One filter to rule them all.
The remastered edition of Shadow of the Colossus comes along with a bunch of cool features. Ranging from specialty items, weapons, as well as filters.
There's a total of 15 filters you can mess around with. You basically have a filter for each colossus, or if you really have a lot of free time, you can just play the game 15 times to check each one out. Whatever floats your boat.
What are the point of filters anyway? Aesthetics basically. Each filter provides its own je ne sais quoi. Some provide better visuals, while others are for fun. It's all dependent on the player's wants and desires.
But which one is the filter of all filters? Keep reading to find out!
5. Emerald
Emerald Filter at 1:45
The Emerald filter is implied by its name, it casts a slight green hue.
What about the Emerald filter?
- Visually appealing
- Subtle filter change
- It isn't distracting
- Kind of dark
4. Mono
Mono Filter at 1:18
Mono is believed to be the mimic of the original PS2 version of Shadow of the Colossus.
What about the Mono filter?
- Reminiscent to the original game
3. Vibrant
Vibrant Filter at 2:48
Vibrant is a nice subtle filter, which enhances all of the details without being overbearing.
What about the Vibrant filter?
- Subtle
- Not overbearing
- Improves image quality
- Doesn’t do much for Argo ( she looks like a shadowy blob)
2. Night
Night Filter at 3:44
Hence the namesake, you are given the illusion of playing at night.
What about the Night filter?
- Feels like you are playing at night
- It’s cool
- Harder to see what's going on
1. Vivid
Vivid Filter at 0:16
The Vivid filter ups the contrast and saturation on the scenery.
What about the Vivid filter?
- Improves quality
- Brightens things up
- Easier to see fine details
- Once you use this filter, it’s hard to use anything else
There you have it, the top 5 filters of Shadow of Colossus. Make sure to stay up to snuff for others like it!
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