns as frequently as you see fit. Also, the list is unranked. That said, here we go.
10. Environmental Survivalist
This is a balanced build that will help you anywhere.
- Dead Eye: Paint it Black
- 1st Passive: Iron Lung
- 2nd Passive: Eye For an Eye
- 3rd Passive: Strange Medicine
Weapon: Any weapon
When to use it
For both PvP and PvE
9. The Horseback Hunter
You can probably take down a herd of deers while riding at full speed.
- Dead Eye: Paint it Black
- 1st Passive: Peak Condition
- 2nd Passive: Horseman
- 3rd Passive: Sharpshooter
Weapon: Bolt Action/Carcano/Bow
When to use it
For hunting while on your mount
8. MF Tank
The name says it all.
- Dead Eye: Slow N Steady
- 1st Passive: Fool Me Once
- 2nd Passive: Iron Lung
- 3rd Passive: Never Without One
Weapon: Your choice
When to use it
In PvP; highly defensive
7. Tank Killer
The name says it all. (2)
- Dead Eye: Focus Fire
- 1st Passive: Winning Streak
- 2nd Passive: Gunslingers Choice
- 3rd Passive: Sharpshooter
Weapon: Any but dual sidearms or rifles will give you an edge
When to use it
To kill MF Tanks, of course
6. Berserker
Did you know that there were Viking lieutenants called “Berserkers”? If not, now’s your turn to find out.
- Dead Eye: Slippery Bastard
- 1st Passive: Winning Streak
- 2nd Passive: The Short Game
- 3rd Passive: The Unblinking Eye
Weapon: Shotguns and Pistols can give you an edge.
When to use it
To piss people off in PvP
5. Nine Lives
Do you envy cats because they have nine lives? I certainly do.
- Dead Eye: Slippery Bastard
- 1st Passive: Iron Lung
- 2nd Passive: Fool Me Once
- 3rd Passive: Cold Blooded
Weapon: Any
When to use it
When things are supposed to get hard, mostly PvP
4. Sure Shot
Are you a Marksman? Then here’s the perfect build for you.
- Dead Eye: Focus Fire
- 1st Passive: Peak Condition
- 2nd Passive: Landon's Patience
- 3rd Passive: Sharpshooter
Weapon: Rifles and Snipers
When to use it
In long-range gunfights
3. High Noon
You’ll never run out of Dead Eye with this build.
- Dead Eye: Paint It Black
- 1st Passive: Kick In The Butt
- 2nd Passive: Live For The Fight
- 3rd Passive: The Unblinking Eye
Weapon: any
When to use it
Use it if you want to use the dead eye a lot. Good against hordes of enemies.
2. Team Medic
The mission’s just too hard? Why not posse up?
- Dead Eye: Quite an Inspiration
- 1st Passive: Strength In Numbers
- 2nd Passive: Take The Pain Away
- 3rd Passive: Eye For An Eye
Weapon: Doesn’t matter
When to use it
When in a posse
1. One with the mount
I absolutely love my horse. So, here goes nothing.
- Dead Eye: Any
- 1st Passive: Horseman
- 2nd Passive: Ride Like The Wind
- 3rd Passive: Friends For Life
Weapon: Your choice
When to use it
If you love to stay on your horse
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