Are you a fan of Star Wars Battlefront II, but have no idea which Heavy class weapons to use? Need more Battle Points? Or do you simply want to get more eliminations? Lucky for you, you have come to the right place. Read on to find a ranking of all Heavy weapons and attachment combinations, along with meta recommendations and which ones to avoid.
Weapons, stats, and analyses (ranked worst to best)
5) Default blaster - Worst
This blaster is a useful damage dealer, with very similar stats to the DC-15LE. While it may be at the bottom of the list it is by no means bad or useless. It does struggle over long range though, so be careful in maps with lots of open space (e.g. Geonosis).
- Cooling Power: 8/10
- Range: 4/10
- Rate of fire: 8/10
- Damage: 2/10
Blaster for each Heavy trooper type:
- DC-15 - Galactic Republic
- E-5C - Separatists
- RT-97C - Rebel Alliance
- DLT-19 - Galactic Empire
- M-45 - Resistance
- FWMB-10 - First Order
4) FWMB-10K - unlocked after 200 kills with the Heavy class
In my opinion, this is the best blaster if you have unlocked them all, but not any attachments. The base stats are decent, and it is useful over short and medium range. Sadly, neither its range nor damage receive improvements from attachments.
Consequently, I find the fully unlocked blaster a little underwhelming. While the Auto Cooling is a very handy feature in situations where you don’t have time to reload often, the Night Vision and Ion Shot are both rarely useful. In most scenarios, I wouldn’t bother equipping them at all.
- Cooling Power: 7/10
- Range: 5/10
- Rate of fire: 6/10
- Damage: 4/10
- Auto-Cooling - unlocked after 25 kills with FWMB-10K
- Night Vision - unlocked after 75 kills with FWMB-10K
- Ion Shot - unlocked after 150 kills with FWMB-10K
Recommended builds and use:
- Auto-Cooling + Night Vision when needed
3) TL-50 - Best in close-quarters combat - unlocked after 400 kills with the Heavy class
As it comes, this blaster is not great. I remember having a lot more difficulty unlocking the attachments compared to the other Heavy class blasters. Once you get there though, you unlock a whole world of fun. In close-quarters maps such as Kashyyyk, the Improved Cooling and Reduced Spread attachments transform this blaster into a never-ending stream of accurate and rapid fire. Replace either one with Secondary Fire in maps with many hallways and walls (e.g. end of Hoth / Death Star II / end of Star Killer Base) and you can obliterate groups of enemies with a single concussion blast. Beware, these shots work like a grenade! If you’re too close, you’ll take damage too. Make sure you aim this at walls or the floor; these shots overheat the blaster a lot quicker, so if you miss you will still deal damage if the shot lands near your opponent.
- Cooling Power: 5/10
- Range: 3/10
- Rate of fire: 9/10
- Damage: 3/10
- Improved Cooling - unlocked after 25 kills with TL-50
- Reduced Spread - unlocked after 75 kills with TL-50
- Secondary Fire - unlocked after 150 kills with TL-50
Recommended builds and use:
- Secondary Fire + Reduced Spread (close-quarters damage dealer, good in close-quarters maps in modes with many players (e.g. Supremacy))
- Improved Cooling + Reduced Spread (effective in close-quarters maps, especially in Blast game mode)
2) T-21 - Best long-range - unlocked after 50 kills with the Heavy class in Co-op
Without any attachments, this blaster isn’t much. Add the Improved Zoom and Handling, and no matter the distance, your opponent is not safe from fully automatic fire. It typically takes 2–3 shots to eliminate most standard troops. The rate of fire is slow, so make sure you are on target, and avoid using this blaster at close range. If you do want to use this blaster in smaller maps, or if the map has a mixture of open and closed spaces (e.g. Hoth) the Burst Mode Attachment is the way to go. One burst is more than enough to eliminate a standard troop. Once again, though, make sure you are on target!
- Cooling Power: 2/10
- Range: 9/10
- Rate of fire: 2/10
- Damage: 9/10
- Improved Zoom - unlocked after 25 kills with T-21
- Improved Handling - unlocked after 75 kills with T-21
- Burst Mode - unlocked after 150 kills with T-21
Recommended builds and use:
- Improved Zoom + Improved Handling (long-range meta build, play like a specialist trooper)
1) DC-15LE - Best overall - unlocked after 50 kills with the Heavy class
I am a big fan of this blaster. It has very similar base stats to the default blaster, however the attachments, the Explosive Shot especially, make it deadly. This last attachment makes the DC-15LE very useful when defending areas and checkpoints against oncoming opponents, especially over short range. I also find this attachment to be a good substitute for the Sentry ability in fast-paced combat where you would need to dodge and still deal big damage. I would not bother with the Improved Zoom attachment though, as this blaster does not have enough range for you to need it.
- Cooling Power: 8/10
- Range: 4/10
- Rate of fire: 9/10
- Damage: 2/10
- Reduced Recoil - unlocked after 25 kills with DC-15LE
- Improved Zoom - unlocked after 75 kills with DC-15LE
- Explosive Shot - unlocked after 150 kills with DC-15LE
Recommended builds and use:
- Reduced Recoil + Explosive Shot (short-medium range meta build)
I find the order of which blaster is best will vary between each game mode, map and playing style. So, when making it, I ordered it by which one I found most useful, most often. If you like running into the middle of the action, or if there is less open space, the DC-15LE or TL-50 are your best choices. If you want to shoot from a relatively safer distance, or if there is a lot of open ground, the T-21 is the blaster for you.
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