Want to know how to get some of the deadliest weapons in Resident Evil Village?
In Resident Evil Village, your aim is to save your daughter from a family of mutant human aristocrats while defying human nature (i.e. by regenerating your arm after having it severed) and dodging death repeatedly. There are various types of weaponry to be used to kill everything and everyone that stands in your way. Shotguns, being one of those, are highly effective in close range combat. Although only three exist, they all have their purpose and should be used widely throughout the game.
3.) M1897 Shotgun
A pump-action shotgun commonly used for hunting
This is the second weapon you will encounter in the game when under attack by some Lycans, saving you from having to further waste your LEMI handgun ammo and allowing you to immediately use it on your enemies. Upon retrieving the weapon, there is an animation of the slide cocking, which is mediocre but cool, nonetheless.
• Power: 560
• Rate of fire: 1.5 (smaller is shorter/better)
• Reload Speed: 2.8 seconds
• Ammo Capacity: 5 shells
• Because this is the first primary weapon of the game, the player would typically hold this shotgun dear until they encounter a better shotgun.
• Modeled after the Winchester 1897, a pump action shotgun with similar features and appearance.
How to find:
You can find the M1897 inside the house to the left after passing through the Church
2.) W870 TAC Shotgun
A powerful wide-spraying pump-action combat shotgun
Being a slightly better version of the M1897, the W870 TAC has similar features and stats to the M1897. The main difference being the damage, and it’s potential for upgrades. The nature of encountering this weapon is very similar to the M1897. It also has a slide cocking animation when first picking it up.
• Power: 760
• Rate of fire: 1.6
• Reload Speed: 2.7
• Ammo Capacity: 4 shells
• Although the stats may not look all that different from the M1897, this shogun’s potential in upgrades trumps weapons of different categories and would arguably be the best shotgun if it weren’t for our number 1 pick.
• Modeled after the Remington Model 870 shotgun without the butt stock.
How to find:
You can find the W870 on a dusty desk hidden inside the garden
1.) SYG-12
A powerful yet deadly semi-automatic shotgun
The only thing that sets this shotgun apart from its other counterparts is its damage, base rate of fire, and that it is a semi-automatic shotgun rather than a pump action. Although no pickup animation, the reload animation is fluid and cool to look at. Being an end-game shotgun, upgrades for this would significantly be more expensive than the others.
• Power: 1160
• Rate of fire: 1.4
• Reload Speed: 3.5 seconds
• Ammo capacity: 10 shells
• Due to its semi-automatic ability, this gun is meant to be used when you’re surrounded or in a pinch against an enemy. Perfect for fighting against high health late game bosses and hordes of enemies.
• Modeled after the Saiga 12 gauge shotgun
How to find:
This shotgun can only be obtained by buying from the Duke after reaching Heisenberg's Factory