Addons are player-made modifications to the default WoW interface. By modifying or replacing Lua/XML code, players have been able to streamline how we receive, view, collect, and interpret information already in the game.
Almost all addons are legal, as they don’t change the code of the game itself and in fact, we can tell from the recent UI changes made by Blizzard for the launch of Dragonflight (the first meaningful UI changes ever), that they agree that many of these alterations are much better than the default UI ever was in previous expansions.
We’ve put together a list of the best gold-making addons in the game. Gold is the in-game currency necessary to pretty much every facet of the game and finding efficient ways to fill your coffers can be its own mini-game. Many players play exclusively to dominate the auction house, become crafting professionals, or even just zone out and mindlessly kill mobs for gold. No matter how you do it, we’ve got an addon for you, read on to find out the top 10 best gold-making addons for Dragonflight.
10. FasterLoot
Youtube Link: Addons For Gold Making And Gold Farming in Dragonflight World of Warcraft - YouTube
This is a simple addon that is great for those that like to log on, zone out, and just kill some mobs. It speeds up the loot speed to almost instantaneous which is great when you’re killing dozens of mobs at a time. Normally there is a built-in delay because Blizzard thinks that we want to see what we’re looting. Even for individual mobs, you can notice the difference in the time it takes to loot, and when you multiply that by hundreds of mobs, you end up saving a ton of time.
Why FasterLoot Is Great For Making Gold
- Makes looting more efficient
- Works seamlessly with Blizzard loot systems i.e Master Loot which is great for those who are group farming
Get Addon Here: Faster Loot - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
9. Quartz
Youtube Link: BEST Custom Cast Bar Addon | WoW Quartz Addon Guide - YouTube
This may seem like it’s completely coming out of left field but trust me having this addon is great for managing your time, especially when you are using crafting professions to make gold. Quartz is a cast bar addon well known for being highly customizable. However, we can use this cast bar ability to save us time, especially when you become more adept at making gold and are working with bulk items. When we craft hundreds of items this cast bar will adjust to show us the total amount of time that it’s going to take to make all those items. If you’re cooking ten thousand fish, now you know that it will take you 28 minutes, you can set a timer and go do something else. It’s all about efficiency!
Why Quartz Is Great For Making Gold:
- Manage your time easily
Get Addon Here: Quartz - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
8. BuyEmAll
Youtube Link: Addons for Goldmakers in Dragonflight! New & Old | Dragonflight | WoW Gold Making Guide - YouTube
BuyEmAll is another great addon for those who are using crafting professions to make tons of gold. When using the default UI, there are limits to how many crafting reagents you can buy from an NPC, a “stack”. This addon lets you work around that by entering the number that you want, and the addon will buy the number of stacks to reach that. This will save you a ton of time.
Why BuyEmAll Is Great For Making Gold:
- Works around a limitation in the default UI
- Has an auto-fill feature that, when pressed, will fill incomplete stacks
- Allows you to buy however much of the item you want, even if you want an odd number that doesn’t fit into a “stack” size
- Features that allow you to fill up your inventory with the item, or how much of the item you can afford with your current gold
Get Addon Here: BuyEmAll for Dragonflight - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
7. Journalator
Youtube Link: Addons for Goldmakers in Dragonflight! New & Old | Dragonflight | WoW Gold Making Guide - YouTube
Like in real life, tracking your spending and income is always a smart fiscal decision. That’s where Journalator comes in. This addon tracks your sales, giving you information on what is selling and what is not. For those with some experience using auction house addons, it is basically the same thing as the TSM ledger. However, TSM has been super buggy since Dragonflight launch and I’ve found that this is just simpler and more reliable.
Why Journalator Is Great For Making Gold:
- Gives you data on what items are selling and at what prices and what items are not
- Also tracks your live postings of items on the auction house
- Keeps track of months’ worth of data for those players who want to track patterns in the market
Get Addon Here: Journalator - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
6. Blizzmove/Demodal
Youtube Link: Addons for Goldmakers in Dragonflight! New & Old | Dragonflight | WoW Gold Making Guide - YouTube
This is a great quality-of-life addon that modifies the windows that track various currencies, reputations, or auction houses, allowing you to move them about your screen. This may seem small but in fact, with the default UI you can only open up certain windows at a time, and opening another will close the first one. This is extremely annoying when you’re trying to manage your bags, profession tabs, and auction house tab all at the same time. These two addons de-anchor the windows and allow you to move them around the screen, resize them, and have as many as you want open at the same time.
Why Blizzmove/Demodal Is Great For Making Gold:
- If you’re at the auction house, or have the mount with the portable auction house, you can keep that window open, plus your bags, and profession tabs at the same time instead of constantly having to be rotating through them.
Get Addon Here: BlizzMove - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
DeModal - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
5. PointBlankSniper
Youtube Link: Addons For Gold Making And Gold Farming in Dragonflight World of Warcraft - YouTube
For the auction house aficionado who doesn’t want to bother with crafting or farming mats for themselves. This addon is used to scan the auction house constantly for great deals that you can turn around and flip for a profit. You do need to stand by the auction house to keep the scans running, but it’s great for those who are watching a movie on a second screen or afk’ing while they work from home.
Why PointBlankSniper Is Great For Making Gold:
- It scans super-fast, under 1 second per scan, depending on the size of the item sets you’ve established
- You can set the parameters, looking for items that are 50% of their average price, or any other percent you want, the addon will buy it
Get Addon Here: Point Blank Sniper - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
4. Better Fishing
Youtube Link: The # 1 Must Have Gold Making (Fishing) Addon That Will Change Your Life In World of Warcraft - YouTube
Fishing is usually a pretty divisive profession. Those that swear by it have the profits to prove it, but the detractors have an equally good point, it’s boring. So boring. Waiting for your little bobber to move, then having to mouse over and click on it, it’s not enough action to be interesting, and not quite mindless enough to wear you can focus on another screen. This addon changes all that.
Why BetterFishing Is Great For Making Gold:
- This is as close as you can get to AFK fishing, by binding your interact button, this addon lets you press the button once to cast, and once when the lure bobs. The best part…you don’t need to have your mouse over the bobber anymore!
- Now you can put this on a second screen with the sound up and just press the button once to cast, and once to reel the fish in when a noise sounds
Get Addon Here: Better Fishing - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
3. Auctionator
Youtube Link: 10 Must-Have Addons for Goldmakers in Dragonflight! New & Old | Dragonflight | WoW Gold Making Guide - YouTube
Auctionator has, for the time being, replaced TSM as the go-to auction house all-purpose addon. Whether TSM will have the bugs fixed or reduced is left to be seen but for those familiar, this is essentially a watered-down version of TSM. It’s also great for newer players who aren’t ready to jump into the huge and overwhelming amount of customization that TSM has.
Why Auctionator Is Great For Making Gold:
- Allows you to easily, post, cancel, and shop on the auction house and customize each function
- Has a feature, “To Craft” that will appear in your professions window that is calculated by Auctionator based on the current prices. It will show you how much an item will cost to craft
Get Addon Here: Auctionator - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
2. Craftsim
Youtube Link: 10 Must-Have Addons for Goldmakers in Dragonflight! New & Old | Dragonflight | WoW Gold Making Guide - YouTube
This addon works particularly well with Auctionator. That’s because it will take the prices that Auctionator is monitoring and compute which item you can craft that will make the most profit.
Why Craftsim Is Great For Making Gold:
- The best addon to calculate the new profession stats that were introduced in Dragonflight to calculate your most profitable item to make
Get Addon Here: CraftSim - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
1. TradeSkillFluxCapacitor
Youtube Link: Must-Have Addons for Goldmakers in Dragonflight! New & Old | Dragonflight | WoW Gold Making Guide - YouTube
If we were to generalize gold-making into two schools of thought, the first would be farming and crafting big-ticket items that sell for a lot but are hard to farm/make. The second would be working with smaller profit items but selling in bulk. I personally find the second one to be more consistent (doesn’t have the same excitement potential though), and this addon is super helpful for that process of making gold.
Why TradeSkillFluxCapacitor Is Great For Making Gold:
- When unraveling mats or shuffling between professions, you have to manually re-enter a stack into the window every time you are done. While this may seem like not much, when you are working with tens of thousands of items, it can be quite annoying. This addon automatically queues the next stack into the window, which saves time and clicks. If you’ve noticed a theme throughout the article, you’ll know why I value addons like this so highly! Time is money friend!
Get Addon Here: TradeSkillFluxCapacitor - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
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