[Top 5] Shadowverse Best Aggro Decks

Shadowverse Best Aggro Decks
12 Aug 2022

[Top 5] Shadowverse Best Aggro Decks

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These are the Top 5 Best Shadowverse Aggro Decks. An Aggro deck is a deck that focuses on doing direct damage to the enemy leader via your own followers. Aggro is known for being one of the easiest to utilize in Shadowverse since it emphasizes how important it is to play followers on a consistent curve and board tempo. It’s also known by players as being very predictable in strategy, cheap to build, and fast to gain victory. These decks are ranked based on their strengths and weaknesses.


5. Aggro Bloodcraft (Frenzied Madness)

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This deck is a deck that operates primarily on drawing cards and dealing calculated damage to your leader while simultaneously damaging your opponent. Many followers, once brought into play, either do damage to your leader or let you draw a card. The keys to this deck are the cards Ravening Corruption and Jourgmand. Corruption allows you to do damage to any enemy every time a card is drawn, and Jormungand allows you to do three damage to all enemies when any damage is done to your leader. This means that the follower cards you have are suddenly incredibly interactive with the enemy leader, the true definition of Aggro.


Deck Review

  • Aggro Bloodcraft, once it picks up speed, is extremely powerful. Ravening Corruption is only three play points, meaning that once you draw it, it can be utilized quickly. It does exactly what is mentioned above, meaning that when you play followers that allow you to draw cards, said followers are doing direct damage to the enemy leader. This is, of course, what Aggro is known for. Because of the Corruption this deck does especially well against Havencraft and non-Aggro Dragoncraft decks.
  • The low cost followers in general that can easily be played on the first or second turn allow you to get direct hits early on in the match, especially if you happen to go first. Cards such as Corrupted Bat and Vampiric Bloodbinder are good examples of this. Not only that, but most of these cards have extra effects that can contribute to a win. For example, the Bat gives you a Naterran Great Tree and the Bloodbinder has a Last Words effect that lets you draw an extra card next turn.
  • However, Aggro Bloodcraft has one fatal flaw, and it’s common in most Aggro Bloodcraft decks. It’s very easy to get caught up in the speed to the point where you lose track of the damage being done to yourself to give you that speed. The Jourgmand is a good example of this. As well, without the Corruption, this deck can be a bit of a mess.

Card List 

  • Disciple of Lust x3 
  • Lunatic Aether x3 
  • Creeping Madness x1
  • Travelers Respite x3
  • Spiderweb Imp x2
  • Hellblaze Demon x3
  • Leraje x3
  • Corrupted Bat x3 
  • Rookie Succubus x2
  • Vampiric Bloodbinder x2
  • Blood Pact x3
  • Frenzied Werewolf x2
  • Ravening Corruption x2
  • Yuna, Vampire Seeker x3 
  • Jormungand x2 
  • Nacht x1
  • Moriana, Shadow Devil x1
  • Nightprowl Vampire x2 

4. Aggro Runecraft (Storm Rune)

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Aggro Rune relies on spellboosting higher cost cards with the Storm ability that can be played sooner than their original cost. This happens especially quickly considering that the majority of the spell cards allow you to draw these high cost cards, meaning that they can be spellboosted sooner and brought onto the field on your sixth turn when you would normally have to wait until the eighth. With the right conditions, you would use followers such as Zealot of Truth and Twinblade Mage to attack the enemy leader the same turn they’re played, giving you a quick victory.


Deck Review

  • What works best with this deck is that the high cost cards with Storm can be played nearly as quick as an Aggro Swordcraft deck if you time yourself correctly. By utilizing cards such as Insight, Magic Missile, and Shikigami Summons, you can get your followers with Storm on the field in a fast and timely manner. This strategy is especially useful against decks such as Natura Dragoncraft, Purgatory Shadowcraft, and even Aggro Blood. With such a wide range of success against various classes, this Aggro Rune deck works incredible well.
  • Secondly, several other spells allow you to do minor to significant damage to enemy followers to get them out of the way and off the field, letting your followers with Storm attack the enemy leader directly. Spells such as Angelic Snipe and Magic Missle allow you to not only support your on-field followers, but to also be used as spellboosting cards for high cost cards you haven’t played yet. Those spells in particular are especially low cost, meaning that this is a speedy way to get things done.
  • However, Aggro Rune’s biggest weakness is that it's incredibly reliant on those high cost followers with Storm. Without them, it tends to fail as an Aggro deck. Also, if you don’t watch your timing and usage of your spells, they won’t be able to assist your cards that need spellboosting. In a Shadowverse deck, regardless of the craft or type, only three of each card are allowed in one deck. This means that if you get caught in the speed and misuse your spells, you run out before you can utilize them correctly. This is surprisingly easy, and should be watched out for.

Card List

  • Angelic Snipe x3
  • Insight x3
  • Mysterian Knowledge x1
  • Magic Missile x3
  • Kaleidoscope Glow x3
  • Shikigami Summons x3
  • Chaos Wielder x3
  • Fate’s Hand x3
  • Blade Mage x3
  • Enchanted Sword x3
  • Twinblade Mage x3
  • Daria, Infinity Witch x3
  • Zealot of Truth x3
  • Clarke, Knowledge Seeker x3

3. Aggro Havencraft (Summit Haven)

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This may come as a surprise, but Aggro Haven has proven to be stronger than Aggro Blood and Aggro Rune. This is because it has the commonly desired balance of both intense offense and steady healing and effects. Not only is that combination generally desirable, but it also proves to be successful as an Aggro deck because the offense and healing work so well in tandem. To an extent, there is also a small Natura touch, a touch that generally helps to draw cards quickly and promote healing effects in Havencraft. What makes it fast and effective are the Summit Temple amulet, the Mewoskers, Ruff Tuff Major follower, and the Saintly Squeaks follower. Both followers have Storm and the amulet will be discussed below.


Deck Review 

  • Addressing the Summit Temple amulet is what helps make this deck a successful Aggro deck. When the Summit Temple is brought into play, it makes all of your followers attacks equivalent to their remaining defense. This works really well, especially with the followers that have Storm and can attack on the same turn. Followers such as Meowskers and Unicorn Knight have higher offense than they do defense. Normally, this means that Havencraft will be especially slow and not as Aggro as one might think. However, with the Summit Temple, this allows attacks to be more calculated, more powerful, and quicker overall.
  • What’s very appealing about Aggro Havencraft, especially compared to Aggro Rune and Aggro Blood, is that there is a healing and defensive aspect to it. Normally, Aggro decks are purely offensive, and it’s easy to take heavy damage while doing heavy damage yourself. But Aggro Haven has the perfect mix of the two, meaning that it attracts Havencraft users in general as well as players looking to experiment with Aggro for the first time.
  • However, one of Aggro Haven’s fatal flaws is that it’s generally not a cheap deck to create. Cards such as Summit Temple, Justine, Holy Al miraji, and Aether of the White Wing, are expensive to make. You would need quite a few vials to gain these cards. One of Aggro’s primary characteristics is that the decks are cheap to make, and with Haven losing this category, it takes that Aggro characteristic away. This means that it’s less of what you may be looking for in a fast Aggro deck.

Card List

  • Petra, Ether of the Wind x3 
  • Jeweled Brilliance x3
  • Summit Temple x3
  • Snnneak Attack! x3
  • Protecteress x3
  • Unicorn Knight x3
  • Saintly Squeaks x3
  • Sweetwing Seraph x3 
  • Saintly Griffon x3
  • Major Prayers x2
  • Kel, Holy Marksman x2
  • Imina, Mad Eidolon x1
  • Graywing Featherfolk x3
  • Justine, Holy Al-Miraj
  • Aether of the White Wing x3

2. Aggro Swordcraft (Unsheathed Fury)

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Swordcraft is the craft that is usually associated with Aggro due to its overall speed and low cost followers. However, not all Aggro Swordcraft decks are powerful and necessarily useful. But Unsheathed Fury manages to blow most other Aggro decks out of the water. It’s speed is overall exceptional, and it has a decent balance of high cost and low cost cards. This is important because a balance of those two types of cards is important when it comes to any Aggro deck considering they consistently bounce off each other. This what makes Unsheathed Fury so successful. 


Deck Review

  • Unsheathed Fury correctly adheres to the idea that most Aggro decks are cheap to create. If you generally play your cards right and make sure you correctly liquefy your extra cards, this deck can be made no problem. Followers that come into direct contact with the enemy leader such as Quickblader and Rapier Master are cheap cards to create and make Unsheathed Fury a true Aggro deck. This means that things on the field are generally easier to maneuver when it could have been otherwise. 
  • Swordcraft itself has always relied on the powerful relationship between its officers and commanders, and that relationship is even more important in Aggro than it would be in a regular deck. A steady partnership between the two means that their defense and offense will increase steadily over time, making the followers hard to take out and giving them every chance to directly attack the enemy leader. Followers such as Omen of Usurpation and the Disciple of Usurpation help with this.
  • However, the biggest issue with Aggro Sword is that there isn’t much defense available or healing opportunities. Aggro may be fast, but there still needs to be few contingency plans just in case. In the event that you can’t manage to draw the low cost cards you need, or if you happen to go second, this lack of defense and healing isn’t going to do it. With only two wards available, that isn’t best protection plan around.

Card List 

  • Quickblader x3
  • Rapier Master x3
  • Oathless Knight x3
  • Holy Bear Knight x3
  • Servant of Usurpation x3
  • Usurping Spineblade x3
  • Valse, Magical Marksman x3
  • Disciple of Usurpation x3
  • Ochirice, Omen of Usurpation x2
  • Aether of the Warrior Wing x1
  • Aloadae x3
  • Apostle of Usurpation x3
  • Dragon Knights x3
  • Sage Commander x2
  • Latham, Honorable Knight x2 

Top Aggro Deck: Aggro Forestcraft (Whirlwind Roach)

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Forestcraft, in general, is excellent for preparing low cost followers for a colossal win, and this is without being an Aggro deck. As an Aggro deck, it’s still number one in the game when it comes to overall hand size, filling up your hand with various low cost cards. Aggro decks are all about how many low cost cards you can hold in your hand at a time while still playing them effectively. And this Aggro Forestcraft deck, with the successful Whirlwind Rhinoercroach as it’s effective staple, does exactly everything it’s meant to do.


Deck Review 

  • This deck focuses primarily on the powerful low cost card Whirlwind Rhinoceroach. Each time you return this card to your hand after having it, you gain an extra attack point, and once you’ve done that five times, the card gains Storm and can attack the enemy leader directly. That’s what Aggro is all about, after all; using followers to attack the enemy leader directly. Since this deck has exactly three of this card inside it, and since they only cost one play point, it’s easy to play multiple a turn and attack the enemy leader several times until they can’t avoid being destroyed in one turn.
  • This deck is especially successful against other Aggro decks, especially compared to Havencraft and Bloodcraft. It’s incredibly speedy, and even Swordcraft doesn’t always have the best shot. It also has two wards that serve as protection and even successfully manage to help boost the Rhinoceroach. It’s spells also manage to do overall damage on the field so that whatever followers are in play for you can attack the next turn. Even for an Aggro deck, Aggro Forestcraft manages to have a decent balance of all three card categories.
  • The only flaw that this deck might have is that if you fail to draw the Rhinoceroach cards, your deck can flounder easily and lose its taste as an Aggro deck. It is easy to draw cards and with other followers and various spells, but sometimes one gets unlucky, and if that happens to be you, this deck can often sometimes appear useless. It is weak to high defense Havencraft and Elana Havencraft in the fact that it’s defense just isn’t strong enough to combat it. That can go with any high defense deck, regardless of class. In the end, Aggro Forestcraft is still the best Aggro deck around.

Card List

  • Whirlwind Rhinoceroach x3
  • Nature’s Guidance x3
  • Airbound Barrage x3
  • Fairy Torrent x3
  • Synchronized Slash x3
  • Fairy Refuge x3
  • Seraphic Blade x3 
  • Guard of the Machinatree x3
  • Pixie Mischief x3
  • Predatory Might x2
  • Aria’s Whirlwind x2
  • Whispering Woods x3
  • Liza, Queen of the Forest x3
  • Deepwood Wolf x3

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