[Top 10] Super Smash Melee Best Stages That Are Great

super smash bros. melee, melee stages, melee stage select, melee best stages
16 Aug 2022

Picking a stage is important! Keep reading for more information!

Super Smash Bros. Melee has dozens of stages to choose from. Some are hits, and some are misses. Some are full of weird designs, while others are much more straightforward. A variety of them have been used in the competitive scene over the years and in this list, I’ll be going through those stages to list the ten best. Keep reading to see where your favorites end up!

10. Mute City

SSBM MLG Anaheim 2006 Ken (Marth) vs PC Chris (Falco) Start at 25:58!

The first few stages on this list are no longer tournament legal but were at one point or another. Mute City is one of them, and it's no wonder it what eventually deemed unfit for competitive Melee. It’s a very gimmicky course with a hint of sanity.

The course takes you along a high-speed racetrack. And while at times you are on a platform suspended over the track and things are calm, other moments have you being unfairly hit by cars all across the stage. While chaotic and unpredictable, it is better than a lot of other stages in the game.

What’s Fun About Mute City:

  • A variety of platforms and layouts make the stage uniquely dynamic.
  • The cars can be a fun way to spice up a match if you're more casual.
  • Really good music!

9. Corneria

M2K(Fox) VS Mango(Puff)

Corneria is big, and that can be good in a more casual free-for-all type environment. In the competitive scene, it allows for undesirable and campy gameplay that can bog down a match. While that might be Corneria’s biggest downfall, it’s more manageable than Mute City.

Corneria has Arwings that will swoop down and shoot lasers which can sometimes hit you or your opponent and disrupt the fight. But on the other hand, you can land on this Arwing and use it as a platform. If you know what you’re doing, you can do some crazy things with it like Mango in the linked video.

What’s Fun About Corneria:

  • The large length of the stage means it’s great for faster characters.
  • Fighters that succeed in the air can make their opponent have a hard time recovering.
  • You can take advantage of the wall of the ship to abuse combos.

8. Jungle Japes

Geki(Link) vs TANK (ROY) Jungle Japes

At first glance, Jungle Japes looks like a pretty great stage. Four platforms are laid out symmetrically with no walls or crazy hazards in sight. Take a second look and you’ll see there’s more than meets the eye.

In between the center of the stage and the outer platforms, a small alligator called a Klap Trap can jump up out of the river and knock you out. Speaking of the river, that is another crazy hazard. It can sweep you to the left if you fall into it, ruining your recovery. Besides those two issues, it’s a fun stage!

What’s Fun About Jungle Japes:

  • Unusually high ceiling allows you to survive certain scenarios.
  • Novel layout of platforms.
  • Very aesthetically pleasing sunset visuals.

7. Pokémon Stadium

PPMD vs Leffen Losers Qtrs MLGAnaheim Start at 11:34!

Despite being the first tournament legal stage on this list, Pokémon Stadium might actually be the most gimmicky. The stage starts out as a long, flat arena with two small platforms on the side. But if you wait long enough, the stage will shapeshift into four new elemental maps!

As you might assume, the transformative nature of this stage has made the stage prone to many of the problems of the previous stages on this list. However, it has led to some crazy combos and plays that you really don’t see on other maps. That doesn’t stop Pokémon Stadium from being a more divisive and controversial stage.

What’s Fun About Pokémon Stadium:

  • Evolving stage layout can change the tide of battle.
  • Certain cramped corners and spaces let players do infinite combos.
  • Bizarre glitches on the stage can lead to some funny moments.

6. Pokémon Stadium (Frozen)

Plup vs Hungrybox - Singles Bracket: Semifinals - Smash Summit 13 | Fox vs Puff Start at 5:41!

If you started up your copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee right now, chances are you would not find this stage on the select screen. In fact, this stage has only recently been created through modding the game. By doing so, players have been able to lock Pokémon Stadium to its normal form, without transformations.

While it certainly makes the stage more predictable and competitively viable, some in the Melee scene would say this is opening Pandora’s Box when you start modding stages and changing the game. That might be true, but I think it’s one small change that goes a long way in making the game more fit for tournament play.

What’s Fun About Pokémon Stadium (Frozen):

  • Ditches the usual three-platform layout in favor of a dual-platform layout.
  • “Fixes” the original stage, depending on your perspective.
  • Encourages less camping and a more active playstyle than the default version.

5. Final Destination

iBDW vs Jmook - Loser's Final Melee Singles - Genesis 8 | Fox vs Sheik Start at 4:02!

Final Destination might seem like it’s the most balanced stage seeing as it has no obstacles, platforms, or gimmicks, and is only one flat, floating mass in the center. The truth is, Final Destination is a very polarizing stage. In fact, some players think it should be deemed a counterpick, just like Pokémon Stadium.

The flat nature of the stage means that characters like Marth can just run the game. The lack of platforms means Marth can chaingrab and combo fast fallers like it’s nobody’s business. That said, it’s at least less glitchy and unpredictable than Pokémon Stadium.

What’s Fun About Final Destination:

  • Open space means it’s great for characters with projectiles.
  • Allows for characters who thrive on the ground to do well.
  • Shifts the dynamics of character matchups.

4. Fountain of Dreams

The Big House 5 - Abate (Luigi) Vs. S2J (Captain Falcon, Falco) - Winners Round 2 - SSBM Start at 16:02!

Fountain of Dreams has one subtle yet fun twist. The two outer platforms of the stage will slowly rise and fall out of the water. This can not only impact how many platforms are present but at what heights they are in, making for an interesting stage.

Despite this stage’s neat design and beautiful background and music, it is often times banned in doubles matches. Because the water reflects all players on the stage, it can become laggy with four players at once. Thankfully, with the help of mods, the reflections can be turned off, making the stage much less prone to frame rate issues.

What’s Fun About Fountain of Dreams:

  • The unique underside of the stage allows for wall jump recoveries without stalling.
  • Unusual blast zones are horizontally narrow while vertically tall.
  • Probably the best-looking stage in the game.

3. Dream Land N64

Shine 2017 SSBM - Liquid'Hungrybox (Jigglypuff) Vs. C9 | Mang0 (Falco, Fox) - Melee GF Start at 10:06!

In Super Smash Bros. Melee, the developers decided to bring back some stages from the original Super Smash Bros. One of the stages chosen was Dream Land. It’s home to a giant tree known as Whispy Woods.

Whispy will occasionally blow to the left or right of the screen and push opponents slowly. Truthfully, it doesn’t have much of an impact. What does have an impact, is the incredibly high ceiling on this stage which can make quick kills very hard to pull off!

What’s Fun About Dream Land N64:

  • Floatier characters like Jigglypuff can survive much more easily on this stage.
  • One of the few competitive stages that fosters more slow-paced gameplay.
  • Platforms on this stage are placed slightly higher than on other stages.

2. Battlefield

Mango(Puff) vs Armada(Peach)2.4

Battlefield might take the cake if we’re talking about the most balanced stage in the game. It contains a simple and gimmick-free design without being as polarizing as a stage like Final Destination. But it’s not without its flaws.

Battlefield is notorious for rarely causing players not to grab onto its ledges. This is called getting “Battlefielded” since it seems to be exclusive to this stage. This is very uncommon though, and Battlefield is more often than not a great stage to play on.

What’s Fun About Battlefield:

  • Spacies can use the lower platforms to edge cancel.
  • Arguably most fair and balanced stage in the game.
  • Only stage that allows you to grab ledges while moving upwards.

1. Yoshi’s Story

The Big House 3 - PewPewU (Marth) Vs. Hax (Captain Falcon) - Winners Quarters - SSBM Start at 3:07!

Yoshi’s Story is the greatest blend of gimmicks and competitive design in this game. While it contains the same three-platform layout that other stages have, it also brings its own hidden extra platform into the mix, Randall, who is a small cloud that will regularly float in and out of the sides of the stage. While usually a minor presence, Randall can set up some sick plays and recoveries.

While the stage can be quite fun to play on and watch, it is flawed like any other stage in the game. There are groups of Shy Guys who will fly around the stage from time to time. While seemingly harmless, they can interfere with play as players fight in the air and will cause fighters to move and get knocked around in unpredictable ways. Aside from this one quirk, this stage is the most fun to play on.

What’s Fun About Yoshi’s Story:

  • Small size allows for quick and flashy KOs.
  • Randall makes for some unexpected plays.
  • One of the best stages to play on against more annoying picks. Use it as a counter!

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