What Are The Best Weapons in RE2 Remake?
Let’s be honest: popping a zombie’s head like confetti can become a chore after a while.
The basic pistol, as the game progresses, seems to just tickle the heads of the undead. So, it’s time to upgrade your arsenal and get you some real serious firepower.
Here are Resident Evil 2’s best weapons and how to get them.
Best Weapons for Leon and Claire
3. W-870

Or, as I like to call her, Ol' Reliable.
We all know that the shotgun is the go-to weapon for zombie slaying. Whether you are popping some heads or sweeping some feet, the shotgun is the perfect weapon. It is only available for Leon.
Weapon Stats:
- 720 Base Damage
- x2.66 Critical Hit Damage
Why the W-870 is awesome:
- The shotgun has the beautiful ability to blow a zombie’s head off with one clean shot. Just walk up, get nice and close, take aim, and fire! Congrats, you just took down a zombie with one round. Just don’t miss when you get that close. You would look really stupid.
- The shotgun is an extremely effective safety tool. If you shoot a zombie with the shotgun, they will either get pushed back or momentarily stunned. This is perfect for when you need to run fast, say, from the Tyrant, and don’t have time to set up the perfect headshot. It’s like pushing your way through a crowd...except with a shotgun...and the crowd wants to eat you.
- The upgrades for the shotgun make a great thing even better. The Long Barrel increases your clip capacity (somehow) and it’s damage, while the Shotgun Stock increases the fire rate of the weapon. So, basically, once you get all the upgrades for the shotgun, you are a one man army.
How to Get the W-870:
- As Leon, head to the West side of the map, pass the Dark Room, and go up to the third floor via the stairs.
- At the top, there will be a room with a shadow of what looks like a person and a desk. On top of the desk, there will be the Spade key. Grab it!
- Head back down the stairs and, either by going through the library or back the way you came, go to the Art Room on the East side of the map (across the Main Hall).
- Pick up the Weapons Key Card on a small table directly in front of you after you enter the room.
- Go back across the Main Hall once more to the Safety Deposit Room. Head to the back of the room, use the key card, and grab the shotgun.
Video Guide:
2. Minigun

Who knew Claire could go full-on Rambo like this?
This weapon has two different forms: its regular form and its infinite form. Either way, the weapon is a harbinger of destruction, and you truly feel awesome wielding it. This weapon is for Claire only.
Weapon Stats:
- A lot of damage. Like… a lot.
Why the Minigun is Awesome:
- It absolutely tears zombies apart: legs and arms go flying in the air, heads explode, and bodies become unrecognizable as they are drenched in the red hue of blood.
- You sweep the floor with bosses. Like, you’re the maid who comes every Tuesday to clean the house. But you have a minigun because you are a pretty cool maid.
- If you unlock the infinite Minigun, there is no end to the chaos. You don’t have to reload, so you won’t stop shooting until you release the trigger. But you know you don’t want to.
How to Get the Minigun:
- In order to get the regular minigun, just progress through the game until you reach the final boss fight. When you walk into a small room to insert a power plug, there will be a minigun waiting for you to the left. Go ahead and insert the power plug and grab the minigun on your way out of the room.
- In order to get the infinite minigun, there are a few more requirements:
- With Claire, beat her A scenario campaign in under 2 hours and 30 minutes or her B scenario campaign in under 2 hours.
- Beat either campaign on hardcore difficulty.
- Save only up to three times.
- Do not use any other infinite weapons you have unlocked.
- Do all of this, and you will get an S+ rank and unlock the infinite ammo minigun.
Video Guides:
This guide is fantastic for anyone looking to go for the S+ rank but is having trouble figuring out how to do so.
1. Rocket Launcher (ATM-4)

Oh, that gate is so gonna get it!
It’s not surprising that the rocket launcher found its way to the top of this list as it is the ultimate weapon. This weapon also has a regular form and an infinite ammo form. This weapon is for Leon only.
Weapon Stats:
- It explodes, so you do the math.
Why the Rocket Launcher is Awesome:
- It can blow something up.
- It can blow many things up.
- If you unlock the infinite version, you can fire unlimited missiles. Also...it blows things up.
How to Get the Rocket Launcher:
- In order to get the Rocket Launcher, just progress through the game until you reach the final boss fight. When you find yourself descending via a gigantic elevator and fighting a truly terrible creature, get ready for a friend to throw you the weapon.
- In order to get the infinite Rocket Launcher, there are a few more requirements:
- With Leon, beat his A scenario campaign in under 2 hours and 30 minutes or his B scenario campaign in under 2 hours.
- Beat either campaign on hardcore difficulty.
- Save only up to three times.
- Do not use any other infinite weapons you have unlocked.
- Do all of this and you will get an S+ rank and unlock the infinite ammo rocket launcher.
Video Guides:
This guide is fantastic for anyone looking to go for the S+ rank but is having trouble figuring out how to do so:
Resident Evil 2 Leon A Hardcore S+ Walkthrough
Best Weapons for Leon
Leon has a truly awe-inspiring arsenal at his fingertips as his campaign is where a player can obtain the most powerful weapons. Come see what kind of firepower this emo-haired rookie has to offer.
3. Lightning Hawk

It's always a monumental moment when you get your hands on a magnum in a Resident Evil game.
The magnum has always been a staple weapon of the Resident Evil franchise, and the Lightning Hawk, in this iteration, does not disappoint. It can certainly pay off to find this weapon as early in the game as you can.
Weapon Stats:
- 650 Base Damage
- X1.3 Critical Hit Damage
Why the Lightning Hawk is Awesome:
- The Lightning Hawk only takes up a single spot in your inventory, and, therefore, is a valuable weapon to carry around when you don’t have much space, just in case you get in trouble. Now, if I could only figure out where Leon could possibly be putting all those herbs and ammo…
- It feels GREAT to use. The magnum has a real kick to it, and it’s a powerful feeling to shoot any enemy with it, but especially zombies. Specifically, the ones that looked at you funny.
- It’s a powerful weapon that also has high accuracy and range. The shotgun does more damage, but the magnum allows you to keep your distance and dish out some serious hurt.
How to Get the Lightning Hawk:
- First, grab the Red Book in the Library. It should be on a small table near the door leading into the Main Hall.
- Go to the Art Room in the East (at this point, you should have the Spade Key). In the room, walk up to the statue on the right and pick up his arm. Then, combine the arm the Red Book and put it back on the statue. It will reward you with a staff.
- Examine the staff and turn it completely around until you see a button on the back. Press the button, and you will receive the red jewel.
- From there, exit the Art Room, take a right down the hallway, and go through what was previously a closed gate until you come to some stairs. Go down the stairs and keep walking until you hit the observation room (you should also have the club key).
- Go inside, pick up an ornate box, and combine it with the red jewel in order to get the S.T.A.R.S. badge. Examine the S.T.A.R.S. badge, flip it, and click the button on the back, turning it into a USB.
- Now, go clear across the police station to the S.T.A.R.S. office. Go left once you enter the room and insert the USB into the computer near the caged area. This will unlock the door. Walk on in and grab your brand new Lightning Hawk.
Video Guides:
2. W-870

Sleek, simple, and deadly, the shotgun serves all your zombie-slaying needs.
Surprised to see a shotgun making a second appearance? You shouldn’t be. The shotgun is one of the best weapons you can get in a game, and Leon is the only person who can use it. Get the shotgun as early as you can and cherish it.
Weapon Stats:
- 720 Base Damage
- x2.66 Critical Hit Damage
More Reasons Why the W-870 is Awesome:
- The shotgun is great for kneecapping enemies, a helpful strategy if you are trying to avoid some fights or speedrunning the game. Just aim towards a zombie’s legs and pull the trigger, and, before you know it, the zombie is crawling instead of walking. So, get into the mindset of a loan-shark and start kneecapping!
- Dogs in video games are infamous for their difficulty, but the shotgun is the answer to all your problems. One decent blast from your shotgun will kill a zombie-dog instantly. For a real good time, try shooting the dogs out of the air. It’s just like skeet shooting, except with fangs!
- During a certain part of the game, you will encounter enemies that can only be harmed by shooting small spores on their body. Sometimes, these spores can be difficult to hit due to the erratic movements of these zombies. With the shotgun, though, we spit in the face of accuracy and just pull the trigger; chances are, we hit a spore.
How to Get the W-870:
- As Leon, head to the West side of the map, pass the Dark Room, and go up to the third floor via the stairs.
- At the top, there will be a room with a shadow of what looks like a person and a desk. On top of the desk, there will the spade key. Grab it!
- Head back down the stairs and, either by going through the library or back the way you came, go to the Art Room on the East side of the map (across the Main Hall)
- Pick up the Weapons Key Card on a small table directly in front of you after you enter the room.
- Go back across the Main Hall once more to the Safety Deposit Room. Head to the back of the room, use the key card, and grab the shotgun.
Video Guide:
1. Rocket Launcher (ATM-4)

Once you get your hands on the Infinite Rocket Launcher, fire away - it's not like you'll run out of ammo!
Another repeat? Now you’re just being lazy. Well, you say that, but the rocket launcher is the best weapon in the game, so it’s only natural that it is the best weapon that Leon has access to.
Weapon Stats:
- I’m serious. Do the math.
More Reasons Why the Rocket Launcher is Awesome:
- There is no greater feeling than pulling the trigger to make something that did exist not exist anymore.
- Using this to kill the final boss is incredibly satisfying. It was an awesome way to finish the toughest fight in the game.
- Did I mention that it blows things up?
How to Get the Rocket Launcher:
- In order to get the rocket launcher, just progress through the game until you reach the final boss fight. When you find yourself descending via a gigantic elevator and fighting a truly terrible creature, get ready for a friend to throw the weapon.
- In order to get the infinite rocket launcher, there are a few more requirements:
- With Leon, beat his A scenario campaign in under 2 hours and 30 minutes or his B scenario campaign in under 2 hours.
- Beat either campaign on hardcore difficulty.
- Save only up to three times.
- Do not use any other infinite weapons you have unlocked.
- Do all of this and you will get an S+ rank and unlock the infinite ammo rocket launcher.
Video Guides:
This guide is fantastic for anyone looking to go for the S+ rank but is having trouble figuring out how to do so:
Resident Evil 2 Leon A Hardcore S+ Walkthrough
Best Weapons for Claire
Claire has some of the more creative weapons in the campaign, for better or worse. This means, however, that her arsenal is very entertaining to use!
3. JMB Hp3

The JMB Hp3 is the tactical handgun you have always wanted. Use that lasersight to place the deadliest of shots.
Now, the JMB Hp3 doesn’t get a spot in this list because it is overwhelmingly powerful or catastrophically effective - it gets a spot because it is reliable. The laser sight makes it easier to land shots, the damage is higher than that of the other pistols in the game, and ammo is abundant.
At the end of the day, honestly, anything is an improvement over the SLS 60. That gun is trash!
Weapon Stats:
- 150 Base Damage
- X3 Critical Hit Damage
Why the JMB Hp3 is Awesome:
- The laser is incredibly useful in landing those headshots and kneecap-shots.. So, if a zombie laughs at you because of your small gun, point that laser right between his eyes and see if he is still laughing then. Then shoot him anyway because he’s a zombie.
- The magazine size is huge, meaning you have a lot of chances to hit your target before you have to reload, and, sometimes, you need all the help you can get. Zombies’ movements can be quite erratic.
- When all else fails, the JMB Hp3 will always be there to finish the job. You may spend all of your grenade launcher, machine gun, and Spark Shot ammo on a boss only to see that they are still standing. So, take out your JMB Hp3, aim the laser at the weak points, and take them out.
How to Get the JMB Hp3:
- Once you arrive at the parking garage, go to the door on the farthest right of the map that leads to a series of hallways. Once through that door, keep heading straight and go into the first door on your left. Immediately, on the right, you will see a table with a yellow box on it. Pick up the box, examine it, flip it and open the box to receive a key.
- Return to the parking garage and head left once you enter. Walk up to the police car with its trunk facing you.
- Examine the key, flip it, and click the unlock button to cause the trunk of the car to pop open. Go ahead and grab your brand new pistol!
Video Guide:
2. Spark Shot

With the Spark Shot, you are just one step away from cosplaying as Thor.
The Spark Shot is Claire’s version of the shotgun. Yes, using the weapon effectively can be difficult since you have to keep aiming for a few seconds in order to do any real damage, but the result is so satisfying.
Weapon Stats:
- 1225 base Damage
Why the Spark Shot is Awesome:
- The sewer monsters. Yea, you know the ones I am talking about, or, if you don’t, you will. These monsters can be incredibly difficult to take down. Once you obtain the spark shot, however, they become much easier to deal with. It cuts right through their protective barrier of skin to expose their weak spot and can prevent them from chasing you down by stunning them.
- It does MASSIVE damage. You should certainly save this weapon for enemies or bosses you have incredible difficulty with. If you can find the time to keep the Spark Shot charging once you attach it to an enemy, you will get rewarded with a powerful jolt of electricity that deals a lot of damage.
- It can stun certain enemies in the environment. If the Tyrant is giving you a hard time, shoot him with the Spark Shot, rendering him still until damage rains down upon him. This gives you some much needed breathing room, which is great, considering you are the only one actually breathing.
How to Get the Spark Shot:
- From the main save point in the sewers, go out and cross the bridge and turn left towards the cable car. In front of the cable car on top of a table next to a computer is a handlebar.
- Now, go back towards the bridge but instead take the door to your left. Go down the stairs, kill all the zombies in the area, and head to the left. You will run into a closed door, but you can use the handlebar to open it up.
- Go across the small bridge, head to the left, and then head down the ladder across from a workbench.
- Once at the bottom, get on the ledge that is a little bit forward and to your left. Walk forward and drop back down into the water when you are ready. Now, there are going to be multiple sewer monsters getting in your way, so feel free to watch walkthroughs to figure out the best way for you personally to get through them. I will recommend my own strategy below.
- First, always head towards the red light. That is where you want to go. Now, walk forward until you see one of them poking out from under the water. Get close, but not too close, and shoot them. Once they pop up, try and run to the left past them.
- Once you are past the first one, sprint forward while hugging the right wall. Once that wall runs out, drift to your left and hug the left wall towards the ledge of concrete underneath the red light. Climb up to safety.
- Go through the door and walk forward until you see a series of gated doors. This will be a puzzle involving chess pieces. Look to the video guide below for the solution if you need help.
- Grab your Spark Shot, head back to where you came from, and show those sewer monsters whose boss!
Video Guide:
1. Minigun

Even the Tyrant can't handle the barrage of bullets spit out by the minigun.
Could you have guessed it? The minigun has all the power of the Spark Shot without any of the fuss. It is reliable like the JMB Hp3 because...well… it has infinite ammo. It may be more difficult to get, but it is well worth the effort. Somewhat like love.
Weapon Stats:
- An incredible amount of damage.
More Reasons Why the Minigun is Awesome:
- The minigun is the perfect way to put the Tyrant in his place. While he is walking up, just unload bullets into him until he falls to his knees. Then keep shooting him because he deserves it.
- Gunning down a horde of zombies makes you feel like an omnipotent action hero.
- Using this weapon on the final boss is an awesome experience. Watching each bullet tear at the monster’s flesh is incredibly satisfying.
How to Get the Minigun:
- In order to get the regular minigun, just progress through the game until you reach the final boss fight. When you walk into a small room to insert a power plug, there will be a minigun waiting for you to the left. Go ahead and insert the power plug and grab the minigun on your way out of the room.
- In order to get the infinite minigun, there are a few more requirements:
- With Claire, beat her A scenario campaign in under 2 hours and 30 minutes or her B scenario campaign in under 2 hours.
- Beat either campaign on hardcore difficulty.
- Save only up to three times.
- Do not use any other infinite weapons you have unlocked.
- Do all of this and you will get an S+ rank and unlock the infinite ammo minigun.
Video Guides:
This guide is fantastic for anyone looking to go for the S+ rank but is having trouble figuring out how to do so.
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