The options are endless when it comes to building a safe, efficient base in Subnautica: Below Zero. But you, like many other players, may be indecisive about the perfect location for your base. You can only zip in and out of your Drop Pod for so long, though. So pick up the Habitat Builder, and let's go through some of the best options for your new base!
10. Lilypad Islands (Good location for hybrid building)

Ah, home sweet home. Lilypads, Glow Whales...Squidsharks?
The lilypads have a haunting beauty to them, perfect for a base with a view! You might have to deal with a few unpleasant neighbors (AKA Squidsharks and Lily Paddlers), but it’s 100% worth it, and what’s Subnautica without a few risks?
What makes Lilypad Islands Great:
- Resources: This area is a resource haven early into the game. You’ll find plenty of Argentite outcrops and Copper ore among other things.
- Beautiful: If you’re into aesthetics, this is where you’ll get one of the most beautiful views in the game.
- Versatile: You could totally build a hybrid base here, making use of both the floating lilypads and the water.
How to get there:
How to find the Lilypad Islands in Subnautica Below Zero
9. Glacial Basin (For an icy challenge)

If the water isn't for you, the Glacial Basin is.
The Glacial Basin is a cold, unforgiving landscape. But if you’re tired of cramping your base onto the ice sheets and want bigger pastures, this might just be it. The Glacial Basin is a rocky, above-ground ice biome with an amazing view,
- What makes the Glacial Basin great:
- Snow Stalker fur: The basin is teeming with these predators. Once you get used to dealing with them, producing Cold Suits won’t be too difficult.
- Safe above-ground location: Yes, the Ice Worms are infuriating. But considering how you’re already surviving on a frozen planet, the Glacial basin is a pretty good bet.
- Solar power: Power won’t be an issue as this area receives a good amount of sunlight.
How to get there:
Glacial Basin Location | Subnautica Below Zero
8. Ventgarden (Awesome Jellyfish Base)

Nothing beats a base inside a titan jellyfish.
Now, a colossal jellyfish with a garden growing inside it is pretty darn cool. But what’s even cooler is a base structured around the jellyfish. With a Ventgarden base, you can easily boast about having a home in one of the coolest locations of ‘Below Zero’.
What makes the Ventgarden great:
- Beauty: Just the aesthetics of the area justify making a base here. You could pick one of the flat plateaus to settle on.
- Build inside: Some players have made use of the spawn function to make their base inside the Ventgarden instead of around it. If you’re not against cheats, this could be a great idea.
- Resources: Being located in the Tree Spires, you’ll have decent access to resources in and around the area.
How to get there:
Subnautica: Below Zero - Ventgarden and Spiral Plant Clippings Location Guide
7. Koppa Mining Site (For a unique cave base)

Not suggested for claustrophobic folk.
If large, scenic locations aren’t your thing, then maybe consider building your base inside of the Koppa Mine. While this is definitely not an ideal spot to build early into the game, you could get creative later on and make a cool cave dwelling.
What makes the Koppa Mine great:
- Precious materials: Naturally, the cave holds large deposits of resources like copper, gold, and silver. This would be invaluable for crafting materials.
- Fragments: Here, you’ll find fragments for the epic Prawn suit.
How to get there:
Koppa Mining Site Location | SUBNAUTICA BELOW ZERO
6. Delta Island (Safe and convenient)

Good ol' Delta Island.
The shallow waters around Delta Island are a go-to base location for many players, and for good reason. Everything is within arms’ reach, whether that be biomes or resources. And it’s also one of the most significant locations in the game.
What makes Delta Island great:
Good starting point: You technically already have everything at Delta Station, including shelter, heat sources, and minerals. It’s a strong headstart early on in the game.
Resources: You’ll find plenty of mineral outcrops and raw materials. Not to mention, there’s plenty of space to grow your own food
Easy access to biomes: Delta Island serves as an intersection for the biomes and a centralized point on the map.
How to get there:
Delta Station Location Subnautica Below Zero
5. Crystal Caves (This one’s more of a late-game bucket list addition)

It may be risky, but hey, it's shiny!
This one is an unconventional base location, like the Koppa mine. While it’s definitely not for early gameplay, making a base here would be a fun project for later on when you’ve stocked up a little bit on resources.
What makes the Crystal Caves great:
Resources: The Main Crystal Caves hold plenty of raw materials and mineral deposits.
Aesthetics: The large, purple spires of the crystal caves are a gorgeous sight and very well justify the pain of setting up a base here.
How to get there:
Crystal Caves Cache Location | Subnautica Below Zero
4. Large Ice Sheet (Ideal above-ground/hybrid base site)

Can't go wrong with a flat sheet of ice.
The large ice sheet near spawn can serve as a great building location. Here, a vast ice sheet stretches out, only with small openings in the ice here and there. The terrain height also varies ever so slightly, so your base doesn’t end up flat and boring.
What makes the large Ice Sheet great:
Flat terrain: If you’re looking for an expansive, open area to make a mega-base, the ice sheet is perfect for just that.
Hybrid build: The exposed parts of the ice serve to add some variety to the otherwise uniform terrain. You could create bridges or extend your base underwater.
How to get there: Skip to 1:28 for the Large Ice Sheet Coordinates
7 Places For A Base With A View, Spectacular Base Locations in Subnautica Below Zero!
3. The Shallow Twisty Bridges (Classic base site for the early-game)

(Almost) everything you need is right within reach.
An iconic location, as this is where Robin’s drop pod ends up, and where players spend the initial days gathering resources. While many decide to venture out and find new biomes to call home, some may want to remain in the secure, resource-rich shallows.
What makes the Shallow Twisty Bridges great:
Resources: Players will find all the basic resources they need within the vicinity of the drop pod. Food and raw materials are abundant in the waters.
Minimal threats: The lifeforms in the area are mostly harmless, giving you plenty of space to swim around tension-free.
How to get there:
Found the drop pod
2. Purple Vents (Geothermal power galore!)

Powering your base with style.
Other than being a really cool display of fumaroles and purple spews, the Purple Vents can serve to be a very efficient base location. As long as you steer clear of the Cryptosuchuses and don’t build right on top of the vents, you’ll have a base with an endless power supply.
What makes the Purple Vents great:
Sulfur Plants: You won’t face a shortage of crystalline sulfur, because this biome is home to many sulfur plants waiting to be harvested.
Power: The endless geothermal vents just need to be hooked up to generators and you’ve got yourself tons of electricity.
How to get there:
How to find the Deep Purple Vents Subnautica Below Zero
1. The Twisty Bridges (Near the floating Alterra tech)

Resources and important locations are located close by.
Not too far from the drop pod, you’ll move out of the Shallow Twisty Bridges to find the main area of the coral-filled biome. Here, the waters get noticeably deeper, and you’ll also find an Alterra tech site. The huge, snake-like coral formations give players plenty of space to get creative with their builds.
What makes Twisty Bridges Great:
Resources: Here, there’s no end to ribbon plants, Creepvine, and other useful materials. Food and fauna are both easy to obtain.
Access to other biomes: A base in the Twisty Bridges means you don’t have to travel far for thermal power, lithium, etc.
Fragments: There are a good number of scannable fragments that become essential in the game.
How to get there:
Is there a BETTER Starting Base Location than this? - Subnautica Below Zero Guide
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