Both Hideous and Dangerous
All of the monsters on this list have a bit of a sphincter-clencher-factor. Some of them are ugly, some are dangerous, some are ugly and dangerous. All of them got here by being grotesque and absolutely awful in one way, shape, or form.
As you would expect, they all come from games with some sort of horror factor already built in. Many of these baddies have been genetically experimented on or have been exposed to other toxic chemicals in order to make them just as much of a pain as they are.
Ready to see what we’ve got here?
11. Alien from Alien: Isolation
He’s ugly. Just like he is in the movie.
He’s got empty eye-sockets and metallic teeth for starters. To be honest, he hardly looks like he has eyes. Sometimes, you can see its brain in that elongated head of his.
This thing hunts you down. If it can hear or see you, it can find you and kill you. Stealth is your friend.
Another thing that’s hair-raising is that the thing’s immune to gunshots. So if you’re the type of player who likes to use guns—don’t. With this guy, all gunshots are going to do is get you dead.
Try the flamethrower instead. Also, avoid at all costs. It’s not like you can actually kill it.
10. Ampulex Compressa Giganteus from Dead Rising
No one wants wasps eating their brains.
The Ampulex Compressa Giganteus were genetically modified and consequentially started the whole zombie outbreak in Dead Rising. I, for one, don’t want to go up against a giant, zombie-making wasp. But here this thing is.
The bad news is that the Queens control the nearby zombies. Zombies infected by the queens will puke up blood that causes damage. However, after a certain point in the game, the Queens won’t damage you and you can use them as a weapon.
So, they’re really just ugly and freaky, but not entirely that dangerous.
9. Toad from Dying Light
The nasty thing debuts at 0:15.
The Toad’s weapon is the acid snot it throws at you. Even if it misses, it can still explode on you, causing problems later. The phlegm can also affect other infected, which can then doubly harm you.
Thankfully, Toads are weak and are easy to kill with melee weapons when they’re in small numbers. Unfortunately, in a horde they are much less easy to kill because the effects of the phlegm multiplies by however many toads there are. If there’s a horde, keep your distance and pick them off one by one if you can.
Also, can we talk about just how obnoxiously gross the thing is? It’s fat, ugly, and throws snot at you.
8. Wrestler from Dead Island: Riptide
Right at 0:55 is when he mutates.
He’s ugly and gross from the moment he mutates. And Harlow endangers everyone because she wants to see what’ll happen if the mutagen infects someone. Well, now everyone knows and there’s another zombie on the loose.
He’s a tough one to fight, with the ability to one-hit-kill you. And everything from the misshapen arm to the visible entrails is gross. It’s sad to think that he used to be a person.
But now you have to kill him.
7. Spider Slicer from Bioshock 2
That rabbit mask is actually terrifying.
These guys are mostly annoying because they make you waste a whole ton of ammo. They can also come out of nowhere and freak you out if you’re not paying enough attention. Even more annoying, is that they’ll try to use Health Stations.
Personally, I hate enemies that heal themselves. It makes them shoot to the top of the most hated list.
6. Head Crabs from Half Life 2
While this vid isn’t the scariest example of Head Crabs, it does give you a pretty good idea of what they do.
The worst thing about these guys is when they swarm you. Individually, they’re not that hard to pick off. But then they keep coming, and coming, and coming…
You can blow through an entire load of ammunition just trying to keep them off of you. And when they just keep coming, it starts to get a little dicey.
Simply put, you’d rather not want to deal with these buggers.
5. Centaurs from Fallout Series
Concept art for Fallout 3 centaurs.
Centaurs are quite possibly the grossest thing in Fallout. They are a mutated mishmash of a whole bunch of things. Mostly, they’re ugly, not scary.
To a low level character, they’re kind of dangerous. After you’ve gained some experience though, they’re not really all that bad. You snipe them if you can.
Still, every rendition of the Centaurs in the Fallout series is ugly and terrifying in that right.
4. Cyberdemon from Doom
Yeah, that’s scary.
He’s huge and nearly impossible to kill. To make things worse, he’s also really fast—something not always common in larger enemies.
Getting swarmed by other enemies in Doom sucked, but you could always get rid of them. You had weapons that could take care of them. Sort of cheating or packing a BFG 9000, you’re screwed.
Unless, of course, you know the blind spots. But those aren’t easy to figure out.
I’ll be interested to see how the reboot of Doom handles the Cyberdemon.
3. Lickers from the Resident Evil Series
Facing off with some lickers in Resident Evil 5.
These things are ugly animalistic creatures that don’t appear to have any skin. It’s more terrifying to think that they actually used to be bunnies before they were experimented on. They appear in just about every Resident Evil game and they’re always a bit of a terror.
Their worst attack is their tongue that shoots out of nowhere and grabs you, pulling you to them so they can claw you once you’re within their grasp. They can take a ton of damage before they actually die and if you can avoid fighting them, do so at all costs. But you can’t avoid every one.
At some point, you will face up against a licker and probably die.
2. Death Claw Matriarch from Fallout 3
Facing off with a Matriarch and losing.
Death Claws in general are really fast. They are one of the few things in the game that can one-hit-kill you. The Death Claw Matriarch can one-hit-slice you up even if you’re wearing power armor—if you don’t have an utterly insane luck and strength score.
Killing a Matriarch usually involves a grenade launcher or a power fist with a high speed. In general, Matriarchs are ugly and deadly.
1. Crawlers from Dead Space 2
What could be more grotesque than reanimated infants?
There are more dangerous enemies in Dead Space, but the Crawlers are the most terrifying because they are Necromorph babies. All that psychological stuff about wanting to protect small children goes completely to the wind with these guys. They only take one or two shots to kill, but you have to shoot them.
Similar to other enemies on this list, they’re terrible in hordes. They’re not so great alongside other Necromorphs either. Thankfully, their explosions can damage other Necromorphs and work to your advantage, so long as you’re not caught in the backlash.
Ultimately, these things are gross and not fun to deal with.
Every game has their nasties. These nasties are a particular set that are grosser, uglier, and dangerous in their own right. They’ll send shivers down your spine and make you expend every effort to get rid of them so that you never have to fight them again.
Hey, even though some of these enemies are terrifying (or perhaps because they’re so terrifying), both Dead Space 2 and Alien: Isolation are on the Sci-Fi Games to Check Out list.
What are your thoughts on these ugly baddies? Comment below.
If you’re looking for some more horror games to check out, look here. If you want some more post-apocalyptic RPGs, check this one out.