What are the best handguns in Resident Evil 2?
In the Resident Evil franchise, your handgun is your best friend, but, just like friends, not all pistols are created equal. Both Leon and Claire have access to different handguns in their campaigns, and some are awesome and some are…well...trash.
If you find yourself needing a more powerful pal, then read on to learn what the 5 best Resident Evil 2 handguns are, from worst to best.
Note: This list will not include the Samurai Edge, the infinite ammo handgun, because it would obviously win.
5. SLS 60: Best for Tickling Zombies
Here comes the tickle monster!
The SLS 60 is small and does nothing to compensate for it. It’s damage is low, it’s fire rate is slower than that of other pistols, and it’s reload speed is abysmal. Let’s just be thankful Claire can get another pistol as she progresses through her campaign (more to come on that).
SLS 60 Details:
- The Speed Loader upgrade can increase the reload speed of the weapon. Good because I was beginning to grow old, wrinkled skin and all.
- The Reinforced Frame upgrade allows the SLS 60 to shoot high-powered rounds, effectively making it an optional magnum, so long as you have the ammo. This is the weapon’s one redeeming factor. It’s only one.
- At the end of the day, it does shoot zombies. It’s not good at it, but it tries really hard.
- Exclusive to Claire
How to Get the SLS 60:
- Start Claire’s A or B scenario, and it will automatically be in your inventory.
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4. Matilda: Best for a Well-rounded Weapon
With the shoulder stock and everything, the Matilda challenges the definition of "pistol."
The Matilda is good - not great, but good- and it provides enough damage, a large enough clip size, and some solid accuracy to keep you safe. This shouldn’t be your weapon of choice, but you shouldn’t dismay if this weapon is your only choice.
In scenario A, this is Leon’s only handgun, so it is valuable in that sense. You can depend on it to pop heads and break kneecaps, just like you can depend on zombies to eat people.
Matilda Details:
- If you don’t need some serious firepower, you can depend on this weapon to take care of the job. Place your shots and save the ammo of your more important weapons.
- The High Capacity Mag upgrade increases your clip size to 24 rounds. This is useful for when you suck. Moving on.
- The Gun Stock upgrade increases the Matilda’s handling, and, most importantly, it enables you to fire 3-round bursts. This can make the Matilda a force to be reckoned with for zombies and bosses alike.
- Exclusive to Leon
How to Get the Matilda:
- Start Leon’s A or B scenario, and it will automatically be in your inventory.
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3. M19: Best for Damage
I said get back, yo!
The M19 makes Leon a gangsta… or at least he must think so, judging by the way he aims the weapon. With one arm fully extended and tilted at a 45-degree angle, Leon can blow the head off of any zombie in his way. The M19 packs a powerful punch, and there is no better feeling than popping a zombie’s head, gangsta style.
M19 Details:
- The weapon does a lot of damage so don’t laugh at Leon when he holds it that way. You do not want to get shot by this gun.
- It takes a very specific type of ammo, .45 ACP rounds, so don’t expect to craft any handgun rounds for it.
- The weapon cannot be upgraded. It’s too cool for school.
- Beware, the fire rate is a bit slower than that of the other handguns, and it can only hold 7 rounds a clip.
- Exclusive to Leon
How to Get the M19:
- Start a B scenario campaign with Leon.
- You will start in a graveyard. Go forward, down a flight of stairs, past a door (we’ll come back to it) and then up another set of stairs. Keep going until you come to a gate. To the left of the gate will be the Cutting Tool. Pick it up.
- Watch the cutscene and then either kill the zombies that will begin to attack you or run past them. You will go back the way you came to the door you had passed that is between the two flights of stairs.
- Use the bolt cutters to unlock the door, go inside, and pick up the M19 lying on a desk just to the left of the item box.
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2. JMB Hp3: Best for Accuracy and Clip Size
It was at this moment she knew...
Now, the JMB Hp3 deserves a high spot on this list because it is accurate, has a large magazine, and can deal out respectable damage. It’s the best of all worlds, something even Hannah Montana couldn’t achieve.
JMB Hp3 Details:
- The laser-sight allows for more accurate shots, which is perfect for landing headshots and knee shots.
- The High Capacity Mag upgrade allows for the weapon to hold 26 rounds. That’s a lot of heads.
- Its fire rate is solid, its damage is decent, making it an incredibly reliable weapon. When all is said and done, the JMB Hp3 can finish the job.
How to Get the JMB Hp3:
- Once you arrive at the parking garage, go to the door on the farthest right of the map that leads to a series of hallways. Once through that door, keep heading straight and go into the first door on your left. Immediately on the right, you will see a table with a yellow box on it. Pick up the box, examine it, flip it and open the box to receive a key.
- Return to the parking garage and head left once you enter. Walk up to the police car with its trunk facing you.
- Examine the key, flip it, and click the unlock button to cause the trunk of the car to pop open. Go ahead and grab your brand new pistol!
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1. Quickdraw Army: Best for Fire Rate AND Damage!
Ya'll better hold your horses, or I'll shoot!
Get on your cowboy boots because you are about to kick some butt with an old-fashioned revolver! Claire slams the hammer faster than a gamer rage quits, which means that the fire rate on this handgun is ridiculous. Still aim for the head but, chances are, you could take a zombie down as long as you keep pulling that trigger.
Quickdraw Army Details:
- The weapon, in addition to having a crazy-fast fire rate, also does a lot of damage. The Quickdraw doesn’t sacrifice power for speed.
- It takes a very specific type of ammo, .45 ACP rounds, so don’t expect to craft any handgun rounds for it. Be careful, too, because, with how fun it is to shoot this weapon, you’ll run out of ammo fast.
- You feel like a cowboy, and you get to shoot zombies. Which is even better than Cowboys vs. Aliens.
- The reload time is incredibly painful. The zombie you are trying to shoot could have decomposed in the time it took you to fill six little holes. Speaking of, you have only six rounds before you have to reload so make your shots count.
- Exclusive to Claire
How to Get the Quickdraw Army:
- Start a B scenario campaign with Claire.
- You will start in a graveyard. Go forward, down a flight of stairs, past a door (we’ll come back to it), and then up another set of stairs. Keep going until you come to a gate. To the left of the gate will be the Cutting Tool. Pick it up.
- Watch the cutscene and then either kill the zombies that will begin to attack you or run past them. You will go back the way you came to the door you had passed that is between the two flights of stairs.
- Use the bolt cutters to unlock the door, go inside, and pick up the Quickdraw Army lying on a desk just to the left of the item box.
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