Tonics come in 32 varieties in Red Dead Redemption 2. Tonics restore health, stamina, and/or Dead Eye, but do not restore any Cores, except for some of the horse items. Craftable tonics require a campfire.
10. Moonshine
Cost: $2.25
- Fully restores health
- Fortifies slightly
- Slightly damages health core
When used, it refills the Dead Eye meter and no Dead Eye is consumed for 10 seconds.
In Red Dead Online, It fortifies health temporarily but slightly damages the health core. It will also cause the player to become drunk if too much is consumed.
How to get it
- Buy from Fences
- Loot
9. Cocaine Gum
Cost: $5.00
- Fully restores stamina
- Fortifies slightly
- Slightly damages the stamina core
Mariana Madrani Cocaine Chewing Gum stimulates and invigorates. Cures indigestion, apathy and monotony. Delicious taste. Children love it!
How to get it
- Buy from doctors
- Buy from general stores
- Loot
8. Miracle Tonic
Cost: $4.00
- Fully restores Health
- Restores Stamina and Dead Eye
- Fortifies slightly
Only Doc Crockett’s Miracle Tonic reinstates health, stamina and focus. It is a delightful elixir medicated with the latest scientific remedies endorsed by science. Unequalled anywhere.
How to get it
- Buy from doctors
- Buy from general stores
- Loot
7. Potent Bitters
Cost: $5.00
- Fully restores stamina
- Fortifies moderately
This restorative from Dr. Claussen instantly cures fatigue and invigorates stamina. Guaranteed. Every man needs it.
1× Hummingbird Sage/Desert Sage + 1× Burdock Root
How to get it
- Buy from doctors
- Loot
- Craft
6. Potent Horse Stimulent
Cost: $4.00
- Fully restores Horse stamina
- Fortifies moderately
Gene A. Frost presents the all-new Potent Horse Stimulant. Guaranteed to fire up your horse like never before, this powerful stimulant will put the spark back in your ride.
1× Hummingbird Sage/Desert Sage + 1× Common Bulrush
How to get it
- Buy from doctors
- Buy from general stores
- Loot
5. Potent Horse Medicine
Cost: $3.00
- Fully restores Horse Health
- Fortifies moderately
Betty Sue & Bobby's Potent Horse Medicine is the strongest and most potent compound for all horse troubles and maladies. Complete rejuvenation is guaranteed.
1× Alaskan Ginseng/American Ginseng + 1× Common Bulrush
How to get it
- Buy from doctors
- Buy from general stores
- Loot
- Craft
4. Potent Snake Oil
Cost: $5.50
- Fully restores Dead Eye
- Fortifies moderately
V. Laurent Clark Snake Oil Liniment is prepared from pure rattlesnake oil. Grant yourself the cold dead eye and dangerous speed of a serpent.
1× Indian Tobacco
How to get it
- Buy from doctors
- Loot
- Craft
3. Chewing Tobacco
Cost: $6.00
- Fully restores Dead Eye
- Fortifies slightly
- Slightly damages Dead Eye core
Jolly Jack’s Chewing Tobacco – Cut plug. Taste it! Chew it! Spit! A gentlemanly pleasure that lasts till the cows come home. One pack contains four plugs of tobacco.
How to get it
- Loot
- Buy from doctors
2. Horse Reviver
Cost: $2.50
- Revives horse from severe injury
- Moderately restores its health
Betty Sue & Bobby's Horse Reviver is an extraordinary curative compound for seriously incapacitated or injured horses. Complete satisfaction guaranteed.
1× Alaskan Ginseng/American Ginseng + 1× Yarrow
How to get it
- Buy from doctors
- Buy from general stores
- Loot
1. Potent Health Cure
Cost: $4.50
- Fully restores health
- Fortifies moderately
A true medical wonder that cures pain when it will not subdue, Earl Bodine’s Potent Health Cure restores Health to 100% or your money is refunded.
1× Alaskan Ginseng/American Ginseng + 1× Yarrow
How to get it
- Buy from doctors
- Loot
- Craft
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