What's the best handgun to blast away your enemies with?
In Resident Evil Village, your aim is to save your daughter from a family of mutant human aristocrats while defying human nature (i.e. by regenerating your arm after having it severed) and dodging death repeatedly. There are various types of weaponry to be used to kill everything and everyone that stands in your way. Handguns (pistols, machine pistols, and magnums), being one of the weapons, are generally easy to obtain and can be one of the most powerful guns in the game. Do not underestimate their power despite their size.
5.) LEMI
As your starting weapon, the LEMI will be your long-time companion until you find a better replacement. Upon receiving the firearm in a cutscene, Ethan checks the ammo count and cocks the slide indicating his general experience with firearms and making this scene nolgastic.
• Power: 100
• Rate of fire: 0.45 (smaller is shorter/better)
• Reload Speed: 2.7 Seconds
• Ammo Capacity: 10 rounds
• Although initially underwhelming, this gun has a lot of potential with its cheap upgrades. There is no need to carry any other weapon until you reach the late game.
How to find: You will receive this weapon in the cutscene when initially entering the village.
4.) M1911
As you progress through the game, you can obtain the M1911, a better version of the LEMI. The equip/intro animation is not too dissimilar to the LEMI, checking if a round is chambered, checking magazine ammo count, and cocking the slide. Again, demonstrating Ethan’s implied training from the events of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.
• Power: 160
• Rate of fire: 0.27
• Reload Speed: 2.9 Seconds
• Ammo Capacity: 7 rounds
• Not too dissimilar to the LEMI, the gun’s base stats are a bit better, the firing rate being a big upgrade. It is still a useful weapon and the choice between LEMI and M1911 depends purely on preference.
• Modeled after the Colt 1911, the presence of this handgun gives a nod to the gun’s long time legacy.
How to find:
The M1911 is found in a cupboard locked with a combation lock.
3.) S.T.A.K.E
A semi-automatic magnum with incredible fire power and speed. Its destructive power gave it the nickname "Piledriver."
While the STAKE can only be unlocked after you complete the game, this monster of a handgun is meant to be used when continuing with higher difficulties in New Game Plus. The reload and equip animations for the gun are similar to the LEMI and M1911.
• Power: 2000
• Rate of fire: 1.3
• Reload Speed: 2.7 seconds
• Ammo Capacity: 10 rounds
• This gun is insanely powerful, no wonder it is dubbed the “Piledriver”. This gun will be your new best friend while clearing the higher difficulty levels, allowing you to plow through all enemies.
• It is highly, highly recommended getting an infinite ammo variant for this gun.
How to find:
This can only be unlocked after completing the game, purchase from the Duke once you meet him before entering Castle Dimitrescu.
2.) V61 Custom
A powerful fully automatic machine pistol. A powerful fully automatic machine pistol. Capable of even greater firepower after customization
Once encountering this machine pistol, there is no need to use the LEMI or M1911 any longer. While its base stats might be underwhelming, make no mistake. The upgrades for this weapon are cheap and effective as this is meant to be a late game gun. Equip and reload animations are rather similar, the only difference being if there is a drum magazine, instead of cocking the slide, Ethan pulls the pins at its side, chambering a bullet.
• Power: 200
• Rate of fire: 0.38
• Reload Speed: 3 seconds
• Ammo Capacity: 12 rounds
• Being a versatile automatic weapon, this pistol is useful in any combat situation and will be your go-to gun after purchasing some upgrades for it.
• Based off the real-life Scorpion V61 submachine gun.
How to find:
This can only be obtained from the Duke once after reaching Heisenberg’s factory
1.) M1851 Wolfsbane
Being arguably the best handgun in the game, this gun is unbelievably powerful. While limited in ammunition, it is recommended to use this gun purely as a boss killer. Being based on the Colt 1851 Navy Revolver, the reload animation chambers in rounds one by one while rotating the barrel, making this reload animation the most unique out of all the handguns. This gun overtakes the STAKE because of how early you can obtain it.
• Power: 1700
• Rate of fire: 1.5
• Reload Speed: 2.5 seconds
•Ammo Capacity: 5 rounds
• Being even more powerful than the GM 79 Grenade Launcher, this gun can obliterate in a boss fight, just like the STAKE.
• Infinite ammo is highly recommended for proper use and for more fun in New Game Plus
• Based off the Colt 1851 Navy Revolver, giving a nod to its legacy in films and in warfare.
How to find:
You can find this weapon hidden away at the last house with locked doors. This handgun is marked as Moreau's Hidden Weapon on the map.