Rockstar Games has announced an opportunity for players to earn double RDO$ and XP this week by playing the ‘Overrun’ event.
At 7:43 am Pacific Time on Tuesday, 9 November 2021, Rockstar Games announced “double RDO$ and XP for playing Overrun, grabbing up as much territory as you can and defending it from your foes…” in this week’s Red Dead Online Featured Series.
This week’s Featured Series includes a variety of different activities that are paying out unique rewards and bonuses.
Players can play ‘Overrun’ and fight to conquer and hold as much land as possible. Playing ‘Overrun’ will earn players double RDO$ and XP.
In the ‘Condor Egg’ free roam event players must race to try and find the condor’s egg first. Playing this event will earn players a 25% RDO$ and Role XP bonus.
The third event players can compete in is called the ‘Call to Arms’. Between 9 November and 15 November, 2021 players must defend the town of Strawberry against violent invaders.
From 16 November to 22 November, 2021 players will have to defend Fort Mercer against a similar invading force.
Successfully defending the objectives against an invasion will earn players a double XP. For participation alone, players will be rewarded with 2000 Club XP.
Red Dead Online Halloween Pass 2 will end on 22 November 2021. Pass owners will be rewarded with 2 free shirts and 2000 Club XP.
A variety of discounts are available for the duration of the event.
Rockstar Games has stated in their news blog that “Those looking to break into the world of Collecting can visit Madam Nazar and take advantage of a range of discounts, including 5 Gold Bars off the Collector’s Bag, 40% off the Refined Binoculars…”
Full details on rewards and event discounts are available on the official Rockstar Games news wire.