[Top 10] Best Shaheen Moves and Combos To Learn In Tekken 8

Best Shaheen Moves and Combos tekken 8
28 Sep 2024

Shaheen is a character that does not get the respect he deserves. Debuting in the starting roster of Tekken 7, Shaheen failed to make much of an impression on the fanbase.

He was known for his basic, fundamental style of gameplay. He was heavily outshined by other newcomers to the series like Leroy and Katerina. Despite his apparent unpopularity, Shaheen managed to have decent showing in tournaments and has returned to battle in Tekken 8. 

After playing with him for a while I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun I was having. Shaheen has a few interesting tricks that most players will not expect. 

If you can master his Close Quarters Combat style, you will be ending games faster than you expect. 

If you want to learn how to fly, let the Desert Falcon take you under his wing.

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Key Shaheen Moves to Know

Al Ghul (Hold Down, Up Right Punch)

This is one of the few charge motion attacks in Tekken. Players who also enjoy Street Fighter characters like Guile will feel comfortable with Shaheen. With Heat engaged this move will do more damage and can start a combo.

Spica Wheel Spin ( Left Punch, Right Punch, Right Kick)

This is a three hit string that hits high twice, then mid. This move can be used on airborne opponents to extend your combos.


Blinding Sands ( Left Kick)

Despite the name of this move, Shaheen does not kick sand in the opponent's face. This is a standing kick that can go into Stealth Step when hitting down forward. You will use this attack frequently in combos.


Crimson Tempest (During Stealth Step Right Punch)

Shaheen has a strong pimp hand. It is so powerful that it can juggle his opponents. This move along with Blinding Sands will be your main combo extenders.


Flash Hornet ( During Stealth Step Down Forward Left Punch, Right Punch)

This a powerful combo ender out of the Stealth Step Stance, The attack becomes a throw when it hits a standing enemy from the front.


Hallux Kick > Algenib (Right Kick, Left Punch)

This is a useful two hit string that is useful for extending combos. This is a great tool to use in addition to the Stealth Step attacks.


Hunting Falcon Dive (Forward x2 Left Kick)

Shaheen has an odd habit of riding his opponent like a surfboard. Honestly this is his most memorable quality. This move is a great combo ender that also doubles as a form of disrespect. Be sure to wear a helmet for safety.


Rising Scimitar ( Down Back Right Kick )

This is a useful punishment tool that can launch your opponent. When timed right, this move can avoid certain high attacks.


Hawk Edge (While Rising Right Punch)

This is Shaheen’s main attack when rising. This move can start a combo on counter hit.


Snake’s Bite > Rising Scimitar (Down Back Left Kick, Right Kick)

This is a two hit string that hits high and low. Enemies will spin on the second hit. Shaheen can use this move to extend his combos.


Stealth Step (Down Forward Left Kick+Right Kick)

Shaheen’s Stealth Step is one of the best stances in the game. It has numerous follow up attacks depending on what you input. You can also cancel into this stance after certain attacks by holding Down Forward.


Vega (Up Forward Left Punch)

I wonder if this move is an intentional Street Fighter reference? Shaheen will quickly dive at the opponent like a falcon. This move is a heat engager and can be used to punish crouching.

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Combo# 1 First Flight



This is a good starting combo to get used to Shaheen's Stealth Step command. Be sure to hold Down Forward after the third move to connect to the finisher. It may feel awkward at first, but with practice you will be able to extend your strings like a pro.

  • Use this combo against opponents who crouch often or have low stances.
  • The first move of this combo will avoid low attacks.
  • You can substitute the third move of this combo with Right Kick, Left Punch.

How to perform the combo

  • Up Forward Left Kick
  • Down Back Left Kick, Right Kick
  • Down Forward Right Kick, Left Punch, Hold Down Forward
  • Left Kick


Combo#2 Desert Sky



Shaheen gets most of his damage potential when rising from the ground. This is a good beginner combo that incorporates Stealth Step. You will be like a falcon riding on the wind.

  • Use this combo when avoiding a high attack or a throw.
  • This combo will break certain walls and balconies, leading to further damage potential.
  • This combo will leave you in an advantageous situation at the wall.

How to perform the combo

While Rising Right Punch

Left Kick Hold Down Forward

Right Punch

Down Forward Right Kick, Left Punch, Hold Down Forward

Down Forward Left Punch, Right Punch

Forward x2 Left Kick


Combo# 3 Turbulent Winds



This is a modified version of the previous combo. You will make use of Shaheen’s Al Ghul technique. Learning how to use charge moves can help you learn new characters in future fighting games.

  • Input the down motion as soon as the first attack lands. Use the up motion the second your enemy's knees hit the ground.
  • This combo will break certain walls and balconies, leading to further damage potential.
  • This combo will do more damage in Heat.

How to perform the combo

  • While Rising Right Punch
  • Hold Down, Up Right Punch
  • Left Kick Down Forward
  • Down Forward Left Punch, Right Punch


Combo# 4 Striking Viper



Rising Scimitar can be a great combo starter against enemies that do not block low. Stealth Step is also included in this sequence.. Be sure to keep holding Down Forward in between moves.

  • This combo will break certain walls and balconies, leading to further damage potential.
  • This combo will leave you in an advantageous situation at the wall.
  • This combo will do more damage in Heat.

How to perform the combo

Down Back Left Kick, Right Kick

Left Kick, Hold Down Forward

Right Punch

Left Punch, Right Punch, Right Kick


Combo# 5 Sandstorm



Shaheen riding people (not like that) will always be funny to me. This combo makes use of the Hunting Falcon Dive. Be sure to wear a helmet for this one.

  • This combo will switch sides.
  • This combo will leave you in an advantageous situation at the wall.
  • This combo will break certain walls and balconies, leading to further damage potential.

How to perform the combo

  • Forward x2 Left Kick
  • Left Kick Hold Down Forward
  • Right Punch Hold Down Forward
  • Down Forward Right Kick Left Punch
  • Left Kick


Combo# 6 The Falcon’s Eye



This is my preferred combo for Shaheen going into Heat safely. This sequence makes use of Stealth Step which you should be used to at this point. Once you go into Heat, many of Shaheen’s techniques become more powerful.

  • The first hit of this combo when timed correctly, will avoid certain high attacks.
  • Use this combo against opponents who crouch often or have low stances.
  • This combo will leave you in an advantageous situation at the wall.

How to perform the combo

  • Down Back Right Kick
  • Left Kick, Hold Down Forward, Right Punch
  • Down Back Left Kick Right Kick
  • Heat
  • Forward x2 Left Kick


Combo# 7 Wild Hunt



This is an alternate combo used to get into Heat safely. The execution for this sequence is a bit more complex but possible with practice and patience.

This combo will switch sides.

Use this combo against opponents who crouch often or have low stances.

The first move of this combo will avoid low attacks.

How to perform the combo

Up Forward Right Kick

Left Kick, Hold Down Forward, Right Punch

Down Right Kick , Left Punch, Hold Down Forward

Left Kick


Forward x2 Left Kick


Combo# 8 Secret Oasis



This is a short combo to use when you are in Heat. You will mostly use this sequence to finish off your opponent. Be fierce and aggressive and victory will be yours.

  • Use this combo against opponents who crouch often or have low stances.
  • The first move of this combo will avoid low attacks.
  • This combo will break certain walls and balconies, leading to further damage potential.

How to perform the combo

  • (While in Heat) Up Forward Left Punch, Hold Down Forward
  • Left Punch, Right Punch, Right Kick
  • Forward x2 Left Kick


Combo# 9 Arabian Fury



This is a combo that will utilize both Heat and Heat Dash. The final attack can be a bit tricky to land when not near a wall. Be sure to practice this one before using it in a match.

  • Use this combo against opponents who crouch often or have low stances.
  • This combo will break certain walls and balconies, leading to further damage potential.
  • This combo will leave you in an advantageous situation at the wall.

How to perform the combo

  • Down Forward Right Punch
  • Forward Right Punch, Right Kick x2
  • Down Back Left Kick, Right Kick
  • Heat
  • Up Forward Left Punch Hold Forward
  • While Running Left Kick


Combo# 10 Magic Carpet Ride



This should be your true bread and butter combo. While this does not utilize Stealth Step, it is still a powerful sequence that makes use of Shaheen’s other tools. Use this combo whenever possible to deal big damage to your opponent.

  • Use this combo against opponents who crouch often or have low stances.
  • This combo will break certain walls and balconies, leading to further damage potential.
  • The first move of this combo will avoid low attacks.

How to perform the combo

Up Forward Left Kick

Down Right Punch

Right Kick, Left Punch

Left Punch, Right Punch, Right Kick

Forward x2 Left Kick

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Shaheen is a fighter that should not be underestimated in Tekken 8. He has a dangerous fighting style that can quickly lower your opponent’s health. His toolkit is simple, yet effective in the hands of a strong player. If you value the fundamentals of Tekken and love experimenting with rare characters, give Shaheen a try in practice mode. 

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