[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Aerial Characters

Smash Ultimate Best Aerial Characters
30 Dec 2022

10. Byleth

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Byleth Reveal Smash Ultimate

Having 3 big weapons with tons of range and power as your aerials works pretty well for Byleth. Byleth uses her super strong, long-reaching aerials to poke at her enemies and can even use them to break shields. She can also use her down air to drag down people allowing her to grab them. 

  • Safe and strong
  • Can kill
  • Can break shields


9. Zss

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Zero Suit Samus Smash Ultimate render

Zss has amazing mobility and to compliment that, she has some amazing aerial moves. Zss’s nair is infamous. It’s really safe if spaced on shield and if it’s not shielded, she can combo it into her down b which will kill at very low percentages. On top of her nair, her bair is a great kill move and her upair is a great combo move. 

  • Super safe poking tool
  • Up air combos into itself and into up b which kills
  • Bair is a great kill move

8. R.O.B

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R.O.B Smash Ultimate Promo art

Like Zss, ROB has a great safe Nair and if your character can’t deal with it makes or breaks the matchup. ROB also can use his bair to navigate in the air which really compliments his up b. All of that is great and then you also factor in his upair which is a great kill move that is hard to DI correctly. 

  • Safe landing moves.
  • Can use his aerials to affect his movement
  • Good kill power with aerials

7. Ike

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Ike Smash Ultimate Promo art

Ike has a big sword. All his aerials use his big sword. Pretty simple. Ike has a great nair that combos into his other aerials. His upair kills very early and so does his bair. 

  • Safe and strong
  • Combos into themselves
  • Large hitboxes

6. Young Link

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Young Link Smash Ultimate render

This character is insane on paper. Young Link is known for his projectiles, but his aerials are insane on top of that. His nair is not only really fast and safe, it kills. That alone with his character archetype is insane, but his fair kills and is safe. His bair combos into kills and is safe. His dair kills and is… you guessed it, safe, and his upair kills and actually isn’t safe but that doesn’t matter.  

  • Super safe aerials 
  • All of them are useful and kill or can lead to kills
  • Good kill power for his archetype

5.  Inkling

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Inkling Smash Ultimate render

Inkling is aerials. Inkling has some very large aerials that beat out some moves they shouldn’t. Inklings’ bair for example beats an invincible move belonging to a character later in this list. Inklings nair is large and combos into itself and fair has some amazing spacing power. 

  • Very safe 
  • Combo into themselves
  • Large hitboxes


4. Cloud

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Cloud Smash Ultimate render

Cloud belongs in the clouds because his aerials are that good. Cloud is like inkling but with kill power. Aerials are his game plan. Again, this is a big sword character, so his aerials are large and he has a lot of power to back them up. His upair is notorious for comboing into itself and hitting grounded opponents. Nair is a great "get off me" tool and combos into itself and bair is a great kill move. 

  • Large hitboxes
  • Great kill power
  • Safe poking options

3.  Lucina

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Lucina Smash Ultimate render

Another sword. A sword is a common theme amongst a lot of great aerials and Lucina is the best of them. Her sword isn’t just huge, strong, and safe, but it’s fast. She can super easily throw out huge, fast hitboxes. Fighting Lucina is like trying to get into a bubble of damage. Her sword is that fast and strong. 

  • Superfast 
  • Large hitboxes
  • Great kill power

2. Palutena

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Palutena Smash Ultimate render

Palutena is a goddess so she can do anything and she made some amazing aerials with that power. Her nair is infamous for being huge and comboing into itself. Her fair is a super safe poke tool that can combo. Her bair is invincible and kills. Her upair is huge and kills early. Her dair is unremarkable to most, but even it has a use as a punishing tool for people who land behind her.

  • Large hitboxes
  • Great kill power
  • Safe
  • Invincible bair

1. Peach

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Peach Smash Ultimate render

What could be stronger than Palutena’s aerials… well Peach’s. Why? Peach’s aerials are goodby themselves, but on top of their amazing hit hitboxes and kill power, she has the ability float. Float allows peach to use her aerials at any height. It also takes away the short hop damage reduction every other character has. This alone is insane, but she can combo her opponents to massive percentages with her aerials. After she combos someone from 0-80 (totally doable), she can then use float to bait her opponent to swing and then use her fair to kill people at very early percentages. 

  • No penalty for short hop aerials
  • Can do massive combos with her aerials
  • Fair can kill at very early percents

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