Why Naruto Is Popular: 10 Reasons Fans Love It

30 Oct 2023

Naruto is one of the most popular anime of all time with 720 episodes, 72 full manga volumes and over 60 different video games. All of which you can find in over 150 countries around the world. Even people who don’t watch anime have probably heard of Naruto. With its pilot episode airing in 2002 most original fans are in adulthood (or on their way there), giving Naruto a very nostalgic feel for those who were able to grow alongside the character. For the newer audience, this coming of age story grips attention with humor, excitement, drama and of course, super cool ninja fights. 

The story follows Naruto Uzumaki and friends in an epic adventure about friendship, strength and the determination to never give up. Kishimoto, the inventor of Naruto, revamped what everyone knows to be a traditional ninja by giving the characters special powers called jutsu. These jutsu’s combined with awesome dialogue, beautiful art styles, super cool music, and incredible battles make for some of the most spectacular scenes in any anime.


10. Epic Fights

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In a world full of ninjas, samurai and other special creatures it is no surprise that battles occur. It is not unusual in this world for training to begin at a very young age. Children in Naruto begin Academy at ages seven or eight and will attend for four years graduating around the age of twelve. There are some instances in which parents will begin training their child themselves much sooner. With a main theme being that hard work will beat out natural ability, the characters who had this special, longer training were quite often much more powerful fighters. The fights in Naruto are often very intense. The characters are emotional and are always fighting for something or someone important to them. Due to this, a large portion of battles unfortunately go until one opponent is incapacitated or has died. 

In the first fight of the Naruto series, Naruto along with his teacher Iruka, battle a mercenary ninja by the name of Mizuki. Although Iruka was seriously injured, Naruto was able to defeat his foe, saving both his own and his teacher's life. This battle segues Naruto's character into an entirely different direction than it had previously been going. This fight, as well as every fight throughout the story, adds intense plot buildup and heavy character development. The animators also did their part by using bright colors and fluid movements to make a visually satisfying scene that holds attention and tells a story. Some fans might claim this anime to have the best fight scenes of any anime. 


9. The Hero

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It is no surprise that Naruto is the most beloved character in his own franchise. The fans are able to watch not only his birth during the series, but also his entire life, including his marriage and the birth of his children eventually. Due to this longevity people have grown attached to the sentiment of Naruto and everything he stands for. He is the son of the fourth Hokage but doesn’t find out until the fourth season. In fact, as a child Naruto knew very little of anything. Of his family, of why the town members seemed to hate him, and even any ninjutsu or basic schooling as he was a big troublemaker and did almost anything other than train or pay attention in class. 

Although he begins very weak, through hard work, determination and sheer willpower he alters his own course. His first big step was saving the leaf village, then later saving the entire world. He eventually secures his dream of becoming the Hokage and being respected and loved by everyone. Naruto will do anything for his friends or to protect someone and strives throughout the series to become respected by those who don’t believe in him. Naruto inspires fans to do the absolute best they can do in anything and to never give up.


8. Life Lessons

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There are many life lessons that occur throughout Naruto that fans are able to draw back on in any stage of life. One that you can see immediately and all throughout is that families can be a mix of anyone. Most families throughout Naruto are broken in some way due to the wars that happened previously or other unfortunate events. Naruto himself was orphaned due to a battle during one war. Another predominant lesson would be to never judge a book by its cover. The village people that shunned Naruto as a child for being the Jinchuriki of the nine-tailed beast, had to learn that he wasn’t a monster despite harboring one inside. 

Throughout the Naruto series, fans are able to see that anyone can change their own destiny. Gara, a Jinchuriki bred only for war and to be a monster is able to break that notion and become the Kage of his Hidden Village. Many more characters also follow this same path. Arguably the most important lesson to take away from Naruto is to never give up. Naruto taught fans to never give up on their friends, no matter how far gone they may seem. He was able to retrieve Sasuke back as his friend in the very end. He taught fans to never give up on what they believe in and who they want to become. These lessons are beneficial to anyone that hears them and fans essentially live by them. 


7. Jutsu

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Jutsu literally translates to techniques, arts, or skills. Jutsu are the skills ninjas use either in battle or when in need. Each jutsu is ranked on a list from E rank to S rank. E rank jutsus are basics that every ninja learns in Academy and are easy to learn. S ranks are the opposite. Being secret and extremely advanced these techniques are typically only used by a single ninja. There are three main types of jutsu, 21 subjutsu types and four special blood limit types. The special blood limit types consist of kekkai genkai and three other super advanced levels of jutsu. Kekkai genkai are DNA anomalies that are very rare and are usually passed down in a clan. In the early story the character Haku is shown to have one. 

The three main types of jutsu are ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu. Ninjutsu translates as ninja techniques and covers most jutsus. Most will need the use of chakra and/or hand seals with a few exceptions. Genjutsu translates to illusionary techniques and uses chakra but no hand signs. Unlike ninjutsu and taijutsu the effects of this jutsu aren’t real but only sensory illusions that cause the victim to believe that they are real. Taijutsu is the use of body techniques or more apt, hand to hand combat. There are no hand signs needed and usually no chakra although chakra may be used to enhance certain techniques or body parts. Overall, jutsu is an incredibly interesting addition to an already beloved anecdote and shows why fans have dubbed this anime ‘one of the big three’. 


6. Characters

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Being such a long series it makes sense that there are a huge amount of characters throughout Naruto. What is surprising is that all characters are unique and thought out. Most characters (yep, even the side characters) have fully fleshed out backstories. The characters are very relatable as well, having circumstances occur that normal people can connect with. From Sakura feeling insecure about herself early in the story, to Shikamaru losing a loved one later on. The characters feel very real and have heavy plot influence. 

The villains throughout the series are also some of the best of any anime, some fans might say. They often have tragic backstories that cause many fans to sympathize with them and they usually are very powerful and have special, unique abilities. No matter which side of the story a fan were to prefer though, all can agree that the characters in Naruto are first-rate. 


5. The Dialogue

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Naruto has great action, but it is known for having (if not too much) fantastic dialogue. Shonen anime are known for having a large amount of filler episodes but Naruto happens to have the second most of all anime. Filler episodes are episodes that do not add to the main story, or alter relationships between characters. They simply take up space in the series. This might be a drawback for some as it takes much longer to watch and is slow to progress at times but most fans love the thoroughness. The amount of dialogue that is added in fillers helps to expand on characters' personalities and add more ways for fans to connect to them. 

The Naruto series has not only a lot, but many instances of very good dialogue. Using his words Naruto is able to change the ways of many villains he encounters. He will always attempt to speak to his foe before resorting to violence. Many quotes are very deep and emotional and build on plot and character development. The dialogue that occurs throughout is a key element to what makes the Naruto series so good. 


4. Music and Art Style
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Between all of the openings and endings, the two different versions and all of the movies and videogames, there are hundreds of Naruto soundtracks. Many fans rank the soundtrack from Naruto as one of their overall favorites from any anime. The battle music is intense and energizing and the music during a death is solemn and brings heavy emotions. For every circumstance the music is fitting and adds to the atmosphere of what is happening in the story. Many different animators and artists worked to complete Naruto, giving it a very unique and detailed look. The music is able to tell a story all on its own but combined with the art style in the animation or the mangas it creates a work of art that keeps fans coming back. 


3. Ninja World

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Although the planet is still called Earth, this world is very different from our own. This Earth has only one large continent with many different countries located on it. There are nine major countries and nearly forty smaller countries. There are many regular villages and cities throughout the continent but also thirty-nine hidden villages where ninja typically live and train. Borrowing from feudal Japan, the different countries are ruled by Daimyo. The hidden villages are ruled by the village heads, sometimes referred to as the Kage. These Kage are essentially generals of their countries, dealing with all shinobi matters. 

Having a multitude of interesting flora and fauna specifically created for it, this planet is extremely interesting to learn about and watch as our protagonist scales any distance needed to secure his dream. The Shinobi world has a history that dates back thousands of years before the plot of the Naruto story actually begins. This shows how incredibly detailed and well thought out that this world is. 


2. Creatures

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The Shinobi world is full of not only regular humans, animals and ninjas, but also special types of creatures as well. There are typical fantasy creatures such as basilisks or talking frogs, along with size variations for any creature. For example, giant hawks or bugs one thousand times their regular size. There are also completely new creatures invented for the Naruto universe, many based off of Japanese mythology. These creatures play a huge part throughout the series as many enter into summoning contracts with various ninja. 

The summoning technique allows the user to transport something (usually an animal) to their location. This can be incredibly useful in battles as these summoning creatures usually have impressive abilities that can aid their human counterparts. The tailed beasts in Naruto are the most powerful summoning creatures. There are nine individual tailed beasts that when combined create one massive all powerful ten tailed beast. Each tailed beast when not roaming free in the wilderness resides within a ninja. These ninjas, while having a tailed beast inside them, are called jinchuriki and are far more powerful than regular ninjas. 

Naruto himself is a jinchuriki for the nine tailed beast. This excess power is what allows Naruto to get as far as he does. Without the massive amount of chakra he gains from his tailed beast, he would have surely died many times throughout the series. Naruto also gains other summoning creatures as he trains and gets older. The giant toads of Mount Myoboku aid Jiraiya and eventually Naruto as he works to gain their trust and eventually signs a contract with him. Throughout the story, creatures play a massive part and add interesting flairs to the development of the plot. 


1. Storyline

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The storyline of Naruto embellishes on an already interesting narrative and redefines what a ninja is in the modern day. It is not only relatable with tons of characters to learn, to love and to follow through life, but it is exciting, dramatic and overall very heartwarming. The plot is extensive and preplaned with the entirety of the story spanning thousands of years. 

The Naruto series is able to capture the buildup of the story at its peak and its resolve at its end by Naruto and his teammates. This story is extremely inspiring to its many fans. Naruto starts literally at point zero, with nothing and noone at his side. He is able by the end of the story to achieve all of his dreams. Many other characters are also able to follow in Naruto's steps and complete their own dreams. The plot is huge and super deep, taking many fans months if not years to complete the series. However, most will say it is absolutely worth it.

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