Let’s get to know the best saddles in the Wild West
The main function of saddles is to improve your horse's stats. There are three stats that all saddles impact:
- The speed at which the stamina core drains.
- The speed at which the health core drains.
- The speed at which stamina regenerates.
If you're choosing a new saddle, the kind you go for will depend on your level, your wallet, and to some extent what you want to boost about your horse, whether it's health, speed, stamina, or just how it looks. Here we are to help you with your choice.
10. Belanger Saddle (early game)
Price: $217
Unlock level: 16
This is the best saddle that you’ll unlock early on in the game. It has decent stats for a low-ranked outlaw. These stats are almost twice as good as any saddle that you unlock at the early stages of the game.
This saddle should give you a good start at the earlier parts of the game. At this point, you don’t need to go a long way in a short time. So, this will suit you just fine. All you need to do is complete as many stranger missions as you can to save up money.
- It unlocks at a lower rank.
- Costs less.
- Somewhat decent stats for a lower-ranked player.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -15%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +11%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -11%
- Stamina Drain Rate: 0%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
9. Martinville Saddle (early game)
Price: $284
Unlock level: 27
It is only a slightly more expensive saddle than the previous saddle. However, eight ranks later you’ll unlock the number 1 saddle on this list. So, whether you want to buy this is totally up to you.
When you rank up a little and you have enough money, you can upgrade your previous saddle to the Martinville. With good enough stirrups, it can take you farther in a shorter amount of time.
- Little improvement from the previous one.
- Also unlocks quite early on.
- Not expensive.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -14%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +14%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -14%
- Stamina Drain Rate: 0%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
8. Ivers Saddle (mid-game, role item)
Price: $550
Moonshiner role needed.
The slower stamina regen rate compared to the Delgado saddle is made up for with a significantly increased stamina core drain rate, meaning if you’ve got horse tonics or keep your trusty steed well fed you’ll get farther, faster.
This is where we get into the fun parts of the game. You’re an experienced outlaw who knows how to get about. This saddle will make your horse gallop through the Wild West like the wind. This one is specialized for the respected Moonshiners.
- A great upgrade from the previous one.
- Stamina drains faster; meaning you can cover long distances faster.
- Well-suited for the Moonshiner role.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -24%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +24%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -34%
- Stamina Drain Rate: 0%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
7. Fletcher Saddle (mid-game, role item)
Price: $525
Trader role needed
It is the second-best choice after the Nacogdoches for players who have selected the Trader role. It offers an increased reduction in core drains as compared to the Delgado saddle at the same price.
This one offers a lower stamina drain rate than the Ivers. Traders need to travel a lot more than Moonshiners. So, the low drain rate helps your horse to stay on its hoofs longer. So, if you’re a Trader buying your first mid-game saddle, this one’s for you.
- Stamina regenerates faster.
- Stamina drains at a lower rate.
- Well suited for the Traders.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -28%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +26%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -28%
- Stamina Drain Rate: 0%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
6. Foxmore Saddle (mid-game, role item)
Price: $570
Naturalist role needed
The Foxmore Saddle is a great option for players in terms of its core stats but it's rather expensive. Unfortunately, there are much cheaper options that provide similar stats but those with filled pockets may want to opt for the Foxmore Saddle to flaunt their wealth.
The Foxmore is a rather sophisticated saddle; as sophisticated as the Naturalists. It drains your horse’s stamina core like crazy but at the same time, it regenerates a lot faster than similar saddles. It also drains the horse’s health core slowly.
- Extensive use of stamina.
- A little pricy but makes up for it with a great regeneration rate.
- Great for the Naturalist role.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -22%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +30%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -32%
- Stamina Drain Rate: 0%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
5. McKinney Saddle (mid-game, role item)
Price: $525
Collector role needed.
In terms of looks, the McKinney Saddle is not too impressive. The bonuses of the saddle do provide some notable benefits. The McKinney Saddle provides better benefits than the Nacogdoches in Health Drain, Regen Rate, and Core Drain Rate.
The issue with the saddle is that it does not provide a buff to Drain Rate, which is crucial when trying to extend the horse's range. It is such because the Collectors need to travel steadily while keeping an eye around.
- Well suited for the Collectors.
- A few more benefits than the Nacogdoches.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -34%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +20%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -34%
- Stamina Drain Rate: 0%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
4. Beaver Roping Saddle (special item)
Price: $340
Unlock level: 83
The Beaver Roping saddle is one you’ll be unlocking much later in your RDO career, at rank 83. This somewhat innocuous-looking special saddle boasts well-rounded stats and is comparable to others unlocked at high levels that cost gold to buy.
The best part about this saddle is that it comes with stirrups that boost your horse’s speed and acceleration quite a bit and reduce your stamina drain by 50%. It costs less, too. However, for those who like to spice things up by mixing and matching different equipment, this one isn’t a good choice.
- Built-in stirrups.
- Lower price compared to others.
- Lower drain rates.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -26%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +24%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -20%
- Stamina Drain Rate: 0%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
3. Delgado Saddle (end game, role item)
Price: $525
Bounty Hunter role needed
The Delgado Saddle looks incredible, especially on horses with darker coats. Delgado does not buff the base Drain Rate of horses. The lack of a buff in that category limits the potential of the saddle compared to the two final options.
It has the greatest difference between Stamina regeneration and drain rate. So, you can basically ride around all day without tiring your buddy. With very good regen bonuses, the Delgado is still quite impressive compared to the other options.
- Top-notch regeneration rate.
- Lower drain rates.
- Best for Bounty Hunters.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -22%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +32%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -22%
- Stamina Drain Rate: 0%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
2. Upland Saddle (end game, role item)
Price: $625
Bounty Hunter role needed
Based on the base stats alone, the Upland Saddle is hands down the best saddle in the Wild West. It adds the stamina drain rate buff. The Upland Saddle is also the most expensive saddle in the game, but you pay for what you get.
However, It has downsides, too. You can’t use stirrups with this saddle. So, you can’t have that 1 speed, 1 acceleration, and an additional -50% Stamina drain rate of the Hooded Stirrups. This saddle doesn’t hold 7 outfits either.
- Built-in stirrups.
- Low health drain rate.
- Well suited for the Bounty Hunter role.
- Stamina and stamina core drains at different rates.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -24%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +30%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -30%
- Stamina Drain Rate: -65%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
1. Nacogdoches Saddle (end game)
Price: $512
Unlock level: 35
Until the Upland Saddle was introduced, the Nacogdoches Saddle was the undisputed top saddle in the game. For gamers that do not have the Bounty Hunter expansion, the Nacogdoches saddle is by far the best. Yes, it will be a little more expensive than the Upland in the end, but it is still quite affordable considering all of the amazing bonuses it provides.
This saddle unlocks at a very early rank. You probably won’t have this much money to buy it along with good stirrups but if you do, you’ll never have to buy a saddle again. Its core drain rates are staggeringly low. It also has the Stamina drain rate buff.
- Very low drain rates.
- Good regeneration rate as the drain rates are very low.
- Unlocks at a lower rank.
- Boosts stamina.
- Core Health Drain Rate: -20%
- Stamina Regen Rate: +18%
- Stamina Core Drain Rate: -18%
- Stamina Drain Rate: -35%
How to get it
Buy it from a stable after unlocking it.
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