[Top 5] Shadow of the Colossus Best Weapons and How to Get Them

Shadow of the Colossus Best Weapon
14 Apr 2020

Which weapon will it be?

In Shadow of the Colossus, the main purpose is to scale giant rock monsters and kill them. But how are you supposed to do that? Killing enormous colossi isn't exactly easy.

Luckily for you, I'm going to go over some of the strongest weapons you can acquire to help aid you in your endeavors.

In this guide, we will discuss the strongest weapons Wanderer, our hero, can yield.  Some weapons combust, others can kill a Colossus in a matter of 2 blows. Keep reading to find out which one is the most powerful.

5. Ancient Sword

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Wanderer receiving the Ancient Sword 

Ah, the good old Ancient Sword. This one has been with Wanderer since the beginning.

What to know about the Ancient Sword?

  •  Reflects light and leads Wanderer to colossi
  •  Reveals major and minor sigils on colossi
  • Not as powerful as other weapons available

Where to find the Ancient Sword?

  •  Acquired at the beginning of the game

4. Flash Arrow

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Wanderer getting ready to fire the Flash Arrow

The Flash Arrow is a long-range weapon, which trumps the standard bow and arrow Wanderer uses. It literally explodes when it strikes a colossus, it's pretty sweet.

What to know about the Flash Arrow?

  •  It explodes when it hits a colossus resulting in major damage to sigils
  • Can be used as a diversion against a colossus
  •  Used like the standard bow and arrow but inflicts more damage

Where to find the Flash Arrow?

  • Defeat all 16 colossi in Normal Time Attack

3. Harpoon of Thunder

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How far can he throw the Harpoon of Thunder?

The Harpoon of Thunder is a long-range weapon. Of all the long-ranged weapons it is by far the most powerful. When it strikes, the damage dealt to the colossus is that of what the Ancient Sword inflicts.

What to know about the Harpoon of Thunder?

  •  Damage done by the Harpoon is significant
  •  It cannot take down a colossus
  •   With the right strike, it can reveal other sigils on the colossus

Where to find the Harpoon of Thunder?

  •  Defeat 2 colossi on Hard Time Attack

2.  Sword of Dormin

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Wanderer summing the power of Dormin

The Sword of Dormin is a powerful weapon since it is the embodiment of Dormin with a colossus eye at the hilt. Rather than collecting sunlight, the sword draws a dark essence.

What to know about the Sword of Dormin?

  • Strikes with a large amount of force
  • Slows down Wanderer's life force regeneration
  • The shadowy force it releases guides Wanderer to colossi

Where to find the Sword of Dormin?

  • After collecting 79 gold coins the sword can be found on the western side of Shrine of Worship's exterior
  • A path is then exposed which leads below the shrine
  • The sword will be found within a rock

1. Queen's Sword

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Wanderer running into battle with the Queen's Sword fully charged

This is easily one of the strongest weapons in the whole game. The damage the Queen's Sword inflicts is massive. When fully charged, it can take out minor sigils with 1 or 2 blows.

What to know about the Queen's Sword?

  • One of the strongest weapon
  • Same tracking ability as the swords above
  •  Can take out weak points with 1 to 2 strikes

Where to find the Queen's Sword?

  • Slay all colossi in Hard Time Attack mode.
Well, that sums up the top 5 weapons in Wanderer’s arsenal. Make sure to be on the lookout for similar articles.

Happy gaming!

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