There has been a lot of talk over the expansive universe of Red Dead Redemption 2 and how multiplayer works. This article covers everything you need to know about Red Dead Redemption 2 multiplayer.
How does online multiplayer work?
Despite Red Dead Redemption 2 being a single player experience, the online system will be full-fledged, and is set to release a number of weeks after the main game. A beta is up in November for trial, and based on video speculation and leaked information from Rockstar games, the online experience will offer many RPG elements including character unlocks, and unique game modes. Most of the single players immense land mass, activities, mounts, and weapons are also available for use with friends. There will be smaller maps to play on and even custom maps created by players as well, for use exclusively with online play.
Tequila Sunset: The lone cowboy says goodbye to another day as it sets over a sad lagoon.
Is there PVP?
Besides taking out Gang hideouts and doing bank heists like in the Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar has been said to include a Battle Royale mode, not too unlike the popular, Fortnite. The other revealed modes are Revive and Survive and Money Grab.
Revive and Survive pits two teams against each other and provides a limited time for players to revive fallen teammates. Money Grab, like the name suggests, pits the two teams against one another with the task of acquiring a bag of money in the middle of the field. (Capture the flag)
Some players however will find it comforting to know that unlike GTA V, there will be servers without friendly fire. For any that have played GTA online, you know that it can get annoying to be killed constantly by friendly players. So, to have entirely PvE servers will be a blessing. If, on the other hand, you’d rather face off, there is of course the chance in Revive and Survive, Battle Royale, and Money Grab playlists.
The Gang's All Here: The player's squad heads out, armed and dangerous, contrasted by the church scene in the background.
Is there co-op?
There are co-op missions available for players called Bank Robbery and Gang Hideout where players take on troves of baddies together. To my understanding, even the story missions will be cooperative, taking other players along in your crew. These missions will be for gold, weapons upgrades, tents, etc.
Two Peas in a Pod: The pair of outlaws unload their rounds on whatever stands to fight back in what looks to be a town center.
How many players can join in each mode?
At the moment this information is unknown. Technologically, the systems have improved, making us hopeful for a good number. A safe guess would be upwards of a few dozen players, considering past Rockstar games and others in the genre.
What modes are there?
- Battle Royale – open world survival
- Bank Robbery – in map location where co-op players can attack for loot
- Gang Hideout – PvE map location that co-op players can attack
- Revive and Survive- Team Deathmatch
- Money and Grab – Capture the Flag