[Top 5] Sims Medieval Best Legendary Traits

Best Legendary Traits for Sims Medieval
27 Dec 2022

“LEGEN…wait for it…DARY” is what your Hero sim can be in the Sims Medieval. Have you ever wanted to change one negative thing about yourself for something positive?

Well, you can’t but your sims can. I’ve figured out the Top 5 Legendary traits to have, so when the time comes to absolve your fatal flaw, you will know what to pick! 

A legend in the making.

Each sim starts the game with 2 traits and 1 fatal flaw. Whatever your flaw is, it will negatively affect your life and focus. But fear not, there will come a time when you can change your flaw for a Legendary Trait, a trait that will only make life easier.

There are two ways to earn a legendary trait, either by reaching a certain level or through specific quests. I mean what is the point of being a hero if you don’t go down a legend?

5.  Patient Trait

I can only imagine the number of questions this kid has for a Knight.

Patience is a virtue; it is also a great Legendary trait to have in the Sims Medieval. When you earn this trait, your biggest reward is that the time it takes to complete your responsibilities is extended by a few hours. This is so helpful because sometimes quest tasks are time consuming and take away from the time you can spend on your responsibilities. 

Also being patient makes people like you more, so your ability to make friends and increase relationships goes up. This had to make the list because it’s fantastic for all of the Hero types in the game.

Patient Trait Pros:

  • Extra time added to finish responsibilities
  • It becomes easier to make friends 
  • Great for any type of Hero Sim

4. Satiated Trait

The food is just really, really bad.

Any sim player knows that cooking and sims just do not go together. Although you won’t catch on fire, the food is a hassle in the Sims Medieval. Instead of losing focus because you put off feeding your sim, try replacing your fatal flaw with the Satiated trait.

If you happen to have the Glutton fatal flaw this will replace insatiable hunger with a hunger bar that slowly decreases. Really not having to worry about eating gives you more time to complete quests and responsiblities. This is great for any hero.

Satiated Trait Pros:

  • Hunger bar fills up faster when eating, slowly decreases
  • Great for any Hero
  • Perfect replacement for the Glutton fatal flaw


3. Wise Trait

He has a large following, he must be wise.

A guaranteed way to gain XP quickly is to choose the Wise trait as your legendary trait. With this trait your chances of winning card games and at the war table go way up. You also gain a new social interaction where you can “Impart Wisdom” on your peers.

Being wise is a great addition if you already have traits like fun-loving or scholarly. I think this is a great trait for any Hero but in particular your Jacobian priest, Peteran priests and Physicians.

Wise Trait Pros:

  • XP is earned faster
  • Higher chances of winning at cards and war table
  • New Social interaction, “Impart Wisdom”
  • “Gave Good Advice” Buff, +15 Focus and lasts 4 hours


 2. Famous Trait

You can't get more famous than having a drink with the Queen.

Why become a hero if there is no fame and glory? When you have the Famous trait whenever you meet a new sim your friend bar goes up instantly, and your friendly interactions are almost always accepted. This trait is perfect for the Heroes like the Merchant and Bard because people are always around. Plus, the more friends, the more opportunity for money. 

And don’t worry if you haven’t talked to that one friend in a while because now it takes longer for friendships to deteriorate. So, invite all of your friends over for a drink, because the drinks are always on the house and relive those good ‘ole days. 

Famous Trait Pros:

  • So many friends, it becomes easier to create friendships with other sims
  • Friendly social interactions are more effective
  • Friendships decline much slower
  • Drinks are always free!


1. Herculean Trait 

"Hercules, Hercules."

Hercules is one of the best known heroes, so it’s only right that a trait named after him is number 1 on the list. This trait makes you extremely athletic. Not only will your body morph into a lean and muscular one but now you almost always win fights and get a +30 focus boost when fighting.

You can boast about your strength to others and will never lose bragging rights because your chance of winning kingball goes way up. Overall, this is the perfect trait if you are playing as the Monarch or a Knight. It is also a great replacement for the puny, insecure and cowardly fatal flaws. 

Herculean Trait Pros:

  • Become lean and muscular and never gain weight
  • Win almost every fight with +30 focus while fighting
  • Boast about your strength to other sims
  • Win almost every kingball game and sword fights


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