Having the right settings can either relieve frustration or delight you with something unexpected. Before we dive into it, the basics: to find the settings, just move your cursor to the top of the screen and a bar will reveal itself. Click the gear icon. Let’s get into it!
The settings menu on Trackmania 2020. No complaints, it's not meant to be exciting.
1. Bind Cameras
You can’t see where you are going on ice or you get a bad view in a loop.
Change your cam at the press of a button. In the game, there are three main cameras to choose from. Cam 1, which is behind and above the car, points in the direction of your momentum. Cam 2 is behind and more level with the car and points in the same direction as the car. And Cam 3, which sits in the front of the car and looks straight ahead. (Note there are also alternates of each cam, which are slight variations.) Sometimes the mapper forces you’re cam to change, other times you’ll need to do it manually.
- 1. > Settings > Input > Change Camera.
- 2. Bind your preferred key.
2. Analog Sensitivity (Controller Users)
Something doesn’t feel right with your analog stick. Too sensitive on the turn? Or not sensitive enough?
It’s simple, you can adjust your analog sensitivity. You will need to play around with it to find what suits you best. Try the extremes first to see which side you lean towards.
- 1. > Settings > Input > Analog Sensitivity.
- 2. Set it to what you will.
3. Analog dead zone (Controller Users)
You’re not touching the joystick, but your car still steers. Huh!?
Depending on the brand or age of your controller, the analog stick may lean towards one side or the other. You can change the ‘Deadzone’, i.e. the angle to which your joystick won’t steer.
- 1. > Settings > Input > Analog dead zone.
- 2. Set it to what you will.
4. Show/Hide Interface
The cluttered info on screen distracts you when you drive.
Sometimes you need to go full focus. Tm2020 has made that easy. At the press of a button, you can hide all the info and give your full attention to the track.
- 1. > Settings > Input > Show/Hide Interface.
- 2. Bind your preferred key.
5. See the World and Regional Records
You want to see how the best are driving a track, but you don’t know where to see it.
TM2020 has a record leaderboard on the left of the screen if enabled. You can see worldwide records or regional ones. Note you need Standard Access to see the times, and Club Access to watch the ghosts.
- 1. > Settings > Interface > Miscellaneous.
- 2. Select ‘Always display records.’
- 3. Go to a map.
- 4. Click on the eye next to a record. Now, you will see its ghost as you drive. You can select multiple ghosts. You can also see the record in the world or per region by clicking the arrows.
- 5. To watch a ghost, click the eye then click on the name.
6. Corrupted Installation
You get an error message on launch that reads “Corrupted installation. Please verify files integrity or reinstall the game.”
The clue is in the error message… Either verify the file integrity or reinstall the game.
Option A: Verify the game files
- 1. Go to Ubisoft Connect.
- 2. Navigate to: Trackmania > Properties.
- 3.Click on ‘Verify files.’
Option B: Reinstall
7. Laggy, Jumpy Car
When playing online your car lags or teleports randomly.
This is a tough one because there are multiple reasons this could be happening. Maybe it’s the game? Maybe it’s your network?
Option A: Set your network speed
- 1. In Trackmania, go to: Settings > System > Network.
- 2. Set the ‘Speed’ to your internet speed.
Option B: It’s your internet
- 1. If you are on a wireless network, that could be the problem. Reset your router.
8. FPS Issues
Your FPS drops and varies.
The solution lies in the graphics settings. Either you want to limit the maximum FPS or you need to set the GPU & CPU Synchronization or your running it windows borderless.
Option A: Limit FPS
- 1. In Windows, go to: Settings > Display.
- 2. Scroll to the bottom, click on ‘Advanced display settings.’
- 3. Select your monitor under ‘Choose display.’
- 4. Find the Refresh rate (Hz). Keep that number in mind.
- 5. Open Trackmania.
- 6. Go to: Settings > Graphics > Quality.
- 7. Adjust the ‘Maximum Fps to be the same as your Refresh rate (Hz).
Option B: GPU & CPU Synchronization
- 1. In Trackmania, go to Settings > Graphics > Synchronization.
- 2. Set it to 1 or 2 frames.
Option C: Windows borderless vs Fullscreen
- 1. In Trackmania, go to: Settings > Graphics > Display.
- 2. Change the ‘Display mode’ to Fullscreen.
9. Poor Graphics
You don’t have the best hardware, but you also want something nice to look at.
You’ll have to play around with the settings to find what works for your setup, but note that with low settings everywhere, texture filtering can do a lot for you.
- 1. Play around with the settings.
- 2. Set ‘Texture filtering’ to Anisotropic 16x.
- 3. If there are lag issues, lower it until there aren’t any!
10. Get Rid of Names Above Opponent Cars
When you are racing against others, you see their names above their cars.
Simple, there’s one button. That button, you need to press. Once it’s pressed, the names go away.
- 1. Press the button below your escape key. This toggles the names on and off.
11. Get Rid of Distracting Opponent Cars
When you are racing live, you see your opponents and it throws you off.
Once more, there’s a special button. Note this does not work in Royal, but it does for the rest of the modes.
- 1. Press the letter ‘O’ to toggle opponents on and off.
12. Install a Plugin with Openplanet
You can’t do something specific the base game does not allow, like check the number of checkpoints, see the medal times on-screen or view your inputs.
Openplanet is the hub for all plugins and more. Once installed, you can download and install plugins from within Trackmania. Simple, useful, appreciated. Thanks Openplanet devs.
- 1. Go to openplanet.nl.
- 2. Click on ‘Download for Trackmania.’
- 3. Then select the latest version to download.
- 4. Run the Installer. Although it is an unrecognized publisher, Openplanet is safe to install.
- 5. Choose the install location. This should be where Trackmania.exe is. If you installed it with Ubisoft, it will be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Trackmania
- 6. Once installed, open Trackmania, then press F3 to open the Openplanet top bar menu.
- 7. To install a plugin, select Plugin Manager > Open Manager and choose a plugin from the window. See below for recommendations on what to install.
13. Performance Issues on Big Maps
You are playing a massive map with loads of checkpoints and your PC is struggling.
You’ll need Openplanet for this one (see above). Install the plugin Tweaker, not only can you change the render distance, but you can also change the Level of Detail.
- 1. Make sure you have Openplanet Installed (see #12 above).
- 2. Click F3 to bring up the top bar.
- 3. > Plugin Manager > Open Manager.
- 4. Choose ‘Popular’ and find ‘Tweaker.’
- 5. Select Info and then Install.
- 6. Nice!
- 7. To edit the Render Distance and Level of Detail, go to Openplanet > Settings > Tweaker.
14. See Medal Times
You want to know what times to aim at.
You’ll need Openplanet for this one (see above). Find the Ultimate Medals plugin and install it.
- 1. Make sure you have Openplanet Installed (see #12 above).
- 2. Click F3 to bring up the top bar.
- 3. > Plugin Manager > Open Manager.
- 4. Choose ‘Popular’ and find ‘Ultimate Medals.’
- 5. Select Info and then Install.
- 6. Nice!
- 7. When you’re on a map, you’ll see the medal times and your personal best on the left of the screen.
- 8. To edit what information is shown, go to: Openplanet > Settings > Ultimate Medals.
15. See Number of Checkpoints
On longer maps, especially the RPG style, you want to know what checkpoint you’re on so you don’t take the wrong checkpoint.
You’ll need Openplanet for this one (see above). Find the Checkpoint Counter plugin and install it.
- 1. Make sure you have Openplanet Installed (see #12 above).
- 2. Click F3 to bring up the top bar.
- 3. > Plugin Manager > Open Manager.
- 4. Choose ‘Popular’ and find ‘Checkpoint Counter.’
- 5. Select Info and then Install.
- 6. Nice!
- 7. When you’re on a map, the counter will appear above your timer as 1/5 format.
16. Why Wait Aimlessly for a Matchmaking Match?
Sometimes you can wait a few minutes for matchmaking to find you a match, all the while you’re twiddling your thumbs.
You’ll need Openplanet for this one (see above). The AFK queue tool puts you in the matchmaking queue, but it allows you to go do other things in the game. Once a match is found, it automatically adds you to the server.
- 1. Make sure you have Openplanet Installed (see #12 above).
- 2. Click F3 to bring up the top bar.
- 3. > Plugin Manager > Open Manager.
- 4. Choose ‘Popular’ and find ‘AFK Queue Tool.’
- 5. Select Info and then Install.
- 6. Nice!
- 7. Go to the top bar once more (F3 to toggle).
- 8. > Scripts > AFK Queue Tool.
- 9. In the window, select ‘Enter Queue.’
- 10. Go refine your lines on a campaign track while you wait :)
17. Learn How to Speedslide
Fullspeed tracks often require you to speedslide to get the Author Medal. It’s a really hard technique to learn.
You’ll need Openplanet for this one (see above). The acceleration trainer visualizes the acceleration of your car. It’ll give you a bit more information as to whether you’ve nailed or failed or speedslide.
- 1. Make sure you have Openplanet Installed (see #12 above).
- 2. Click F3 to bring up the top bar.
- 3. > Plugin Manager > Open Manager.
- 4. Choose ‘Popular’ and find ‘Acceleration Trainer.’
- 5. Select Info and then Install.
- 6. Nice!
- 7. Open a map.
- 8. Once again go to the Openplanet top bar (toggle on and off with F3).
- 9. > Openplanet > Settings > Acceleration Trainer.
- 10. Here you can move the display and resize it.
18. Improve Your Gear Management
You want to improve your gear management, but it’s a bit confusing.
You’ll need Openplanet for this one (see above). The AFK queue tool puts you in the matchmaking queue, but it allows you to go do other things in the game. Once a match is found, with a click of a button it transports you into your match.
- 1. Make sure you have Openplanet Installed (see #12 above).
- 2. Click F3 to bring up the top bar.
- 3. > Plugin Manager > Open Manager.
- 4. Choose ‘Popular’ and find ‘Dashboard.’
- 5. Select Info and then Install.
- 6. Nice!
- 7. Open a map.
- 8. Once again go to the Openplanet top bar (toggle on and off with F3).
- 9. > Openplanet > Settings > Dashboard.
- 10. Here you can move the display and resize it.
19. Visualize Your Inputs (Controller Users)
You’re not sure if you are steering 30% or 70% or 100%.
You’ll need Openplanet for this one (see above). The Dashboard shows you how far you are pushing the analog stick.
- 1. Make sure you have Openplanet Installed (see #12 above).
- 2. Click F3 to bring up the top bar.
- 3. > Plugin Manager > Open Manager.
- 4. Choose ‘Popular’ and find ‘Dashboard’.
- 5. Select Info and then Install.
- 6. Nice!
- 7. Open a map.
- 8. Once again go to the Openplanet top bar (toggle on and off with F3).
- 9. > Openplanet > Settings > Dashboard.
- 10. Here you can move the display and resize it.
20. Action Keys (Percentage Steering)
You want to steer exactly 70% for the perfect line. That’s impossible on a keyboard and really, really hard on an analog stick.
Trackmania has what are called Action Keys. By default, they are bound to your Numpad or numbers. 1 sets your steering to 10%, 2 to 20% and so on. What that means is that when you are full steering with an Action Key pressed, you’ll steer at its percentage. Note that to reset it you’ll need to press 0. You can change the keys they are bound to under Input.
- 1. > Settings > Input > Player Bindings.
- 2. Bind Action Slot 1-9 as you like.
21. Change the 3 Letters on Your Car (Trigram)
You don’t know how to edit the 3 letters on your car.
On the rop of your car, there are 3 letters. These are the letters that define you. They are your identity, your reputation, the decal that represents you. By default, it sets it to the first 3 letters of your Ubisoft username, but you can change that.
- 1. > Settings > Profile > Trigram.
- 2. Set it as you like.
22. Change Your Skin
You want to customize your skin.
You’ll need Club Access for this one. There are three options here, either you can upload your own skin, create a skin in-game or choose a skin from one of the clubs.
For all options you’ll need to go to: Create > Garage.
Option A. Upload skin.
- 1. > Upload Skin.
- 2. Select your downloaded skin.
- 3. Voila!
Option B. Create a skin.
- 1. > Create Skin.
- 2. Play around with the tools.
- 3. Voila!
Option C. Get a club skin.
- 1. > Club Skin.
- 2. Find the club.
- 3. Choose skin.
- 4. Voila!
23. Custom Horn/Honk
You want your horn to be something different, something fresh.
You can create your own horn with whatever sound you like, but make sure it is a .wav or .ogg, that it’s in the right place and that it’s less than 10s long. Once more, you need Club Access for this.
- 1. Make your sound clip in your software of choice, but make sure that the file is:
- a) Less than 10s long.
- b) Mono output.
- c) In .ogg or .wav format.
- d) It is named ‘horn.ogg’ or ‘horn.wav’
- 6. Paste your sound file in: Documents > Trackmania2020 > Skins > Models > CarSport > [Your Skin Name].
- 7. In Trackmania, go to: Garage > Create and reload your skin.
24. Maximum Mapping Control
You want to get creative with the mapping, but you feel limited.
Standard Access is required for this. Trackmania has an Advanced Editor with a Freeblocking setting that allows you to rotate blocks to various degrees.
- 1. > Create > Map Editor > Create a New Map > Mouse & Keyboard > Advanced.
- 2. Choose the Freeblocking option.
- 3. Use + and - to rotate blocks.
25. Stop the Ingame Adverts
You’re annoyed by the display adverts in-game.
Standard Access is required to disable these, but luckily there is an option to disable them.
- 1. > Settings > Profile > Privacy.
- 2. Deselect display Adverts.