Super Smash Brothers Ultimate decided to do something new to the series. They decided to include spirits instead of trophies. This was easier from a developmental aspect, but it also gave these representations of gaming icons a purpose. Spirits, unlike trophies, can be used to give a buff to fighters. Here are the top 10 most overpowered spirits in Smash Ultimate.
10. Beast Ganon
This spirit’s ability might not sound great on paper, but it’s super good. Beast Ganon makes it so you damage opponents when dashing into them. Combine this spirit with sonic for example and you have an insane build. This makes movement super important for the user, but when mastered, it can be really hard for your opponent to deal with.
- Hi attack power
- Great on fast characters
9. Metal Face
Metal Face… and he has a metal face… checks out. This might be the strongest spirit in the game… only for the beginning of a match. This spirit has great stats but the best part is you start the match large and metal. This means you’re not getting moved… by anything. Also because you’re large, you can easily K.O. anyone who isn’t playing with a keep-away build.
- Strongest spirit in the game at the start of the match
- Good attack power and defense
8. Full Armor X
They make the best stuff in Megaman. Full armor X is the second-best spirit to get super armor without lowering your speed. It even has a slot so you theoretically could be even faster with super armor. This is a great mobile tank build starter and can be used to devastating effect.
- Super armor with no speed reduction
- 3 slots
7. Samurai Goroh
Samurai Goroh F Zero GX
Samurai Goroh brings some of that F Zero speed to Smash. Samurai Goroh can increase your speed and has 3 slots for more spirits to help that. This can make you super speedy and combined with Sonic, basically untouchable. This can also be combined with bigger characters to make them much more threatening.
- 3 slots
- Great for camping strategy
- Great for making threatening heavy builds
6. Queen Metroid
Ladies and gentlemen… The Queen! (Music plays… IDK) Queen Metroid isn’t good because she heightens a stat. She’s good because she lowers stat. What if every character could use their aerials super close to the ground like Peach? That’s what Queen Metroid helps do. Lowered jump height allows many characters to speedily spam aerials and in some cases, lock opponents in hit stun to endlessly get hit by the same move.
- Almost even attack and defense
- Can create locking combos
5. Hades (Final Form)
Hades isn’t quite the ultimate villain here, but he’s close. Hades is very close to having the highest attack stat, but to make up for it, he has two support spots that can help boost him higher. The downside to how broken he can be is that you start the match with 30%. That can be a lot when going up against another super-strong spirit.
- Second strongest attack
- 2 slots
4. Shaymin (SkyForme)
Shaymin (Sky Forme) Spirit Smash Ultimate
You will be comfy in the sky with Shaymin. This spirit is amazing because it gives you the maximum amount of jump height you can get in the game. Shaymin also has 3 slots allowing for more jump height increase spirits to be added. This can lead to a really broken camping strategy for multiple fighters.
- Highest jump increase
- Great for camping
3. Absolutely Safe Capsule
Absolutely Safe Capsule Smash Ultimate
Nobody is ever going to get in here. This is the best defensive spirit on the list. This spirit has the highest defense stat and no attack stat to speak of. While that sounds like a disadvantage, heavies can make great use of it because they already possess a lot of strength. They also are already heavy characters making the super armor this spirit gives effective until insane percentages.
- Highest defense stat in the game
- Adds super armor until ridiculous percents
2. Zero (Z-Saber)

Zero MegaMan X
Cooler Megaman, Zero is the second-best spirit in the game. Zero isn’t as strong as our number 1 pick, but he makes up for it by also giving you a speed boost. Along with that zero also has 2 slots for support spirits. Zero also increases the power of melee weapons so combined with a sword character like Marth, he’s devastating.
- Very high attack stat
- 2 slots
- Increase melee weapon’s strength
1. Akuma

Akuma Spirit Smash Ultimate
This evil shoto sacrifices his morality for ultimate power. Akuma has the highest attack power. When you need raw power, he’s your guy. With this spirit, you end up K.Oing almost any character in less than 3 hits. Raw power is extremely useful and that’s why Akuma is number 1.
- Strongest attack in the game
- Best spirit for getting KO’s
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