Playing The Evil Within 2 successfully means managing resources and approaching each situation cautiously. And so, one has to wonder which weapons are best suited for which scenarios.
Well that's what this article is all about! In it, we'll examine ten of the best weapons in The Evil Within 2 and which scenarios best suit them. You'll find the statistics and even which scenarios they excel at listed below each.
So let's dive in and get a good look at the top ten weapons available in the game.
Please also keep in mind that all stats are before any upgrades and this list does not include pre-order items.
10. Flamethrower
Flamethrower Stats
- Damage: 28
- Spread: Low
- Rate of Fire: 0.5s delay
- Reload: 2.70s
- Magazine: 99
- Stock: 99
While good at a glance, the flamethrower can be pretty unwieldy. Mostly using it for crowd control or to stagger opponents seems to be the best bet. It is slow to draw and put away as well. Overall not terrible, but definitely not the best.
The flamethrower excels at:
- Crowd Control - the flamethrower is great at burning multiple enemies at once.
- Lesser enemies - they tend to die quickly from the fire
- General - most things are weak against fire so it is helpful in all situations
How to get it:
Chapter 11 - To get the flamethrower you must defeat the Harbinger (a boss fight). Then pick up his broken weapon. To repair it, defeat more Harbingers found in the business district to collect parts.
Flamethrower description and stats:
A heavy weapon that is slow to draw and put away. Its holster animation can be interrupted by attacks. It sprays a stream of fire in a wide area.
Damage: 28
Spread: Low
Rate of Fire: 0.5s delay
Reload: 2.70s
Magazine: 99
Stock: 99
9. Silenced Handgun
Silenced Handgun Stats
- Damage: 15
- Spread: Moderate
- Rate of Fire: 0.5s delay
- Reload: 2.33s
- Magazine: 6
- Stock: 20
The Silenced Handgun is excellent at drawing away single enemies from crowds or for silently taking down enemies one at a time. It has reduced damage and range, but the trade off is worth it since it is versatile and silent.
The Silenced Handgun excels at:
- Silent Takedowns - being silenced means a quieter shot so enemies don't get alerted as easily while fighting.
- Luring - lure a single enemy away from the crowd by using this gun.
- Fast Fire Rate and Reload - this weapon has quick fire rate and reload
How to get it:
Chapter 7 - it is given as a reward for completing the side quest "Getting Back Online".
Silenced Handgun description and stats:
A semi-automatic pistol equipped with a sound suppressor. It reduces the noise of gunfire and can be used to lure enemies away from groups.
Damage: 15
Spread: Moderate
Rate of Fire: 0.5s delay
Reload: 2.33s
Magazine: 6
Stock: 20
8. Semi Automatic Handgun
Semi Automatic Handgun Stats
- Damage: 20
- Spread: Moderate
- Rate of Fire: 0.5s delay
- Reload: 2.33s
- Magazine: 6
- Stock: 20
The Semi Automatic gets an honorable mention at number eight because, much like the silenced handgun, it is also versatile. It also does higher damage than the silenced version, though at the cost of being louder when fired. A calm and steady aim will allow for a quick takedown of multiple foes.
The Semi Automatic Handgun excels at:
- Headshots - this weapon downs an enemy with 2 or 3 well placed headshots
- Cheap Upgrades - the upgrades for this weapon cost less than others
- Fast Fire Rate and Reload - this weapon has quick fire rate and reload
How to get it:
Sebastian will automatically pick it up as he exits the cabin in the beginning of the game. Impossible to miss.
Semi Automatic Handgun description and stats:
A relatively accurate handgun that performs well. Has good handling and accuracy and is also ammo-efficient.
Damage: 20
Spread: Moderate
Rate of Fire: 0.5s delay
Reload: 2.33s
Magazine: 6
Stock: 20
7. Sawed-off Shotgun
Sawed-off Shotgun Stats
- Damage: 36 mid-range / 120 point blank
- Spread: Low
- Rate of Fire: 1.50s delay
- Reload: 0.43s
- Magazine: 3
- Stock: 7
What weapon list is complete without a shotgun? This one keeps the monsters at bay while doing decent damage at mid-range. Its reload isn't too bad either, though it fires slower than other shotguns. Best to use this when cornered or facing bigger enemies.
The Sawed-off Shotgun excels at:
- Close Range - this weapon does a lot of damage at close range
- Crowd Control - this weapon can blow enemies backwards
- Staggering - this weapon can stagger enemies
How to get it:
Chapter 3 - During the side quest "Rogue Signal" the player will learn there is an armory under the car repair shop. The weapon is in the armory. The player must raise a car in the car shop and climb the ladder under it.
It can also be found in the Tredwell Trucking warehouse near one of Lily's dolls if the player missed it earlier.
Sawed-off Shotgun description and stats:
A powerhouse up close, it loses damage over range. Most viable indoors and in enclosures.
Damage: 36 mid-range / 120 point blank
Spread: Low
Rate of Fire: 1.50s delay
Reload: 0.43s
Magazine: 3
Stock: 7
6. Full-barreled Shotgun
Full-barreled Shotgun Stats
- Damage: 64 mid-range / 100 point blank
- Spread: Low
- Rate of Fire: 1.50s delay
- Reload: 1.98s
- Magazine: 3
- Stock: 7
Continuing with the shotgun theme, here comes the full-barreled one. Unlike the former, it can do more damage at greater range thanks to its longer barrel, so you don't have to let the enemies get too close before using it.
The Full-barreled Shotgun excels at:
- Mid-Range - this weapon does a lot of damage at mid-range
- Crowd Control - this weapon can blow enemies backwards
- Staggering - this weapon can stagger enemies
How to get it:
Chapters 7, 11, or 13 - It is in a room to the south of the Post Plus Safehouse. You need a key from a corpse in the south of the map first, though.
Full-barreled Shotgun description and stats:
A shotgun capable of delivering more firepower over a longer range.
Damage: 64 mid-range / 100 point blank
Spread: Low
Rate of Fire: 1.50s delay
Reload: 1.98s
Magazine: 3
Stock: 7
5. Revolver
Revolver Stats
- Damage: 24
- Spread: Moderate
- Rate of Fire: 0.5s delay
- Reload: 2.33s
- Magazine: 6
- Stock: 20
The trusty revolver. While a bit of a pain to get, it does the most damage of the regular handguns. It is supposed to be Sebastian's revolver. Once gained, you'll find yourself using it a lot due to its firepower and its quick reload and rate of fire.
The Revolver excels at:
- Headshots - this weapon downs an enemy with 2 or 3 well placed headshots
- Staggering - this weapon can stagger enemies (with well-placed shots)
- Fast Fire Rate and Reload - this weapon has quick fire rate and reload
How to get it:
All 4 Anima flashback events must be completed.
Collect these items by exploring the world and houses:
Chapter 3 - Photographic Slide #2 / File #12 "Woman's Journal"
Chapter 7 - Residual Memory #12
Chapter 11 - File #32 "Computer File: Pit Observatory"
Revolver description and stats:
Sebastian's choice weapon. It does more damage but is less accurate than the Semi Automatic Handgun.
Damage: 24
Spread: Moderate
Rate of Fire: 0.5s delay
Reload: 2.33s
Magazine: 6
Stock: 20
4. Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle Stats
- Damage: 100
- Spread: Very High
- Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay
- Reload: 2.70s
- Magazine: 4
- Stock: 8
The sniper rifle will be your best friend against bigger enemies. A lot of them have an instant-kill move or are simply more formidable. Many enemies will die from a single headshot though some will take two or more shots.
The Sniper Rifle excels at:
- Headshots - this weapon downs an enemy with 1 or 2 well placed shots
- Staggering - this weapon can stagger enemies (with well-placed shots)
- Long-Range - this weapon deals massive damage at long range
How to get it:
Chapter 3 (at earliest) - find half of the weapon on top of the tallest building (there are stairs and a ladder to climb to reach the roof). Find the other half on a workbench in a shed in the northwest of the map.
Sniper Rifle description and stats:
A super-accurate rifle at long range.
Damage: 100
Spread: Very High
Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay
Reload: 2.70s
Magazine: 4
Stock: 8
3. Warden Crossbow
Warden Crossbow Stats
- Damage: 0 (shock/smoke) / 1 (freeze) / 60 (harpoon) / 130 (explosive)
- Spread: None
- Rate of Fire: 1.20s charge
- Reload: 1.22s
- Magazine: 1
- Stock: 5 (per bolt type)
The crossbow earns its spot because of how hard it can hit. Once upgraded, the charge time is minimal and each harpoon hits for 60 damage. The explosive bolts are also formidable against enemies. Even the other bolt types help against groups by slowing enemies down. This can give the player a much needed respite to reload other weapons.
The Warden Crossbow excels at:
- Crowd Control - this weapon can slow down crowds
- Immobilize - several bolt types cause enemies to stop moving for a short time
- Highly Versatile - different bolt types offer different solutions to many problems
How to get it:
Chapters 3 & 4 - It is found set on the back of an armored vehicle. Upon exiting the first safe house, travel left and continue down the street until you find the vehicle)
Warden Crossbow description and stats:
A collapsible crossbow with a heavy-duty bow string.
Damage: 0 (shock/smoke) / 1 (freeze) / 60 (harpoon) / 130 (explosive)
Spread: None
Rate of Fire: 1.20s charge
Reload: 1.22s
Magazine: 1
Stock: 5 (per bolt type)
2. Double-barreled Shotgun
Double-barreled Shotgun Stats
- Damage: 32 mid-range / 130x2 point blank
- Spread: Low
- Rate of Fire: 0.2s delay
- Reload: 2.26s
- Magazine: 2
- Stock: 7
With its fast fire rate and heavy hitting damage at close range, the double-barreled shotgun earns its spot on the list. Recommended for tight spaces, this shotgun will blast the enemies away, no problem. It does decent damage at mid range but really shines at point blank range.
The Double-barreled Shotgun excels at:
- Close Range - this weapon does a lot of damage at close range
- Crowd Control - this weapon can blow enemies backwards
- Staggering - this weapon can stagger enemies
How to get it:
Mission 13 - complete the side mission "The Last Step". It is in a box in the corner of the room after the smoke clears.
Double-barreled Shotgun description and stats:
Twice the damage but needs to be reloaded more often.
Damage: 32 mid range / 130x2 point blank
Spread: Low
Rate of Fire: 0.2s charge
Reload: 2.26s
Magazine: 2
Stock: 7
1. Magnum
Magnum Stats
- Damage: 150
- Spread: High
- Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay
- Reload: 2.33s
- Magazine: 6
- Stock: 18
The magnum of course takes the top spot. With its high damage it can blow away nearly any lesser enemy in the game and does decent damage to bosses.
The Magnum excels at:
- Heavy Hitter - this weapon causes massive damage
- Quick Reload - this weapon has a fast reload
- Staggering - this weapon can stagger enemies
How to get it:
The magnum is a reward for completing the campaign on any difficulty.
Magnum description and stats:
The most powerful handgun in the world.
Damage: 150
Spread: High
Rate of Fire: 1.0s charge
Reload: 2.33s
Magazine: 6
Stock: 18