[Top 5] Super Auto Pets Best Packs

26 Feb 2024

One of my favorite parts of playing Super Auto Pets is the constant updates that the developers send out to their players, mostly those updates being new Packs. Packs are a great way to switch up the game in Super Auto Pets, since playing with only the Turtle Pack can get pretty stale after some time.

Here is my analysis on different Super Auto Pets Packs that are available for purchase, and how you can pick out which Pack is best for you:

Puppy Pack

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That puppy is eyeing those toys…

The Puppy Pack is the first expansion from the dev team Team Wood Games, and has lots of Pets such as Ladybug, Chick, and (no surprise) Puppy. This Pack introduces “Toys”, which are equipped to your Team right after the shop phase. The Pack costs $4.99.

You should buy the Puppy Pack if you:

  • Want to learn the Toy mechanic. Only 1 toy can be equipped for a team at a time, and have tiers just like Pets do, and certain Pets in this Pack synergize well with toys.
  • Want to experiment with scaling one pet, since Whale Shark scales well with Toys.
  • Enjoy using Food perks to buff your team.
  • Know how to play Summoners builds. This Pack has Lobster, which is super strong in a Summoner's build.
  • Haven’t purchased another Pack! This one is a great starting point, is less expensive compared to the other Packs, and easier to learn than the others.

Star Pack

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Stars galore!

The Star Pack is the second expansion, and is the most challenging of the Packs to play. It features pets such as Frog (who, by the way, is adorable), Jellyfish, and even Piranha. It also has tons of new Foods compared to the other Packs, and costs $9.99.

You should buy the Star Pack if you:

  • Enjoy switching out Pets frequently in your builds. Starfish has a “buy, sell” special ability that can level up your team pretty quickly.
  • Don’t mind relying on RNG to win. To win with the Star Pack, you will have to rely a bit more heavily on RNG compared to other Packs.
  • Enjoy buffing your team mid-game, especially with Attack Builds.
  • Want to learn how to create a “Push” Build, which counters Summoners Builds well.
  • Are hungry… This Pack has so much new food compared to the other Packs!

Golden Pack

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Arf arf!

The Golden Pack is the third expansion from Team Wood Games, has Pets such as Manate, Flying Fish, and Slug, and is also my favorite Pack of all of the available Packs. The Pack also comes with an archetype called “Trumpets” that can be summoned with a few different Pets. The Pack costs $9.99.

You should buy the Golden Pack if you:

  • Enjoy playing builds that require you to level-up late game
  • Understand how to play attack-forward builds, since Golden Pack Pets aren’t very strong on defense
  • Know how to play with sniper builds
  • Have an inclination towards birds. Seriously, the Bird of Paradise in this Pack is unbelievably powerful, since it buffs three random Pets based on their level every time you spend 7 gold per turn. It’s enough to carry you to victory.
  • Are comfortable with adding a new mechanic to the game. Trumpets are similar to Health and Attack in a normal Super Auto Pets game, and you will need to manipulate Trumpets in order to get a win.

Unicorn Pack

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So many colors!

    The Unicorn Pack is the most recent expansion released, completely composed of mythological creatures and also is the largest expansion Pack released so far with 84 new Pets. Because the Unicorn Pack is so new, I haven’t had the chance to play it too extensively. From what I can tell so far, it’s a pretty fun Pack to play, though in my opinion a bit unbalanced at the moment. The Pack costs $9.99.

You should buy the Unicorn Pack if you:

  • Like playing OP builds. So far, this Pack seems to have the most powerful/best synergizing Pets in the game., though it's likely the developers will balance these Pets in the future.
  • Enjoy scaling builds late-game
  • Have enjoyed playing with ailments in other Packs, such as the Trumpets in the Golden Pack and Toys in the Puppy Pack.
  • Have played at least one other Pack.
  • Have been a long-time fan of Super Auto Pets, and are looking for some new mechanics to freshen up your gameplay.
  • Like mythological creatures! Personally, I love all things fantasy, so it's refreshing to have these Pets in the game.

Weekly Packs

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What’s in this week’s Pack?

    Weekly Packs are different from the other Packs, since they’re not the same set of Pets. Instead, the Weekly Packs are randomly generated each week and can contain Pets from any of the Packs. Because they are randomly generated, you can get pretty wild with the different Teams you can make. However, the best part of these Packs are … they’re entirely free! It’s a great opportunity to experiment with Pets in other Packs before purchasing a Pack.

You should buy (or just play, in this case) the Weekly Packs if you:

  • Are an experienced Super Auto Pets player who has played lots of the game
  • Want to try out Pets in other Packs before committing to buying a Pack
  • Want to discover different kinds of synergy you can get between Pets
  • Want to experiment with different ailments and Food buffs
  • Because it’s free!

While Super Auto Pets is a super fun game with just the Turtle Pack, all of these Packs are a great way to make the game fun and fresh for anyone. Whether you’re a new player or a veteran Super Auto Pets player like me, go dig your teeth into these Packs!

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