Who are the best Street Fighter YouTubers?
Street Fighter holds a very special place in the Fighting Game Community and is widely regarded as one of the most influential fighting games of all time.
With all the games that have been released, it is still amazing to see that all entries in the franchise are still being played and explored, and these Youtubers make sure we have the best content available on the YouTube platform.
15. NYCFurby Productions
NYCFurby is an old-school OG from the arcade era, who never lost his love or skill for fighting games.
NYCFurby Productions is a YouTube channel where multiple Street Fighter tournaments are broadcasted, with spectacular commentary and a great East Coast vibe.
You can check out tournaments for pretty much any Street Fighter title you can think of, and many times some of the best in the world are participating in these, including names on this list.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/FGCSabin/videos
14. beamthegamer
Beamthegamer is a competitive Street Fighter V player who mains Ryu.
Beam is a hard worker, always willing to give it his best and to keep pushing his limits. He keeps getting better and better as a player and someday we might see him going far in major tournaments.
Beamthegamer posts videos regularly and the fact that he plays Ryu makes his adventures and feats seem like we’re watching the progress of an underdog protagonist in real life.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/Beamthegamer/videos
13. HiFight
HiFight overanalyzes tremendous FGC rounds and interactions in a way very few can.
There are even moments, from comebacks to simple zoning games, that would go unnoticed without HiFight’s takes.
Just jump on his YouTube channel and you will be marveled at how much work is put into breaking down Street Fighter games, particularly matches between renowned pro players. With Street Fighter 6, he’s giving us all kinds of relevant information that we are not getting from anywhere else, and for that, we can be thankful.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/HiFightTH/videos
12. Nephew
Nephew’s a great Kolin player who is considered by many the best West Coast player right now.
He is very fast in producing content and will usually tackle topics and events happening in the FGC before most of the other content creators.
He also loves to do watch-alongs where he’ll comment on ongoing Capcom competitions and explain the action from his own perspective, providing an engaging way for fans to watch tournaments, especially if they’re being originally commentated in Japanese.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/NephewDork/videos
11. Brian_F
Brian_F is a beloved competitor and one of the biggest Street Fighter content creators there is.
The dude has an amazing sense of humor and is able to turn any regular situation into a hysterical one with a single one-liner. Smirky and confident but not quite cocky, he is also exceptionally good when it comes to technical skills and is never short on new and original content.
He will even change his characters and his controllers for his viewers’ entertainment and he just won a tournament 3 days after losing his right ball to cancer. Now that is spirit and passion.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/Brian_F/videos
10. Smug
Smug is a fantastic player who sky-rocketed into FGC icon status during Street Fighter IV, due to his charismatic nature and ridiculous Dudley combos.
His Dudley combos are so astonishing and groundbreaking that even to this day we see new stuff coming out of his pocket whenever he goes back to USFIV.
But his videos are much more than that, as he plays Street Fighter V as well as explores retro games on Fightcade, and he does several collaborations with other FGC legends, like Justin Wong. What makes his content so good though, is his hilarious demeanor and naturally funny and jestful personality.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/SMUGDaBeast/videos
9. Rooflemonger
Rooflemonger is responsible for releasing incredibly helpful video guides and tutorials.
This content is destined for all sorts of fighting games, including, of course, Street Fighter. Fast-paced, clear content is what the man is offering and he sure knows how to deliver.
His videos are easy to watch and perfectly understandable, suitable for both beginners and experts in these games. Rooflemonger has probably helped more Street Fighter players get a grasp on what the game is all about than he actually thinks.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/rooflemonger/videos
8. Automattock
An amazing player who’s extremely passionate about digging deep through the game’s mechanics and who just loves to share knowledge.
Automattock’s content is really helpful and informative for Street Fighter players of all ranges of experience, and he has recently been digging out some 3rd Strike content that you just can’t get enough of.
His specialty lies in taking time to dissect and explain input techniques and hand movements which is awesome.
Channel link: youtube.com/user/JiBbo/videos
7. jmcrofts
A humble soul with lots of love to spread, jmcrofts is a great guy who is all about sharing interesting stuff related to fighting games.
He will do breakdowns of historical matches, attempt to perform difficult challenges, and simply showcase cool features and mechanics in fighting games.
He’s a man with no fear of exploring games that have been deeply buried in oblivion for years, and there is something really relatable about him, as he’s a really good player, but not a monster like some others on this list.
Channel link: youtube.com/user/jmcrofts/videos
6. Punk
Punk is better known as one of the best Street Fighter V players in the world, and his skill is so remarkable that his way of playing the game affected the entire meta.
The prolific usage of single-hit confirms and his other-worldly reactions are something that Punk brought to the SFV scene and he is particularly known to be able to play with every single character in the roster.
He’s also exceptionally funny and absolutely loves the color pink, and is willing to do crazy challenges and share fun stories through his content.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/Punkdagod/videos
5. desk
If you want to check out the coolest stuff about anything related to Street Fighter, desk is the channel for you.
This guy spends countless hours finding out bizarre features in Street Fighter games and unpractical combos which are amazing to watch.
He’ll let you know all about the different possibilities with every character and every SF game, and his videos are all short, fun, and mindblowing. Kudos to desk.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/desk316/videos
4. MC Mura
MC Mura is a player from Egypt who likes to take hours of his life to the benefit of Street Fighter fans.
He makes videos about every single character in the game, explaining all of the intricacies that go behind each World Warrior, in a very impartial and respectful way. He will let his voice be heard about anything, from combos to core mechanics.
His channel is filled with varied content and he also does video essays expressing his views and discussing original and totally interesting topics related to Street Fighter V. Fantastic content that will only keep growing with the arrival of Street Fighter 6.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/MCMuraFGC/videos
3. Bafael
The self-proclaimed scientist of the FGC, Bafael spends hours on end exploring the depths of Street Fighter games, so he can then share his knowledge.
The man is responsible for creating countless videos where he extensively dissects every single aspect of every single character and every single interaction and obscure detail.
His content is based on watching retro Street Fighter games, exploring new ideas in modern ones, and going through hell trying to complete impossible combo trials.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/Bafael/videos
2. Maximilian Dood
Maximilian Dood is an explosive human being who absolutely loves fighting games and everything about them.
His content is hysterical and analytical at the same time, and even though he is not a current pro player, he is probably the most influential person in the FGC, as he single-handedly built a bridge between the casual mainstream audience and the fighting game professional niche.
Watching Max’s videos is going on a roller coaster of emotions non-stop, and you will always end with a smile on your face from watching this guy do his thing. This is a man on a mission, the mission to make the FGC grow and improve, and he’s doing his job well.
Channel link: youtube.com/user/Miles923
1. Justin Wong
Justin Wong might very much be the greatest fighting game player of all time. He has countless tournament wins and more EVO 1st places than anyone in history.
His video content includes multiple fighting games as Justin’s skill allows him to play at top level in pretty much anything that he chooses to, and he’s a genuine and stupidly cool dude who you can’t help but cheer for.
From arcade runs and boss battles to online matchups against legends of the community, Justin Wong will stream just about anything and any Street Fighter game. What a legend.
Channel link: youtube.com/c/iaintjwong
Hopefully, your favorite content creators were included in this list, and if you did not know some of these, then you have something new to check out.
We live in a post-pandemic world where content creation, streaming, and online competition kept the FGC alive, and these guys are the ones who stood out the most during the last couple of years.
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