[Top 5] Super Auto Pets Best Teams

26 Feb 2024

Craving a cute mobile game that is only meant for serious gamers?

Look no further than Super Auto Pets, a free-to-play auto-battler game where you must battle with a team of “Pets” with special abilities against other teams of Pets that you and other players obtain in a shop. A team has a total of 5 Pets, with each of them fighting from front to back until the last Pet is knocked out. The game is fast-paced, easy to learn yet hard to master, and most of all, seriously addicting.

Before you jump in, you will need to know how to team a solid team that works well together, or you won't stand a chance of winning.    Here are some of my favorite Super Auto Pets Teams that will carry you to that 10 trophy victory:

“Attack Team”

Penguin + Skunk + Peacock + Camel + Elephant

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Do all of them live in that tiny house?

An attack team focuses on increasing the attack of the Pets on your team so that they will take down your opponents team with their high attack power.

In this team, the synergy is most important between the Peacock, Camel, and Elephant, since they will be the Pets that make your team the most powerful. The other two Pets on your team are meant to increase the strength of your Peacock, Camel, and Elephant

Attack Team Strengths:

  • This team does well against weaker Summoners Teams, since the Peacock will take the small weaker Pets down with only one hit.
  • It is easy to roll for Peacock, Elephant, and Camel early game since these Pets are Tier 2 and 3 Pets.
  • The last two Pets in the team, Penguin and Skunk, can be changed with other Pets, leaving flexibility with the RNG nature of this game.

How the Attack Team Works:

  • Elephant’s special ability is to deal damage to the Pet behind it when Elephant is damaged.
  • Camel is behind Elephant, so Camel will receive damage every time Elephant is damaged. Camel’s special ability is to give the Pet behind it an attack and health boost when Camel is damaged.
  • Peacock is behind Camel, and will become beefed since it is behind Camel’s special ability. This will make your Peacock unstoppable, since its special ability is to increase its attack power each time it attacks.
  • Penguin will beef up Peacock, Camel, or Elephant, though it only works if those Pets are at least Level 2. Penguin can also be swapped out with a different Pet that will help increase stats on your team, such as Giraffe.
  • Skunk will help decrease the health of Pets on the other team with its special ability and make it easier for your Peacock to take down their team. Skunk can be swapped out for other snipers, such as Crocodile
  • You will want to place food items such as Melon or Garlic on Peacock, Camel, and Elephant to make sure their abilities trigger at least once before getting knocked out.

“Food Team”

Black Cat + Rabbit + Giraffe + Seal + Worm

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A super star combo, if you ask me

This team relies on triggering special abilities when feeding your Pets, making your team powerful enough to take down your opponent.

Each Pet in this team focuses on making itself and others more powerful each time you feed Pets. With the combination of Rabbit, Seal, Black Cat, and Worm, you have a combination of Pets that will trigger multiple special abilities each time a Pet is fed, buffing your team often and reaping huge rewards.

Food Team Strengths:

  • Rabbit and Worm are easy to get early game and will allow you to buff your team early in a run.
  • Food Teams can get really powerful late-game with Black Cat, and make your entire team well-balanced with both attack and power.
  • Food is almost always available in the shop, so you won’t have to rely so much on lucky RNG to win.

How the Food Team Works:

  • Worm’s special ability is to give a 2 gold apple at the beginning of each turn. Since apples usually cost 3 gold, this will save you a lot of gold in the long run to spend on extra rolls and food, while also giving you a consistent source of food.
  • You will want to focus on making your worm as big as possible by feeding it apples. This will make your Worm the tank of your team.
  • Seal’s special ability is to give 2 random Pets an attack boost when it is fed, which will both boost its own stats and the attack stats of Pets on its team.
  • Giraffe gives an attack and health buff to the Pet in front of it, which will help improve stats for Seal and make it even bigger
  • Rabbit will give a Pet extra health when any Pet is fed, making it a strong choice for a food build. 
  • Seal special ability is to buff random Pet’s attack stat when Seal is fed. 
  • Rabbit and Seal are an especially powerful combo, since Rabbit will make Seal’s Health bigger each time it is fed, and Seal will make other Pets on your Team have higher attack.
  • Black Cat’s special ability is to double any food buff given to Pets. Black Cat is an obvious pick for a food team, since it doubles the effect of nearly every ability you trigger.
  • You can add any food effect to any Pet in this team, such as Garlic Armor or Steak.

“Sporadic Damage Team”

Crocodile + Skunk + Snake + Blowfish + Elephant

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Dude, this Elephant throws rocks like they’re snowballs

This team deals random damage to Pets on the opponent team throughout a turn, making this team especially scary against mid to low health teams.

The synergy between the Snake, Blowfish and Elephant is what makes this team so powerful. With their special abilities combined, these Pet’s will constantly deal damage, even if they are not at the front of the party.

Sporadic Damage Team Strengths:

  • This team does well against Pets with low health, sniping them before they even have the chance to attack.
  • This team will do crazy amounts of damage to teams, regardless of whether you buff up your Pet’s attack stat.
  • The last two Pets in the team, Crocodile and Skunk, can be changed with other Pets, leaving flexibility with the RNG in this game.

How the Sporadic Damage Team Works:

  • Like I mentioned before, the Elephant’s special ability is to do damage to the Pet behind it when Elephant is attacked. This is a pretty useless ability, unless a Pet with an ability that activates when it is attacked is behind it.
  • Blowfish’s ability pairs super well with Elephant, because Blowfish’s special ability is to deal damage to a random enemy when Blowfish is damaged.
  • Snake has an interesting ability that pairs well with a lot of Pets, but especially with Blowfish. Snake will deal random damage to an enemy whenever the Pet in front of it attacks, making Snake and Blowfish a killer combo for doing random damage.
  • Skunk is an incredibly powerful sniper, taking out at least 33% health of the enemy Pet with the highest health. This sniper will compliment your team well by making your opponent’s best Pet weaker, and make it easier for your Blowfish and Snake to take out them and the rest of their team.
  • Crocodile has an ability that works well with skunk, dealing damage to the Pet at the end of the team. Experienced Super Auto Pet players tend to put their weakest Pets at the back of their party, and therefore it is likely that your crocodile will take out that Pet.

“Summoner’s Team”

Turkey + Parrot + Fly + Whale + Deer

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Cause we only see Turkeys in the Fall, right?

This team focuses on summoning as many Pets as possible, making it hard for your opponent to kill all your Pets before they are killed.

Summoner’s Teams are difficult to win with, but super satisfying when you can. You will have to focus on constantly changing out your Pets to keep them strong, since early-game summoner Pets are pretty weak mid to late game, and are unlikely to carry you to victory.

Summoner’s Team Strengths:

  • There are tons of summoner’s Pets in the game, so if you aren’t getting lucky with RNG you can find something that will work in your team.
  • It's easier to get early wins with a Summoners Team compared to other teams.
  • There are only a couple of Pets that can counter a Summoners Team. If your opponent doesn’t have one of those Pets, you’re almost guaranteed to win

How the Summoner’s Team Works:

  • At the start of battle, Whale will “swallow” the Deer, making Deer faint and triggering its special ability to summon a Bus with Chili. 
  • Then, after the Bus with Chili has been defeated, Whale will attack. Once Whale faints, the Deer that was swallowed earlier will be summoned and trigger its special ability again.
  • You will notice that “Zombie Flies” are summoned as Pets die, which is Fly’s special ability that triggers 3 times per round. This synergizes well with Turkey, which we will get to in a bit.
  • Parrot has a unique ability, which is to copy the ability of the Pet in front of it. In this case, that is Fly, and therefore the Parrot will also summon Zombie Flies.
  • Finally, Turkey has the special ability of buffing itself each time a Pet in the party is summoned. Given how many times the other Pets in our party have summoned other Pets, especially the Zombie Flies, your Turkey will be extremely powerful when it is time for it to attack.

“The Beefy Tier 1 Pet Team:”

Monkey + Bison + Dodo + Crab + Fish

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Pretty pink cherry blossoms, oo-la-la!

This team relies on getting a Tier 1 Pet as early as Turn 1 or 2 and keeping it in your party until the end of the game, making it as big as possible.

In order to win with this team, you will want to invest as much food and buffing special abilities into your Tier 1 Pet. This team takes a bit of luck, but with the right roles this team can get you a quick victory.

Beefy Tier 1 Pet Team Strengths:

  • You can pick nearly any Tier 1 pet early-game to invest in, so you don’t have to worry about RNG
  • This team is pretty well-balanced, and does well against a lot of other Pets.
  • It is pretty easy to buff up a Tier 1 pet early game with food and other Pets special abilities.

How the Beefy Tier 1 Pet Team Works:

  • This team only works if you focus early-game on beefing your Tier 1 Pet as much as possible, for this Team the Tier 1 Pet is Fish. You will do this by combining Fish with other Fishes and giving it food.
  • You will want to try and get Fish to Level 3 as soon as possible, since this will be important for Bison.
  • Crab’s special ability is to copy 50% of health from the healthiest Pet in your Team. Because this team focuses on getting Fish super big, Crab will also be big by default
  • Dodo’s special ability is to give 25% of its attack to the Pet in front of it. Since it is behind Crab, it will give Crab a big attack boost, alongside its health boost from its own special ability.
  • Bison’s special ability is to buff itself at the end of each turn, as long as there is a Level 3 Pet in the party. By the time you roll Bison, hopefully your Fish has become a Level 3, and therefore will make Bison super powerful by mid to late game.
  • Monkey will increase stats for the Pet at the front of the party, and make the Fish even bigger.

There are hundreds, even thousands, of possible teams you can create in Super Auto Pets, and this list only scratches the surface. Feel free to play around with these teams, switching out some of these Pets for others, and see if you can carry yourself to victory!


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