[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Aggressive Characters

04 Sep 2020

Smash has plenty of character archetypes, but none are more exhilarating to watch than the rushdown characters that win by overwhelming and destroying their opponents. In this list, we'll be counting down the characters that do it best.


10. Mario

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Starting off our list is the face of Nintendo, Mario. While Mario is usually an all arounder in smash brothers games, the Smash Ultimate team decided to give him a more aggressive kit. Mario is particularly great at crushing characters with his up air strings.

Why Mario is Great:

  • Mario has an excellent combo game that is started with just an uptilt or landing up air
  • His flood allows him to push away opponents off the stage, allowing him to edge guard and kill with his dunking forward ariel
  • Mario is an excellent all-around fighter, so he can go in on any type of opponent, whether heavy or floaty

9. Greninja

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Greninja, the Kalos region hybrid frog-ninja is our next entry on this list. With a great projectile for controlling space in his shuriken. Along with that, Greninja has the 7th fastest speed in the game, making him a force to be reckoned with when he is going in on his opponents.

Why Greninja is Great:

  • Amazing up air drag down combos that can lead to high damage and even K.O.s
  • Greninja high speed makes it easy for him to overwhelm his opponents
  • Graninjas shadow sneak, allows him to approach his opponents in a way that no other character has, teleporting to the location of his shadow

8. Sheik

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Sheik wearing the trademark Sheikah costume comes in at number 8 on the list. With excellent combos, high speed, and great setups, this character is a nightmare for people who don’t have their defenses down.

Why Sheik is Great:

  • Sheik is the 4th fastest character in the game, making it almost impossible to get away from them
  • With some of the strongest and longest combos in Smash Ultimate, Sheik can take opponents on a ride from one side of the stage to the other
  • With her bouncing fish attack, Sheik has a quick burst option to get in on their opponent, but it also works as a recovery option

7. Mewtwo

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The legendary pokemon is here to shine with his often overwhelming presence. With moves like shadow ball, confusion, and disable, he has all the tools to disorient an opponent, allowing him to get in and take them down.

Why Mewtwo is Great:

  • Mewtwo boasts the 8th highest running speed in the game, allowing him to run circles around the enemy
  • With teleport, Mewtwo can instantly move in on his opponent, throwing them off and getting a quick attack off
  • Mewtwo has one of the coolest and most flashy combo games in smash, so when you do get in on opponents, you can crush and look cool while doing it

6. Pichu

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The true glass cannon of Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, Pichu returns for the first time since Melee. While Pichu did get nerfed, they are still a force to reckoned with and feared if you don’t know how to stop them.

Why Pichu is Great:

  • Pichu’s small size makes them great at sneaking between attacks and breaching their opponent’s attacks
  • With high risk, high reward attacks, Pichu can kill even heavy opponents with a well placed forward smash.
  • Pichu has a great combo game, and with their decent speed, they can juggle opponents for high damage

5. Little Mac

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The boxer with a small stature is back from Smash for Wii U. While he still has many of his weaknesses from his last smash title, he hasn’t lost his ability to be the aggressor in any battle he finds himself. Being the third fastest character in the game has its perks.

Why Little Mac is Great:

  • With Super armor on his smash attacks, opponents often have to outmaneuver little mac because they can’t overpower him
  • Little Mac has the best ground game in Smash Ultimate, all of his ground attacks are fast and pack a punch
  • With his K.O. punch breaking through shields and nearly being a one-hit kill, Little Mac can bring fear to his opponents without doing anything

4. Zero Suit Samus

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The bounty hunter minus the body armor is back to take some names in Smash Ultimate. Much like her Smash 4 appearance, she is best played aggressively, but you put her in a game that rewards aggressiveness even more, and she is bound to dominate the competition.

Why Zero Suit Samus is Great:

  • As the 6th fastest character in the game, Zero Suit Samus can outspeed 72 of the characters on the roster
  • Zero Suit Samus also has flip kick, a non-linear move that can bury opponents, spike, and help her maneuver over opponents
  • Her whip gives her plenty of range, allowing her to be aggressive without taking too much of a risk in attacking

3. Terry

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The DLC fighter from Fatal Fury and King of Fighters has done quite well since joining super smash brothers. Terry’s unconventional inputs and his mechanic that makes him automatically face towards his opponent gives this character a bit of a learning curve, but it’s worthwhile when you see this beast go in on his opponents.

Why Terry is Great:

  • Terry’s specials can cancel into other moves, allowing combos where you hit opponents with two moves before even knocking them back
  • Terry has his “Go” meter, and when he is at over 100% he can let loose some brutal attacks that have a big range and even bigger damage
  • Terry will always be facing the opponent, making it so your opponent won’t be able to sneak up behind you, and if you miscalculate your spacing he will still be ready to attack

2. Roy

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After a few lackluster showings in his last two smash games, Roy is finally a huge threat for any player in smash ultimate. With his blade requiring close range to do the most damage, Roy relies on getting as close to his opponent as possible to kill them.

Why Roy is Great:

  • With a sweet spot on the handle of his blade, this character gets a huge reward for being close to his opponent
  • With a top 15 run speed, he is the second-fastest swordsman in the game, giving him the deadly combo of speed and range
  • Roy has a very open combo tree, allowing him to quickly adapt to his opponents and beat them with a wide array of moves 

1. Fox

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Fox, the bounty hunter, tops this list for many reasons. His speed and power are downright oppressive when he is put into the right hands. Fox has consistently been a strong character, but in Ultimate, he nears his spot on the tier list that he achieved in Melee

Why Fox is Great:

  • His up smash, one of the scariest kill moves in the game, can take you off the top if you make any mistakes
  • Fox, being the 5th fastest character in the game, can weave in and out of opponents attacks, baiting them to make a mistake before finishing with his brutal up smash
  • Fox has fast moves that can catch even some of the most seasoned players off guard, making him a nightmare to defend against

Well, that’s my list! Hopefully, you found yourself a new aggressive character to play, or you learned the characters you need to practice defense against. Agree? Disagree? Feel free to let me know!

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